- Gab should not have to be explaining itself this way to the WaPo or anybody else.
- Dick’s Sporting Goods — already hit in the pocketbook by its anti-gunnery — is now experimenting with getting entirely out of the gun business. Sebastian calls this folly.
- Are you among the 500 million customers of Marriott’s Starwood Hotels? Then you’re pretty much screwed. That was some serious data they failed to protect.
- Vanderleun sees the remains of his home for the first time since Paradise burned.
- Thanks a bunch, Trump. We’re now about to get the long-dreaded bump-stock ban and a new precedent for regulation-by-fiat. Say Uncle nailed it in two lines.
- Not a good sign: The FBI raids the home of a Clinton Foundation whistleblower. If you’ve been wondering why the DoJ is after Trump while leaving culpable Clintons alone, this goes a ways toward answering your question.
- I don’t often praise the Second Amendment Foundation. But this time they’ve done something right. While the NRA, as usual, keeps its silence after cops shoot a lawfully armed citizen, SAF says it’s time to talk about how to prevent further killings of good guys with guns.
- Three cops in St. Louis went out with the intention of “whooping ass” on street protesters, whether the protesters were violent or not. They miscalculated ever so slightly in their choice of victims.
- ADDED: Amber Guyber, the off-duty Dallas cop who killed her neighbor, Botham Jean, and whose story of mistaking his apartment for her own differs so much with witness accounts, has finally been indicted for murder.
- Mom takes her outrage to the Internet after an airline agent mocked her daughter’s name. Internet tells Mom, You’re the one who ought to be ashamed for putting that stupid burden on your child.”
- A Canadian vs a Finn on running bears out of yards. 🙂
This came from a funny post about inappropriate things little kids do. Apparently one family didn’t find this so inappropriate after all:
Wild bears are relatively shy animals and have no desire to interact with humans.
Yeah. Until they aren’t.
Any bets on which part of the comic the school pecksniffs thought was inappropriate.
“This is my rifle; this is my gun. This is for fighting; this is for fun.”
No comment on the interaction between “naked” and hot brass.
Once upon a time, I worked for a company that sold AR’s. When a tragic crime was committed with an AR and our company was bombarded with phone calls demanding that we stop selling those weapons, the stock answer was “We are strong supporters of the 2nd Amendment. (Click).” Life went on, and we continued to sell lots of AR’s. The owners had a point of view and they didn’t back down when they believed they were right. Our customers’ loyalty never waivered.
Those days are gone. The company changed hands. When Parkland happened, we got phone calls about the insensitivity of our company for publishing an ad the very same week that included AR’s (the ad was 24 pages long and included everything from dog food to women’s fashion clothing and was printed and queued for distribution 30 days before the shooting). Within days word came down from above that we would no longer advertise AR’s (nor T shirts with gun images).
We still sell AR’s, you just wouldn’t know it from our ads.
Corporate managers fear controversy. Dicks is full of professional corporate executives who know spreadsheets and accounting tricks, but they don’t know squat about the P.R. power of sticking-to-your-guns (literally). I predict their business will wilt, and they’ll blame a bad economy, decline in hunting, tough competition, etc., instead of their business decisions. Their virtuous virtue signalling will having nothing to do with it.
“Their virtuous virtue signalling will having nothing to do with it.”
Thanks for another insightful report from the ground zero of retailing, Ron. I think you’re right about Dick’s wilting (which sounds rather pathetically pornographic, doesn’t it?). It seems that another thing those corporate execs really don’t know is their customer base.
Other than some hipster outfit like REI, how many sporting goods stores can completely cut hunters and gun enthusiasts out of their customer base and stay healthy — especially, as Sebastian says, with Amazon nipping at their butts?
About the Marriott hack… Meh, last time we stayed in one of these hotels, I was with my wife on a business trip. That credit card is long gone, and we have always been in the habit while traveling of using a PO box as our home address. On the seldom occasions where we were asked for a street address we explained that we lived on a boat. And, if you’re one of those who are lazy and don’t check your credit card statements every month, you deserve to get taken.
About the bump stocks… I wonder when they will get around to banning elastic bands because an elastic band can be used in place of a bump stock.
About Dick’s Sporting Goods… I’ve never shopped there since I’m not in the US of A and now I never will. Just as up here, I will never set foot in a Mountain Equipment Co-op (MEC) again because of their anti firearms stance. After that Hogg idiot started to preach his gospel of Anti-gun BS, the people who run MEC decided to drop all the lines made my manufactures who also made firearms like Camp Chef by Browning.
About the St. Louis cops who went out with the intention of “whooping ass”… I’m happy to be North of the border because while the cops up here may do stupid things like these cops did, they are held to account more often so it’s not as prevalent. Here’s an example of how the system works:
I read the story about the kid who was named Abcde and I laughed. I guess I’m a bad person…
Life without government? We’d be multi-planetary by now and remember those flying cars we were promised? The US is one big pump and dump scheme.
Naked hippies with adult bits … and machine guns! I LOVE IT!!! Sounds like a statist’s vision of hell, doesn’t it?
I think the dad’s response was pretty much perfect.
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I’ve come to think that Dick’s was named correctly.