Whether you agree with her politics or not, this woman handles an encounter with the FBI brilliantly … and gives wise advice on how the rest of us can, too. Of course, the feddies didn’t arrive at her doorstep at 5:00 a.m. in ninja suits and with itchy trigger fingers. But still … brilliantly done, lady. This also makes me realize (once again) that I really need to invest in a video camera. I don’t even have one on my cellphone. Anybody got a used one to sell? Or advice on what I should look for in a video camera…
26 CommentsMonth: May 2012
Morpheus: Let me tell you why you’re here. You’re here because you know something. What you know you can’t explain, but you feel it. You’ve felt it your entire life, that there’s something wrong with the world. You don’t know what it is, but it’s there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. … Do you know what I’m talking about? Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill — the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take…
29 CommentsSign of the times: that the FBI can create a new secret police to spy on the Internet and the big reaction is a nationwide yawn. Is it information overload? Outrage fatigue? Or just acknowledging the reality that “our” government is so out of control, so committed to secrecy, and so determined to rule us no matter what we do that our activist energies are better directed elsewhere? Is the building anger against government so big that it blows right past new secret police agencies? —– Why would this be okay — really, seriously, why would this be judged entirely…
13 CommentsCelebrating the fighters who risk their lives for freedom and justice: Or not. —– Tip o’ hat to C^2 for the Battle of Athens video link, which I’ve been waiting months to use. That’s a fictionalized version, but not so far from the reality.
3 CommentsThis is from the Facebook page of Mike Nelson. I can’t see it, but C^2 sent it along to me: “…that government of the people, by the people, and for the people shall not perish from the earth.” 1863 “Remember the Maine” 1898 “Making the world safe for democracy” 1917 “…an unprovoked and dastardly attack” 1941 “Our purpose is peace. We have no military, political or territorial ambitions in the area.” 1964 “…babies in incubators” 1990 “They hate us for our freedom” 2001 “…weapons of mass destruction” 2003 This Memorial Day, let’s remember the LIES that led us to sacrifice…
10 CommentsCourtesy of Ellendra, here’s an intriguing weekend read for you: “Low-tech solutions to high-tech tyranny” by Brandon Smith: Imagine, if you will, a fantastic near future in which the United States is facing an unmitigated economic implosion. Not just a mere market crash, or a stint of high unemployment, but a full spectrum collapse driven by unsustainable debt spending and hyperinflationary printing. The American people witness multiple credit downgrades of U.S. Treasury mechanisms, the dollar loses its reserve status, devaluation of the currency runs rampant, and the prices of commodities and imported goods immediately skyrocket. In the background of this…
8 CommentsBeen stressed and grouchy dealing with a maddening foster dog who came in at a maddening time and stayed under maddening circumstances. Thank heaven he leaves this morning for doggie reformatory a wonderful program to help pit bulls and pit mixes. And thank heaven wonderful volunteers have stepped up to transport him so I don’t have to. Oh frabjous day, callooh, callay! This has been a great (bad) time for considering things that hack me off. Yeah, yeah, I know that’s not the most noble use of what small brainpower I have. But a little venting is good for the…
43 CommentsHere’s Sweetie the heeler doing her morning yoga: Linda took the photo this morning shortly before taking Sweetie in for the first of her big heartworm treatments — made possible by you. Sweetie had the first of her three immiticide shots today and remains at the vet under close observation. If all goes well, she’ll spend her next month of crate rest in one of Linda’s foster homes, where two “dads” have already fallen in love with her. The foster dads have seen her nippy behavior and seem unflapped by it. (Really helps to have heeler-knowledgeable people on the case.…
3 CommentsYes, Jim. You’re the only person celebrating this anniversary. If you’ve been holding on to any Bigfoot or Yeti DNA, now’s the time to get it analyzed. Why don’t people tell leaders the truth? Heck, why don’t leaders tell people the truth? “Game of Drones.” Depressing. What English sounds like to people who don’t speak it. This is a hoot — not to mention a good dance video. How Spam, the meat*, has survived spam, the … well, you know. Uh oh. Another city government is after another front-yard veggie grower. Train your brain to monk-like focus. Have to try…
30 CommentsOne more for The Snitch Project — probably the last for a while. After this, two writers and our volunteer Kindle-master (with much help already given and more promised from friends of this blog) will get down to serious work on a booklet. Today, a harder aspect of The Snitch Problem: What do you do if you think (or know) you’ve uncovered a snitch? A lot of earlier commentors opine that we just aren’t very likely to recognize snitches in our midst until it’s too late — and possibly not even then. Granted. A really smooth operator might play us…