Month: October 2018
If he wasn’t the single most important voice for freedom, good sense, and respect for children in education, he was certainly among the top three or four. Dead at 82. From the article: Gatto spent nearly 30 years as a teacher in the infamously rough New York City public school system. He was awarded New York City Teacher of the Year three consecutive years while also being recognized as New York State Teacher of the Year in 1991. Over the course of his career, Gatto was recognized by other educators for the rapport he had built with his students. While…
5 CommentsSeven autographed copies of Basics of Resistance are still available. If you ordered your copy before the middle of last week, it should either already be there or arrive in the next day or two. If you ordered after the 25th (DZ, DP, and JM), your books went in the mail this morning and should arrive by next Monday. Grab one of the remaining copies if you want a signed book or want to play Santa for someone who might. Most likely, these will be the last I’ll have to sell for reasons explained at the original announcement. Don’t forget…
1 CommentThe murdering barbarian struck literally in Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood, and at the synagogue where writer Weiss became a bat mitzvah. Every Jewish community in America will now have to make sensible decisions about how to ensure that they are not the next victims of someone like Mr. Bowers. But those hard choices should not make us forget the core values that make communities like Squirrel Hill what they are: welcoming, big-hearted and profoundly decent. One of the gifts of the Jewish experience in America is that because we have been so welcomed and so safe here, these values have been…