I’m in one of those moments when life is overly busy and complicated. Happens to all of us, despite our best intentions. (And of course some people — non-me people — actually like it that way.) In this case “busy and complicated” doesn’t imply bad. Not at all. Every part of the rush in this case is good. Is wonderful. Things in both life and work are progressing. They’re just progressing all at once, when I’m more of a one-thing-at-a-time person. In the next couple of weeks, I have to do my part (along with Bill St. Clair and He…
2 CommentsMonth: August 2016
Yesterday I said we’d have to wait to move the blog from JustHost because there was so much else going on. It’s definitely true about the so much else. I was trying to post about Life, the Universe, Etc. this morning, but JH was doing its best to prevent that — just as you guys are increasingly reporting that JH is trying to prevent you from commenting or even reading the blog. It’s obvious that the occasional 502 errors are becoming persistant, obvious that the slight slowness is becoming somewhere between laughable and impossible. Whatever’s wrong at JustHost is progressive…
6 CommentsYou may have noticed two negatives about the blog: slow loading and 502 errors. I’ve also been experiencing them. Often: ERROR 502 – BAD GATEWAY Why am I seeing this page? The server that your request has reached is acting as a gateway or proxy to fulfil (sic) the request made by your client. Web Browser => Web Front-End => Web Back-End This server (Web Front-End) received an invalid response from an upstream (Web Back-End) server it accessed to fulfil the request. In most cases this will not mean that the upstream server is down, but rather that the upstream…
9 CommentsThanks to the amazing work of Bill St. Clair and He Who Fakes It Well, along with the extraordinary tech support at HawkHost, the new member site should be ready for beta testing by Friday. I’ve just invited 10 people to participate (including feralfae and A.G., who volunteered in an earlier comment section). My aim was to choose readers of a variety of backgrounds, interests, and experiences, of both sexes, and ages from youngish to … not-so-youngish. Techies and absolute non-techies alike. But now I’d like to have at least five more volunteers “from the audience.” The only criteria are…
18 CommentsAt The Zelman Partisans, Nicki Kenyon sticks a knife into the (can you believe the manipulative name?) HEART Act. That’s the gun-grabbers’ dream that would end youth shooting sports as we know them and prevent young people from even handling many common types of firearms.
3 CommentsI wanted to avoid a disgruntled rant about JustHost, the company that (still for the time being) hosts the blog and is about to be deprived of its chance to host the new member site. It was enough to say JustHost was a bit slow, error-prone, and lacking in customer service. Enough to say that, since being acquired by some host-devouring conglomerate, it was getting a shocking number of bad reviews. I wanted to be discreet. Polite. Didn’t want to come across as some crazed former customer, brimming with self-righteousness and out for revenge. You know the type. The weirdo…
So I’d just started walking Ava this morning on the trail that winds through town. And a seagull, with obvious deliberation, circles overhead and comes to a landing three feet in front of Ava’s jaws. Then starts walking toward her. Ava has a killer prey drive and has sometimes snatched at birds, cats, and in one case a Chihuahua before I could snatch her back. In this case, though, she was completely nonplussed. She looked at me for guidance. I looked at the gull’s sharp, pointy beak. We both made a long, slow arc around the bird and kept on…
17 CommentsFirst, thanks for all the advice on hosting sites yesterday. I still haven’t decided, but your recommendations have helped (and are helping) me refine wants and needs for the new site. Right now it’s between HostGator and Hawk Host (recommended by Tom Knapp and Brad R, respectively) and HostWinds (not recommended by anybody but coming up to the top on a lot of my criteria). —– Attended an event yesterday at which the Republocrats and the Democans had competing back-to-back booths. Nice high wall between them to avoid riots among competing factions of statists, but still amusing placement. It was…