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Weekend links and news of the weird

Sorrys in advance for being unable to remember now where I got some of these links. I’ve been saving them up for a while. So thanks to The Usual Suspects. 🙂

  • Wanna set up a pot business? Become a nun.
  • Chase Bank holds funds and reports customer to the feds for paying his dog walker.
  • Joel got to this one first, but it’s too pure-and-simply wonderful not to re-blog: the mystery of the squatter in the woods who came and left with no trace. Ghostery to the max!
  • But this … once again takes “small-space living” to crazy extremes. Only in San Francisco. Or New York City. Or London. Or other places that have become hellholes for normal people.
  • Kevin Wilmeth comments on my TZP “constitutional carry” piece and gets it exactly right: “The only downside I can see, honestly, is that celebrating a good thing for what it is, isn’t going to help the sort of prag mindset that still can’t distinguish between long-term strategy and true pre-emptive surrender.”
  • “Sorry, but the real unemployment rate is 9.8%” Srsly? you think it’s that low?
  • Oh brother, someday this crass little millennial will regret his stupid, arrogant words about old people and guns.
  • OTOH … ouch. Stupid, angry people and guns are another matter.
  • Finally, an accurate scale model of the U.S. government. Only not dangerous enough. Or complicated enough. And more purposeful, even if nobody has any idea what the purpose is.


  1. RustyGunner
    RustyGunner April 2, 2016 2:28 pm

    I don’t think the box is that extreme, it’s more space and more privacy than a lot of Navy sailors get shipboard, and not a lot less than they get in barracks. Me, I’m part dog, I think. I’m more comfortable in smaller rooms with lower ceilings. As a short-to-midterm expedient I could live in that box, and just go outside I wanted more space.

  2. mark
    mark April 2, 2016 2:43 pm

    old age and experience vs youth and enthusiasm, does yon millennial not realize the difference between a 200 pound attacker and a 100 pound non=victim is 2 pounds of blued steel? the bullet doesn’t care who fires it, it does the same damage and unarmed is defenseless. I do not choose to be an unarmed victim and telling people to just give their safety into the hands of others is telling them to be good defenseless victims to be preyed on as a justification for controlling them.

  3. Pat
    Pat April 2, 2016 2:51 pm

    The wayback machine looks like a (failed) Rube Goldberg contraption on steroids. But I guess that’s what government is.

    I looked up this guy, Hamilton Nolan, and he’s also made reference to Sanders as an “old socialist.” I wonder if he has an age hang-up. I wonder, too, if he’d laugh at that woman in the photo if she pointed a gun at him?

  4. Laird
    Laird April 2, 2016 4:35 pm

    I enjoyed the scale model of government. As long as we’re sharing amusements, I hope everybody saw’s DARPA satire on government:

  5. Francisco Gruel
    Francisco Gruel April 2, 2016 6:39 pm

    The Hamilton Nolan person has no idea that when one carries a gun everyday, it’s less about the gun and more about the situational awareness one developes.

  6. Joel
    Joel April 2, 2016 8:00 pm

    I once rented a berth in a the front pontoon of a catamaran, and as I recall it was eight feet by about two and a half or three feet. Basically a coffin with a closet. To stand up you needed to open the top hatch. A little stuffy when it rained, but generally it was a comfortable place to sleep. For the situation I was in, it worked. I lived there about six months, until I could afford an apartment.

    But I sure didn’t pay any $400 a month for it.

  7. Eric Oppen
    Eric Oppen April 2, 2016 9:53 pm

    Part of the problem with places like San Francisco, housing-wise, is that between a loony-left local government and legions of NIMBY and BANANA fanatics, getting new housing built is all but impossible, and demand far outstrips supply. And if you get new housing built, the laws are so madly pro-tenant that getting rent collected practically requires an alliance with the local version of the Sopranos. There are reasons I am very glad to be retired from landlording!

  8. LarryA
    LarryA April 2, 2016 10:46 pm

    Doesn’t look to me like Berkowitz is “living” in the box. He’s living in the apartment and sleeping in the box.

    Once interviewed a gentleman who had just won another shooting trophy, at age 80.

    “Ouch,” Love is a many-splintered thing.

  9. Bill St. Clair
    Bill St. Clair April 3, 2016 9:11 am

    731 replies to that gawker article claiming that guns won’t protect old people. I won’t bother joining the gang bang.

    If you click on the photo credit link, it says that the revolver being held by the old lady in the photo is an old toy gun. From back in the days when toys weren’t mandated by law to LOOK like toys, because the police weren’t too stupid and jumpy to tell the difference.

    I used to be excited about my guns. Now I consider them to be emergency equipment, like a fire extinguisher, something that I pray I’ll never need to use, but something that I’ll be very happy I have should I ever need it.

    Might my attacker take my gun away from me and shoot me with it? Sure. Might I stop the perp, dead? Yep. I’ll take my chances. I can’t effectively run away. I’m pretty strong, and know a few very dangerous places to hit a human, but I’d still rather put the red laser dot on the perp and pull the trigger, until the threat is stopped.

  10. Jim B.
    Jim B. April 3, 2016 9:55 am

    The article says 5 million jobs short? Short of what? Last I heard was the total of those of working age with no jobs is almost 93.5 million. Doesn’t include those that given up on looking for jobs.

    Incidentally I did some research and found that the 93.5 million is actually more than was alive during the Great Depression back in the 1930s. Like Claire, I think they’re making use of the underground economy to earn money, otherwise we’d have a revolt already.

    Who’d want to bet the squatter just moved his place to someplace better, for him? He did it the right way, by not leaving any indication that someone was around or leaving any sign leading to his place.

  11. capn
    capn April 3, 2016 4:19 pm

    “According to reports, it was the international squatter symbol”
    What say? If they had the intelligence to open the nearest Boy Scout Manual they would find that symbol listed as the compass marking for indicating North.
    A capital N with the arrow pointing to North. (Usually magnetic North)

    See the perfectly flat stone to the NNW of the compass marker? That is the direction the camp was moved.
    This is a message left for anyone who was a regular visitor to the camp telling them the camp has been moved, which direction and most likely the shape and size of the stone will tell them how far.
    These doofuses will never figure it out as they are relying on formal (college or approved govt school) education for their assumptions of meanings.
    Sheesh a third year scout with some trail making training would see that as a clear direction indicator.

    Has anyone heard of or seen an International Squatter Training Facility?
    How are squatters in Asia supposed to be exposed to this pearl of “International” wisdom?

    International Squatter Symbol … what gibberish.

  12. jc2k
    jc2k April 4, 2016 9:52 am

    Icelanders are currently gathering to (hopefully) lynch the Prime Minister over revelations that he was hiding money offshore as well – livestream:

  13. johnnyreb
    johnnyreb April 9, 2016 6:06 pm

    Thank you Kris…….
    I’ve been telling my lib friends (the few I have left) that try to expound on bath-house Barry”s wonderful recovery that the real rate was about 25%.

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