Documentary filmaker Michael W. Dean and young newscaster/rapper/actor Neema Vedadi have a new film out called “Guns and Weed: The Road to Freedom.” You can view the trailer here. And download the entire film from Freedom Feens (you’ll need a bit torrent client). The film is scheduled to be officially released by a distributor in spring 2011. But you can download with the blessing of the movie’s creative commons license. The online version is NSFW due to language. The spring release will be slightly shorter and cuss-free. In either version, you’ll see some familiar faces, or at least some freedomistas…
19 CommentsMonth: December 2010
OMG. I just learned that Aaron Zelman, founder, guiding spirit, and chief cook and bottle washer of JPFO, has died. More than a week ago. I woke up this morning to a reader’s letter, passed along by BHM’s webmaster, Oliver. I could hardly believe it. Then I found the above-linked mini-obituary that sadly says so little of the man. There should be so much more! I hope there will soon be tributes all over the ‘Net. Aaron and I worked together for seven years. I admired him and even though he could be crazy-making at times, he had one of…
41 CommentsSo. Do you make New Years resolutions? Or are you among the vast, world-weary crowd that considers them useless at best and possibly even an act of self-defeating folly? (“If I write down my intention to lose 20 pounds, I’ll hate myself and maybe even commit seppuku the first time I give in to a Krispy Kreme!”) And if you do ponder and put pen (or electrons) to resolutions … what are the chances of you making progress toward keeping them? I don’t say, “What are the chances of you keeping them?” because I suspect it really is self-defeating folly…
13 CommentsAt the request of one of the people involved, I’ve removed yesterday’s blog about a special offer from Front Sight. I apologize — especially to all you who posted in the comments section and whose words have just been “disappeared.” But the info was originally given to me as a courtesy and the deletion needed to be done as a courtesy, also.
1 CommentSomehow the local animal group has mistaken me for a tech guru, so I’ve ended up being their email contact person and webmaster. Regarding the title of this post, we get letters. Like these. The latest arrived yesterday. I quote [almost] verbatim, changing names to protect the innocent and guilty alike: My name is [Unspeakable] and my wife and I are facing a big transition in our life. We are suppose to adopt a baby in the next few months so we will not be able to give our 3 cats the attention they need. You see 2 of these…
16 Comments“The verdict that may shake Russia.” I damn well hope so. The only thing this guy’s guilty of is challenging authority. Hey, this might work — being “too systemically important” to fail. Worth a try, anyhow. A word that’s been crying out to be invented: screwflation. Juries. They’re starting to rebel. (The good news is from Ellendra in a recent comment section.) Hm. In this economy, people are still quitting their jobs with no new work lined up. The article tsk tsks. But it kinda makes sense — considering screwflation and all. What kind of “justice” system sends somebody to…
2 CommentsMerry Post-Christmas! Happy Pre-New Year! I hope your holidays are being wonderful. Mine are — in large part thanks to you. So in the belated Christmas cheer department … Serious side: Teenager Jeremy Marks, one of the most cosmically abused victims of the “don’t you dare photograph police, you scrofulous peasants” scam, was bailed out by a good Samaritan in time to spend Christmas with his family. The generous Google engineer who got him out of jail also contributed some extra money toward a Merry Christmas. Silly side: Here’s the most ghastly Christmas special of all time. I doubt there’s…
10 CommentsADDED: By popular request (well, one person did ask …) and with thanks to Bill St. Clair for preserving my old web postings: my recipe for Decadent Potato Casserole Great for Christmas. I believe it also appears in the delightful cookbook 101 Things to Cook ‘Til the Revolution (NFI). Via The Digital Story of the Nativity or Christmas 2.0:
9 CommentsBritain formally outlaws its ID card scheme and prepares to destroy the associated databases. Yay, Britain! Getting your friends and family members to take the red pill. The video linked at the end of the article is visually deadly, but makes good listening while playing solitaire. Not too many surprises for awarefolk, and it weasels its way into a sales pitch at the end. But it gives clear info for newbies. A friend mentioned this old Hardyville column the other day. I’d forgotten ever writing it. Good for a laugh, I suppose. And it really is mostly true. Happened to…
8 CommentsThat’s what I was going to call this post: Why the hell would anybody want to be free? Yes, the question would have been rhetorical and no I don’t mean I’m thinking of taking up communism or nihilism instead of the freedomquest. But seriously. You know from experience that being a freedomista often brings you grief. You get the sorrow of watching your country go to hell. The agony of knowing your children will have it worse than you do. You have to put up with the sneers or uncomprehending stares of people who don’t want to hear perfectly sensible…