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Month: December 2018

Home improvement mavens: Do I do this or do I not?

NOTE: If you’re just here for the politics, you’ll probably want to skip this one. But if your also read Living Freedom for arts & home improvement, I’d appreciate your thoughts. —– This winter, The Wandering Monk and I are tackling the remaining interior home improvement projects. As many as we can, anyhow. With luck, in the next two years everything but the flooring will finally be done. This winter’s projects aren’t big, but they’ll make a big difference. There’s one I may or may not do. It’s been on my mind for a couple of years. One day I…


Christmas continues. Tasty goodies and a conspiracy of beauty and freedom.

Every year my friend W and his kind wife J, who I’ve never met, send me The World’s Best Christmas Cookies. Along with Dove chocolates and other tasty goodies. To say that those cinnamon rollups are just like Mom used to make is an understatement. Every nibble takes me back to one of the few perfect memories of my childhood. Mom and my multitude of aunts were not great cooks, but all of them could roll up those treats made from pie dough, sugar, and cinnamon and put my little self into joyful delirium. My grown-up self still approves. Every…


Win these books

You remember these from a few weeks back: I was making room on my bookshelves and decided to give these away. As I mentioned then, they aren’t 2018’s hot new titles, but there’s some great stuff here for people interested in preparedness or adventurous fun. See below for how to win them all. The 14 books and one DVD are: Off the Grid: Inside the movement for more space, less government, and true independence in modern America, Nick Rosen, 2010 The Modern Survival Manual: Surviving the Economic Collapse, Fernando “FerFAL” Aguirre, 2009 Bug Out: The complete plan for escaping a…


Thursday links

  • It remains a mystery (not really) why, as police tactics get harsher, pre-raid investigation and planning is ever more carelesss. “Sorry m’am. Wrong house.”
  • Scott Greenfield adds his take on the NYT’s wet dream of having banks monitor our politically incorrect transactions.
  • The North Korean government owes $501 million to the Warmbier family for torturing their son to death. S’pose they’ll pay up? 4 Comments
  • Something you didn’t know about the Gilets Jaunes

    You’ve heard how the Gilets Jaunes have brought French elitists to their knees and put the fear of We the Peasants into the Macron government. You may have heard their “yellow vest” movement is spreading into other countries, including Canada. What you probably haven’t heard is that they and their less-visible allies also wreck traffic cameras and radar installations — big time. David Gross, longtime chronicler of culture jamming and monkeywrenching, notes: The gilets jaunes movement in France, with its street protests and blockades, has been getting all the press — and has indeed forced significant and painful concessions from the government,…


    I didn’t blog any of the big Jewish holidays this year

    Usually, I try to blog something for Hanukkah, or even better for the high holy days at the end of summer. This year I missed them all. So — belatedly — here’s a couple items especially for my Jewish readers and friends-of-Jews everywhere. —– This first bit comes to me via my old Zelman Partisans colleague Y.B. ben Avraham. It’s specifically addressed to Jews in the Chabad-Lubavitch movement (which I believe includes Y.B. and his growing clan of descendants). But I think Freedom Outlaws everywhere can relate: The Revolutionaries By Tvzi Freeman There are many ways to lie. Even the…


    Midweek links

    Oh great. The NYT wants credit card companies to recreate Project Chokepoint. Only they want hundreds of thousands of innocent gun buyers reported to the cops for fitting a “profile” the NYT doesn’t approve of. Aww, isn’t that sweeeeeeet? The TSA is switching to floppy-eared dogs because the pointy-eared ones scare children. No word on whether those airport blue-hands realize the kiddies are probably even more terrorized by having their pubes pawed. Add one more aspect of shadiness to the dirty business of buying pet-shop dogs: Dog leasing to the unwary. (Nitpick: It’s not animal-rights organizations protesting this; it’s animal…


    Merry Christmas from my house to yours

    May your days be merry and bright and may your new year be full of light. Christmas Eve is my Christmas, so I’m signing off now. I’ll be back in a few days. Meanwhile, I hope I posted enough blog content over the weekend to keep you going for a while. Now I leave you with some merry, bright, and sunny views taken around Mo Saoirse Hermitage* in the last two days … —– —– Mo Saoirse = My Freedom in Irish Gaelic. Mo Saoirse Hermitage is aka my house, formerly known as Ye Olde Wreck. It’s a wreck no…