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Month: March 2021

Links about men and boys and what’s being done to them

Well, I’m back from the travels detailed in my “decline of civilization” post. The KIA appears to be its old self again. Though things didn’t go easy (and it took my local insurance agent helping me get the boss’s boss on the case), the claims people finally talked turkey with the KIA service center. Once that happened, everything came together nicely. I even had a great time on the part of my trip not dedicated to tweaker thieves, destruction, and insurance claims. Even on the bad days, I — as usual — got by with a little, or a lot,…


When the decline of civilization gets personal

No, what I’m about to relay doesn’t really show the decline of civilization. Or rather, it’s too early to tell whether it does or not. Hopefully, what’s happened in my small sphere in the last few weeks is just “one of those things.” Two of those things, actually — signs of personal or societal distress that portend exactly nothing about the bigger picture. But you know how it is. When stuff is happening to you, it’s personal. Then everybody else chimes in, “Oh yes, that happened to …” [me or my next-door neighbor or whoever]. Or “Oh yes, [City X]…


Down Memory Lane
And a new liberty store at the end of it

101 Things — grubby, but free! Last month a curious member of the Living Freedom Forums discovered a copy of my old 101 Things to do ‘Til the Revolution hiding at Not a pretty copy, mind you. It’s a scan of a physical book that (so someone told me) even has coffee stains scanned in. But there it is. I’m not thrilled when anybody pirates my work. I’m especially un-thrilled when a rich outfit like scans an entire book without even trying to get permission of the writer who conceived and gave painful birth to it. But that’s…


Freedom is dying. Be of good cheer.

We’ve been watching freedom be throttled, stomped, and shoved off a cliff for most of our lifetimes. I hardly need mention that the downward plunge has accelerated in the last year and especially the last few weeks. The murder of freedom has been a boon for oligarchs, plutocrats, useful idiots, fans of Marx and Gramsci, co-opters of the name of Quintus Fabius Maximus Verrucosus, and thousands of pathetic over-schooled conformist nobodies in online mobs who could never gain so much power over others through brains or hard work (who are currently enjoying their brief ascendency, not realizing the Jacobins will…