A ghost story … with science.
13 CommentsMonth: October 2016
If you’re not vacationing on Mars today, you’ve probably heard that the FBI has reopened the investigation into Hillary’s emails. Eleven days before the election and supposedly (well, so they say) unrelated to the ongoing WikiLeaks email dumps. Annnnnd … it now appears that Anthony Weiner is involved! Or maybe it’s Huma. But the NYT says the new Hillary emails came from devices confiscated from the notorious Weinerflaunter after his third — third! — sexting scandal! (OMG, you don’t suppose the Weiner man was sexting with Hil … no, no, the thought can’t even be thunk. Too utterly disgusting, and…
16 Comments… it’s a good wake-up call for anybody who might face a widespread natural disaster (which is, of course, everybody). Last summer, a vast exercise called Cascadia Rising was quietly carried out through the Northwest. For government types and emergency-service providers only, it made barely a bump in the consciousness of ordinary people — which may prove to be the ultimate flaw in its design, but that’s a question for another day. Cascadia Rising was designed to test emergency response in event of a “full rip” earthquake along the Cascadia subduction zone. Full-rip means a monster, a megaquake, 9.0 or…
33 CommentsThe title of James Altucher’s article is “How Dylan Stole the Nobel Prize and You Can, Too.” But of course Altucher being Altucher (either an Outlaw masquerading as a mainstreamer or a mainstreamer cleverly pretending to Outlawdom), that’s not what he’s actually talking about. He’s parsing the Dylan/Hendrix song “All Along the Watchtower” (Hendrix classic version here). Which is, of course, a classic of Outlawry. Here are the lyrics: “There must be some way out of here” said the joker to the thief. “There’s too much confusion, I can’t get no relief. Businessmen, they drink my wine, plowmen dig my…