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Month: October 2010

Book update

Copies of The Bad Attitude Guide arrived from Paladin on Friday and Saturday. Orders on which I had autograph instructions went out immediately. Everything else — orders, gift books, contest-winner books — everything goes out on Monday. If you haven’t told me what name you’d like me to sign to, I’ll either autograph to the name on the order or I’ll “go generic” if you’ve got one of those thousand-nickname names. So speak up now if you have a preference! Now … What would you like for November book specials? Now that you’ve gotten (or are about to get) your…

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Thursday miscellany

Wow. I received a bedazzlement of comments on the porno-scanners post. That shows the power of, the site that gave me the idea and then linked to the piece. Several other blogistas also wrote good rants on the subject and sent readers this way (thank you). Within the next few days, I plan to write a follow-up based on the comments (and the many links commenters provided). Right now, two article deadlines are staring me in the face, so expect a day or two of quiet. But as someone more formidable once said, I’ll be back. Some collected links…


Tuesday miscellany

Forty-three percent of likely voters say neither party represents them. That’s progress. Now, if they’ll only realize that no third-party will ever represent them, either … Hoplophobia. It’s curable. We knew that. Former supermodel Paulina Porizkova has some lovely and candid things to say about aging. I get the feeling you could have a great conversation with this woman. Glass of wine, get a little giddy, let hair down. Lots to say. Via a link dropped by Brian into a recent comments section: Hope Bourne. Amazing woman. Sad ending, but definitely an amazing woman. Funny and sad how our strengths…


Book updates

More good news/bad news on books. The good news is that I signed, packed, and shipped 52 orders today! Whew. All remaining orders that I received as of yesterday early evening will be shipped tomorrow. (Two exceptions — and those two kind people I’ll contact by email.) The bad news — though in a way it’s very good news for me! — is that I’ve already run out of copies of The Bad Attitude Guide to Good Citizenship. Ack. Just when I think orders are going to slow down, they put on a burst of speed. So if I received…


Oppose the porno-scanners. Write a letter (but not to Washington).

I have a friend — very non-political — who loves to travel. But even she, who basically trusts government to do the right thing, was nervous about the porno-scanners now being deployed for the benefit of the security industry and peeping Toms in the TSA. Somehow this topic came up while she and I were on a long drive Friday. She said she longed to return to her favorite country in Asia but “didn’t want anybody looking at my boobs hanging halfway down to my waist.” But! Then she recently saw a news item on TV that included video footage…


Cozy Baker, RIP

A lady named Cozy Baker died this week. “Cozy Who?” you might ask. I doubt that most folks here would ever have heard of her. But to a small universe of artists and appreciators, she was a grande dame, a patron, a saint, a goddess — and even better, a bright, creative, and generous spirit. Cozy Baker founded the Brewster Kaleidoscope Society and is the person most responsible for the modern revival of the kaleidoscope as an artform. She wrote a number of books (including the world’s first-ever book on kaleidoscopes) and encouraged both artists and collectors. Today, ‘scopes are…


Thursday miscellany

Collected stuff: I want to see this when it hits YouTube. (NY Times free subscription link.) Juan Williams was — was — one of the best on NPR. Via (see, I credit you guys, even if you don’t credit me), the clearest explanation you’re ever likely to get about how the foreclosure mess developed. And — surprise, surprise! — government’s in it every step of the way. I’m glad to see that the actions of this principled and gutsy pilot have left the ghetto of political blogs and are hitting the mainstream. May he start a movement. Via Rational…


Book update

Paladin Press will be shipping copies of The Bad Attitude Guide to Good Citizenship to me tomorrow via priority mail. That means I’ll have them Saturday or Monday and will immediately begin shipping your orders to you. I confess that on several days, between orders and work, I got overwhelmed. Overwhelmed in a good way — but still overwhelmed. If you have sent an order and haven’t gotten an acknowledgment from me, please contact me (books at If you’ve ordered via PayPal, your order information will be there (even though, in a few cases I either didn’t receive, or…

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