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Month: November 2011

Wednesday miscellany

Former Seattle police chief knows from experience: cops are blowing it in their handling of OWS. (Tip o’ hat to C^2.) Family reluctantly surrenders its beloved island. I give you one guess as to why. I know you can tell me without even clicking on the link. My dogs could do this. I’m two weeks late learning this. So sad. Diaspora* is a great and hopeful creation. Now here’s a perfect example of how one man’s safe-haven is another person’s nightmare. Joel Skousen has named Tennessee as the best retreat location for people living east of the Mississippi. That’s this…


South Africa sends a warning

wrm, a reader from South Africa, mentioned in recent comments a draconian secrecy bill SA’s government is contemplating and a cartoonist called Zapiro who creates good, pointed cartoons. I thought these two ‘toons, which appeared on successive days, fit our situation as well as SA’s (especially in light of recent bill introductions blogged earlier today). Substitute the word “freedom” for Zapiro’s “democracy” and you’ve got it.


The evil that they do

I usually try to ignore what Congress does or contemplates doing. Not because what they’re up to isn’t dangerous. Ha! Dangerous to liberty defines the very existence of those &^%$#@!s. But because we shouldn’t have to spend our lives in desperate, hysterical reaction to a bunch of scoundrels, criminals, and tyrants. It demeans us to “WRITE YOUR CONGRESSTHING NOW AND TELL IT TO V*TE AGAINST THE LATEST BILL OF RIGHTS DESTROYING MONSTROSITY BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE!!!!!” No, if they’re even thinking about voting against our inborn liberties, then our proper response is … well, never mind. Still, this week there…


People who don’t think

Back when the Vietnam war — and opinions about it — were raging, I volunteered to help conduct a door-to-door survey about it on behalf of a peace candidate. This was at the stage when being anti-war could still get you labeled a commie-pinko-traitor who ought to leave the country if you didn’t love its politicians and generals, so I got a lot of doors slammed in my tender little teenage face. I’ve long since forgotten all the door-slammers and insult screamers. But one woman, I’ll never forget. I knocked on her door, asked if she’d be willing to take…


Monday miscellany

This ad is in totally terrible bad taste. Which is what makes it so good. Seems this South African chicken restaurant has a history of similar terrible taste. And sometimes nicely pointed satire. A Rearden Steel case??? Please tell me you’re kidding. Kind of a shame that Stratfor feels the need to give such basic advice on situational awareness. And never mentions carrying something much better than a flashlight. (Tip o’ hat to A.) “Bailing out the Titanic with a Thimble.” And an interesting week ahead in Europe, heaven help us all.


Santa’s BIG helpers :-)

Stickied. Scroll down for newer posts. Wow. I deliberately didn’t post my Amazon wish list or a donation button this season. You guys have already done too much for me and I know how tough this year’s been for a lot of people. But it seems a mere lack of links doesn’t stop you. 🙂 Last week, multiple Amazon packages for me showered in from reader MJR. DVDs! Emergency gear! (MJR, if you’re out there, please give me a way to thank you.) A mysterious package of California dried apricots I got might have been MJR’s, too, though the apricot…


Wednesday miscellany

Life in prison for cutting off beards? Ridiculous law gets more ridiculous by the minute. And not only in Feddieland. (Money quote is in the final paragraph.) Terrorist entrapments are getting pretty desperate, too. But get the gummint out of the way and people still do amazingly cool things. Speaking of dogs, here’s another awwwww moment. The tidbit about the crucifix chain is what’s interesting here. Hm. Might hit the pawnshops and second-hand stores for that little bit of preparedness. What George Orwell can teach us about police brutality. Polar Pure water treatment and the drug war. I agree with…