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Month: May 2020

Wednesday links

Been a while since we had a simple links post … Tomorrow is “Take Yourself to Work Day” in Michigan. 🙂 Eric Peters says reopen and reject. The great Paul Rosenberg: Nothing changes as long as we obey. Still waiting for that $125 Equifax was going to send you for sloppily letting your personal information be grabbed by identity thieves? You aren’t getting it, but banks are getting their share. Wearing a mask, are you? Not to worry; this company thinks it can help Big (and Little) Brother recognize and track you via your eyes and eyebrows alone. And this…


Kicking against the crazy

I’m fully aware that lots of people have bigger problems due to the current political lockdown. If you’re one of the suffering, you have my outraged sympathies. I’m not in a league with the impoverished, the busted, the ones in dire need of “elective” health care they’ve been forbidden to get, or the about-to-go-bankrupt entrepreneurs. But I reserve the right to be ticked off at the small stuff that keeps getting shoveled daily into all our faces and I’m presently irked because I can’t get away from the crazy. This is a small town. Other than the occasional village idiot…


One small moment of Sunday sanity

Away from the constant drumbeat of scare stories about the new black plague … lies the real world. In case any of you remember last year’s laborious rock-wall project and wondered how the succulent plantings survived the winter: The pictures don’t do justice. While the yellow jumped out into the camera, there’s also quite a lot of dark red that doesn’t show well. I couldn’t get it to pop even with a color-balance and hue-saturation adjustment. Take my word for how colorful it really is. 🙂 The main thing is that the sedum not only survived the winter but is…


Mistrust, disgust, and getting on with life anyhow

So two “very smart people” walk into a bar the Oval Office. Bear with me. This is the biggest joke ever. So in they walk and they say to the prez, “Hey, prez. There’s this guy in England with a long, long history of overblown and hilariously wrong predictions of health disasters. He says 2.2 million Americans are going to die of Covid-19 if we do nothing, and a million will still go even if we do. No better scientists have backed up his work. “What say you recommend shutting down the entire country, and especially its small-business economy, based…


Why I don’t wear a mask

Silver here.  Claire encourages me to post on her blog from time to time.

I don’t wear masks when I’m out and about, unless I absolutely have to.  More on why below.   When I’m in the grocery store or gas station, I often get glares from people who do wear masks.  Sooner or later some sanctimonious busybody will challenge me face to face.  I don’t want to lose my temper so I’ve been rehearsing a little speech. Here it is:


Little rays of sunshine

Pardon the sappy subject line, but after last week’s angry rant it seems right to post some rays (even if they are just very little pinpoints) of good cheer. Life goes on despite every petty act of totalitarianism from every petty politician or bureaucrat — and both real rebellion and creative monkeywrenching appear and grow. —– On the personal front, shortly after I ranted last week, a longtime Commentariat member and friend-I’ve-never-met wrote to remind me, in the nicest way, to follow my own advice. That is: Not to let the bastards grind me (you, us) down. Stupid, evil bastards…