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Yikes! (Books and hotcakes)

Yesterday I posted that there were only 12 more of the two-book specials available. Figured it would take a few days to work through all those.

Yikes. Eight orders so far this morning for the two-book deal. Four left.

I’ll keep offering other specials. But looks as if this one will be over by the end of the day today, or early tomorrow morning at the latest. Sorry. But also THANK YOU.

Four …

Three …

Two (as of 1:00 p.m. PST) …

One (as of 3:30 p.m. PST) …


You can still buy the two books together, but now at the regular price. But hey, you still get the autographs and the free shipping. 🙂


  1. Jim B.
    Jim B. October 18, 2010 7:31 pm

    Normally I would’ve taken you up on your offer before. However, I’ve struck my own limit of using the credit cards and was waiting til things settled down some.

    In a few days, i’ll be able to buy the books. However I’ll wait til the printer’s mistake with one of the books is corrected. If I’m going to pay “regular prices” then I want the books to be as good as possible. Sorry.

  2. Pat
    Pat October 19, 2010 12:28 am

    “However I’ll wait til the printer’s mistake with one of the books is corrected.”

    If you’re talking about “Hardyville Tales”, I’ve now read the book and there’s no problem with the gutter. It’s not hard to read — I’ve seen a lot worse! — and it’s being sold at discount, so I don’t think it’s going to be “corrected” (unless of course there’s another printing, which only time will determine).

    The stories, along with additional articles, are a delight to read in continuum, and informative for those non-libertarians who haven’t yet heard freedom’s message.

    It’s your loss if you don’t read the book.

  3. Claire
    Claire October 19, 2010 6:51 am

    Jim B. — Pat’s view of the book’s flaw is also mine. It’s hardly noticeable. But to each his own. I can understand why folks might not want a flawed book. But as to the price …

    IF the error were corrected, the regular price of the book from BHM would be $14.95 plus shipping (they currently sell it for $6.95 plus shipping). IF the error were corrected, I would be obligated to sell the book for a higher price than theirs. Before he knew about the error, Dave asked me to put a $10 permium on autographed copies! Without the flaw, I would be obligated to sell autographed copies of Hardyville Tales for a whopping $24.95. (I’m not comfortable charging for autographs like some puffed-up sports star, but OTOH, it’s understandable that BHM didn’t want me undercutting their prices and affecting their sales after they paid to produce the book.)

    But there’s no new printing on the horizon — sorry. And the current book price takes the flaw into consideration.

  4. Jim B.
    Jim B. October 19, 2010 9:39 am

    Fine, I just wanted to be sure that I’m not paying a “premium” price for the book with the flaw in it, even though I’m fine with paying a bit more for your autograph. I’ll be getting both books by the end of the week.

  5. Tahn
    Tahn October 19, 2010 11:17 am

    I just finished “Hardyville Tales”, at 1:30 am, since I kept picking it up to read “just one more chapter”. Wonderful read, much smoother than the series, which I also greatly enjoyed. Thank you Claire!

    THERE IS NO FLAW! The inside margins just run a slight bit toward the fold. Not even close to a problem and I wouldn’t have noticed if BHM and Claire had not pointed it out. I think this indicates the high standards of Mr. Duffy and crew, which I heartly thank, for both the publishing and the discount.

    This book is a Treasure AND a Great Value!.

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