I have to admit it; if I were rich I’d have left the U.S. by now. Or I’d at least have prepared a nice little offshore getaway — a vacation place that would be there when the day came that it was really, really, indubitably time to escape. I’m not a rich person. You’re probably not, either. Still, we Americans are living in a country whose government (not our government, but some strange occupation force, some junta that seized power when good people and fools alike weren’t watching) has declared its authority either to assassinate us at will or “disappear”…
82 CommentsMonth: December 2011
Politics, the morality of voting, and the hope or hopelessness of Ron Paul’s candidacy aside … this is worth the donations that could put it (or its shorter versions) on television. ADDED: Dave Duffy has a fine editorial on Paul today, too.
7 CommentsBeen collecting again … Your awwwwww story for the day: An unlikely mother. But this is pretty awww-some, too. Especially if you consider what would have happened had the government gotten to the money before an honest man did. The 10 jobs with the happiest workers. (And I’m in two of those jobs; I should be delirious with joy.) The dogs of Cat Island. This is in some ways a horrible story. Yet so weird it’s funny. BTW, this is from the Paladin Press blog, and if you poke around a bit you’ll find a few entries by somebody you…
16 CommentsI didn’t know this until recently, but when S.W.A.T. magazine first started publishing in the early 1980s, its name wasn’t meant to imply “Special Weapons and Tactics” (aka police SWAT teams). The original name was “Survival Weapons and Tactics.” Well, if you happen to have a copy of the February 2012 issue, which just came out, you might notice that’s what the tagline (just below the title) says once again. Publisher Rich Lucibella and editor Denny Hansen each got the idea independently that the magazine should shift its emphasis from heavy cop-and-soldier material to information for hard times. They were…
22 CommentsJanuary 1 is a really dumb time to start a year. Seriously, you’ve just passed over a nice, handy, logical solstice, and now you’re starting a new year — exactly why? But there you have it. I used to make resolutions on my birthday. Or the solstice. Either of which provides a good marker for newness. But since this is the time when such things are done in public, here I am. Today’s list of resolutions (there may be more to come, depending on time and mood) has to do with preparedness. Got some additional suggestions? Add ’em in the…
12 Comments(ADDED: Just got this first one this morning and had to include it.) Source. My dog Ava: Friends took this photo of their dog on Hollywood’s Walk of Fame. It was the image on their Christmas card this year, with a caption that read … … “May your dreams come true this Christmas.” My sentiments exactly.
14 Comments“All mine?” asks Ava. “Nope,” sez I. A heaping plenty of it is mine. 🙂 The only problem with all these delights (and more to come, according to my Amazon wish list!) is that I’m not certain whom to thank, since several gifts came with no “from” at all. So thank you MSJ, MJR, BL, ST, KK, A, and furrydoc. And you, too, mystery Santas. Care to come through in the comments and let me know who you are? More thanks to the Duffys and the rest of the BHM crew and Rich Lucibella, Denny Hansen, and the friendly folks…
13 CommentsTalk about SHTF! Here’s the blog of somebody who survived a solid year of you-know-what impacting the rotary airfoil. He now teaches others. His English isn’t perfect. Never mind that. (Tip o’ hat to A.) —– And you’ve probably heard about this incredibly lucky young lady rescued from her car in the Arizona highlands after nine days stranded in snow. This article doesn’t say it, but she was apparently on an extended road trip, wandering around with no destination and nobody knowing where she was. In December. A mile above sea level. With snowstorms forecast. With a dead cellphone. With…
13 CommentsI drove all over this town and the next last night looking for a copy of the January Playboy magazine. Used to be, Playboy was a common coffee table magazine, but now that I think about it, I can’t remember the last time I so much as opened a copy. I felt sort of funny questing for it, but I vowed not to mumble or blush or do one of those big explaining things that women do: “You see, I know somebody who’s being profiled in the magazine this month and his article isn’t online, at least not that I…
29 CommentsAn Unexpected Journey: Cool but kinda weird that it looks so much like LOTR.