- You’ve prolly heard about that Der Spiegel reporter who turned out to be the Jayson Blair of Germany. Well, here’s the real All-American story that finally tripped him up when he made it up. You messed with the wrong small town, pal.
- The NRA expresses disappointment (not really) with their historic role in making the bump-stock ban possible (Satire by Bear.)
- Anti-gunners are always saying that 90% of Americans want this or that that’s on their agenda. Yet another survey hints perhaps they’d better think again.
- What one documentarian learned when he began a project on the FIRE (financial independence/retire early) movement.
- Michael Z. Williamson explains why the bump-stock ban is a disaster, even for millions of people who’ve never owned any such device.
- An out-of-state ccw is insufficient cause for a car search. You knew that. I knew that. How come cops don’t know that?”
- You and I knew this, too. Parkland schools and police were under no obligation whatsoever to protect students. (Thank you Richard W. Stevens and Aaron Zelman for revealing that long ago.)
- A new way to predict genocide. They leave out one huge, but so un-PC, factor that Zelman and Company also drummed very, very hard on.
- The 50 states rated on the health of their people. Interesting, but some strange criteria used to determine health.
- Christmas greetings from your local municipality: “We’re taking your building and giving it to somebody we like better.”
- On the lighter (or heavier) side: A couple’s kitty comes home after two years of hiding out in a cat-food warehouse.
- For real? NASA NASA creates space-nerd posters for its missions. These are so bad they’re good. (H/T MJR)
NASA posters: your tax dollars at work.
re: Anti-Gunners.. Come Jan 3, we are going to see the largest and most sustained push for gun control. The dems a have already ramped up their rhetoric to flying spittle levels.
“NASA posters: your tax dollars at work.”
Assuming the posters are real, true. But I say, “Hear, hear! I wish all our tax dollars were spent so harmlessly.”
I fear that, too, Ersatz Naugahyde.
Funny, I’ve thought about whether an R Senate could be counted on to oppose the Householding maniacs on principle. Hahahaha. My best hope is that an R Senate will hold them off out of sheer spiteful stubbornness.
Sigh. Whatever works.
[…] Claire Wolfe brings us Thursday-Friday links. […]
Claire, given that several R senators are already on board with Extreme Rights Prevention orders and universal preemptively-prove-your-innocence, I expect the worst from the Senate next year. Just look what a great job they did with Hearing Protection and Reciprocal Carry.
With gun control (& natural rights in general) we are definitely sliding down a slippery slope but the big question is what happens when we hit the bottom of that slope, where do we go from there?
“NASA posters: your tax dollars at work.”
In my experience, any time you have a group of science geeks working on a project, silliness like that happens as kind of a by-product of the creative process. If you try and tamp that down, they don’t work nearly as well.
[…] Even HuffPo had to take notice. Anyway, it is relatively quick reading. Go take a look. (Hat tip to Claire Wolfe.) […]
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