The 20th anniversary of the ATF’s murderous attack on the Branch Davidians.
65 CommentsMonth: February 2013
Nobody ever tells me these things. I hadda find out from Ragnar’s Freedom Outlaw F*c*b**k page. Anyhow, my cover story from the current issue of BHM, “Hiding a gun: The rule of threes,” is online. —– Also, Ragnar praises new-made Oscar winner Jennifer Lawrence — not just for her acting, which is outstanding, but for her Capital-A Attitude. Amen, Ragnar! Lawrence always comes across as a regular person with a great sense of humor and wacky wit. Likes guns, too. And doesn’t like PETA. And jeez, she’s Katniss Everdeen. How much more perfect can an actress be?
23 Comments… or better yet, a control that powers down all the neurons, snyapses, and whatnot and reactivates them only when something really important happens in real life. Lately, I could use something like that. Power me down to standby mode just like my DVD player. Yeah. It’s been a depressing winter. Not only for the standard seasonal reasons but because the darkness and cold of the real world feel so much like a metaphor for the darkness and cold that are descending on freedom. I had a plan to get temporarily to someplace warmer and lighter than the NorthWET. But…
46 CommentsVictor Davis Hanson: Why once-successful societies decline and die. (H/T S) Ewwwwwwwww! Ewwwwww in a beautiful sorta way, but still ewwwwwww. (H/T S — a different S) For the serious dog walker. (H/T MJR) Ending the police loophole. Great site for keeping track of the great companies who refuse to sell to governments that don’t allow their citizens to own the same equipment. (H/T to J and not sure who else.) This dog can fetch. You might not think that’s newsworthy. But … The Department of Homeland (Achtung!) Security steals Michael Arrington’s boat. And gives it back, but only with…
25 CommentsBoth these came from recent comments sections. But they’ve just got to have more visibility. From Larken Rose via MamaLiberty: From the NRA via Pre-Press Veteran (great, great spot; too bad the NRA doesn’t actually mean it):
9 CommentsAs depressing as these last few months have been for gun rights and freedom, there’s a hopeful “something” in the air. It doesn’t always feel like it, but there’s a subtle freedomista breeze wafting. Those of us who’ve been around a while might be tempted to feel we’re reliving the terrible years of 1993-4. Those were the dark years when the Brady law and the ugly-gun ban clobbered us with a one-two punch and left us thinking we might never get to our feet again. But Joe Biden is right. Oh, don’t worry, he’s right about only one thing, and…
62 CommentsI almost titled this post, “Why I’m thinking so hard about leaving ‘my’ country.” When I first saw this over at Joel’s place … … I assumed he had fallen for some Internet parody. When the second place I saw it was an Alex-Jonesy site, I was relieved. Now I knew the ‘Net was falling hard for somebody’s hilariously awful put on. But apparently, appallingly, it’s no put on. No. It’s no longer merely acceptable for cops to blow away anybody who might be holding a cellphone, a squirt gun, a wallet, or a remote control. They’re actually being conditioned…
41 Comments“Cannabis: The Audacity of Dope.” When Reefer Madness goes legit. Another gun-maker joins the rebellion — and does it in no uncertain terms. (H/T JG) Basset hound and “dad” reunited after 10 years. At the end of December, Bob Owens looked around his local gun stores and wrote, “This isn’t a society stocking up on certain guns because they fear they may be banned. This is a society preparing for war.” (H/T BW) And he mentioned something I can’t recall ever hearing about, though it was an important precursor to the American Revolution: The Powder Alarm. Yep. That’s a good…
14 CommentsActually three dogs and two sets of humans.
One dog (and her human) could use our help. One dog got help — from readers of this blog! — and now has a happy tale to tell.
Because it’s long, I’m trying the “more” code for the first time. And to my amazement, it appears to be working! When you get down there, just click to read the whole entry. You’ll get to pat yourself on the back if you do.
First, the dog(s) in need:
The tale of Fuzzy and Tatter Sawyer
This is Tatter and Fuzzy. They’re littermates, about four months old when this picture was taken in January. They both belong to a New Jersey man named Tony Sawyer.