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Who’s in denial? Part I

Over the years, when people have asked me, “Is it time yet, Claire?” my response has always been something like this: It may be moral to ‘shoot the bastards’ who kill freedom, but this isn’t the time. It doesn’t make tactical or strategic sense. Violence now will only make things much, much worse.

That’s still my strong conviction. To any members of the Deep State trolling the ‘Net desperately searching for those elusive “domestic terrorists” they’re so determined to locate invent: I’m a useless target for you. I don’t advocate violence except in self-defense and I dread seeing anybody, especially freedomistas, start a shooting war.

My hope is, as always, that a bloated, overreaching government will ultimately undermine itself and fall non-violently, as the Soviet Union did. It already seems well on its way.

But lately I’ve been asking myself if perhaps I’m in denial about the depth and urgency — and the possibilities — of our situation.


I’ve been reading the book Comrade X sent me, American Insurgents, American Patriots by T.H. Breen. It focuses on the way ordinary citizens drove the colonies toward revolution, ultimately forcing the more famous leaders to step up and lead.

The book came with me on my recent travels to the Northeast and I hoped to finish it while sitting in the midst of the places where everything began, but only on the long flight home did I even manage to get 1/3 of the way through. The book is a treasury of little-known information. On every page Breen relates something I either didn’t know or knew but had never put into context. It’s slow-going but thought-provoking.

A large part of it so far concerns the Intolerable Acts and public outrage over them.

Many histories of the Revolution, IIRC, trace a steady growth of resistance from the Stamp Act through the Townshend Acts through the Boston Massacre through the Boston Tea Party through the Intolerable Acts to Lexington and Concord and on to the Declaration of Independence. Maybe so, but Breen positions the Intolerable Acts as the straw that broke the proverbial camel’s back. What Britain accurately but inadequately called the Coercive Acts turned ordinary, respectable farmers, lawyers, craftsmen, and housewives from angry — but loyal! — British colonists into an outraged force of active, uncompromising, and sometimes ruthless American insurgents.

One thing that struck me as I read was that both sides labored under delusions in the months leading up to the passage of the Acts in the spring of 1774. After the Boston Tea Party on December 16, 1773, American colonists, especially in Massachusetts, held their breath. They knew punishment would come, but not what form it would take. Because most information about British politics arrived in the form of imported and re-posted newspaper articles, colonists believed the British people were sympathetic to their cause and therefore that punishment would be limited and probably focused only on the guilty.

That was their delusion. Or one of them. They also held a long-cherished a belief that they were the legal, intellectual, and moral equal of any Englishmen, and that their fellow Englishmen saw them in the same light as they saw themselves.

They didn’t realize how implacably — if ineptly — British power brokers were against them. They didn’t realize that much of the English public, and especially the elite, looked down on them as being barely steps above the “savages” they lived among. They were, in short, viewed as the “deplorables,” “bitter clingers,” and “neanderthals” of their day.

While colonists waited and held high hopes, the government of King George III and Lord North decided to crush Boston by closing its harbor and place all of proud, self-governing Massachusetts under the direct supervision of agents of the crown. Listening only to their own self-interested contacts, parliament, lords, and king concluded that a) the ignorant rabble of Boston could be easily starved into submission and that b) nobody outside of Boston would step up in defense.

British authorities assumed the citizens of rural Massachusetts would blame Boston troublemakers, not the British government, for any problems that befell them as a result of the Coercive Acts (which the short-sighted British never considered might be intolerable, because subjects would be forced at gunpoint to tolerate them). Furthermore, and fatally, they assumed residents of the other 12 forever-squabbling colonies would regard the whole mess as a local New England matter and wouldn’t defend their neighbors or, heaven forbid, any general principles of liberty.

Those were their delusions.

While the colonists quickly realized how wrongly they’d judged the British government, the British government never did quite get A Clue about how it had misjudged the colonists.

From the moment the Intolerable Acts were brought across the Atlantic, the colonists were roused into such radical action that British authority was virtually demolished outside of cities, at least in New England. From late spring 1774 to April 19, 1775, resistance was fierce, spreading, and increasingly organized. Yet even once the shooting war began on that fateful spring day, some British officials and loyalists were shocked, truly shocked, that mere colonists had the temerity to shoot at British soldiers. (I saw statements in evidence of this stunned cluelessness at Minuteman National Park during my visit.)

British authorities and functionaries had been warned. They had been subjected to years of mostly polite resistance, followed by a year of decidedly impolite resistance. Yet many simply couldn’t believe it when Americans not only stood their ground against the greatest army in the world, but crouched behind stone walls and emerged from boulder-strewn hillsides to wage a new kind of — unsporting! unfair! — warfare against their smug, conventional, and “superior” masters.

Both sides began in denial. One side rapidly shook off denial and acted accordingly. The other — hidebound in its conventionality, its authority, and its certainty of rightness — couldn’t get over its delusions.


Back to the issue of “moral but not practical” when it comes to shooting, or even threatening the security of, any of our modern, increasingly authoritarian, increasingly coercive, and increasingly intolerable bastards …

Some things we know. It’s clear that rising up at the “wrong” moment and without adequate planning and solid public support leads to disaster, ill-repute for the early risers, and crackdowns against the innocent.

The overstimulated, too-trusting, unprepared, and unarmed people who entered the U.S. Capitol on January 6 are learning that first-hand. All they wanted was to make a statement and ensure honest elections (that is, such was wanted by all but the Deep State provocateurs among them, who wanted exactly the trouble they helped generate). But their actions excused hysterical propaganda (“Worse than 9/11!” “Worse than Pearl Harbor!”), widespread condemnation of everybody not tightly in the camp of Authoritah, and growing crackdowns, not only against the few hundred involved but against the rest of us, as well. So it goes.

The Deep State now has a nicely ginned-up license to hunt for more “domestic terrorists” than have ever existed. Even the fumbling, bumbling Capitol police (mostly jumped-up rent-a-cops who make sure drunken congressthings get home safely and who barely know which end of a gun to point at the wrong people) now have $2 billion dollars more (thank you, AOC and other Squad cowards) to open offices outside of D.C. and transform themselves into yet another intrusive and provocative arm of the Deep State.

And — think on it — the fedgov gained all that and more from a simple physical incursion into their inner sanctum, without even a threat, let alone any actually shooting of any actual governmental bastards!

At this point any sincere patriot who so much as talks too eagerly about the theoretical possibility of shooting any federal bastards will be well-and-truly crushed and the American colonists citizenry public really will say, “Not my problem; serves ’em right.” And the agents provocateurs who talked the weakest, most foolish would-be patriots into incautious mouthing off or faux plotting will live to do more evil in the future. Because that’s the way police states operate.

Even amid our growing distrust of authority, only some truly extraordinary development or plan could overcome the inertia of unaccountable state power.


Ours is very unlike the situation of our colonial forebears. They knew each other. They were neighbors, fellow parishioners, fellow militiamen, fellow small-town residents, sharers of mutual interests. They hugely outnumbered their would-be rulers, who had to cross an ocean to impose their will. They shared pride in self-government, in self-sufficiency (yet also in their economic contributions to the British homeland), in their historic rights. They aimed to be beholden to nobody. They eschewed debt. They would have found government handouts repellent, if they thought of them at all.

Unlike moderns, the insurgent colonists had more spies operating within British ranks than the British ever managed to insert into their ranks. Before the shooting began, they faced a limited number of British government officials in their midst and were able to intimidate and unseat them with sheer force of numbers that seem incredible to us, looking back on the sizes of the towns and villages of the day. They knew who the ardent loyalists and traitors in their midst were and were able to keep an eye on them as crises heated up.

We have no such advantages. We have the disadvantages of being under an extreme authoritarian — now wannabe totalitarian — government that is not only thick in our midst, but which oppresses with overwhelming numbers, with bevvies of armed agents from random agencies, and with unthinkable surveillance and control capabilities. And this coercive monstrosity is abetted by a populace that it has largely custom-schooled, propagandized, and above all bought off with virtually limitless supplies of funny money. This is a populace highly disinclined to bite the hand that feeds.

Anybody who imagines they can rise up and “shoot the bastards” now and gain the widespread public support any insurgency needs to succeed is delusional.

Yet … sometimes the “wrong” time to rise up turns by fate into the exact right time to rise up. And its hard to tell when the wrong time is truly, disastrously wrong and simply brings more oppression and when the wrong time is ripe to become right.

Besides, even the dimmest dim bulb in the political universe of libertarians, constitutionalists, paleoconservatives, Trumpists, traditionalists, populists, and fellow travelers knows something’s got to give — and give soon. We can’t go on as we are.

The colonists got the deep betrayal of the Intolerable Acts as their wake-up call. Overnight they transformed from fed-up supplicant Brits into fiercely unbeatable Americans. Our circumstances are different, harder. But what dramatic wake-up calls might be out there waiting for us? Aside from Talebian black swans nobody can anticipate, I bet we can all think of a few.


More in part II, within the week if the gods are on our side.


  1. E M Johnson
    E M Johnson July 13, 2021 4:27 am

    an ugly and sad state of affairs we find ourselves in

  2. Jeff2
    Jeff2 July 13, 2021 5:20 am

    I despise injustice greatly. It is the one hot button I still stuggle to control. These times have been a great learning period for me in gaining and maintaining that control.

    At the same time, we have been the last twenty years preparing for what is to come. I know we are better prepared than 90% of the people in the state. We are in a county of like minded people. And when push comes to shove and things start getting really bad, I know that we will be better situated to survive a cutoff from services and supplies, than most.

    I also take heart in that the major political parties are fractured and trying to eat each other alive, right now. I realize they are not the real power, but their disintegration helps awaken others that things are not what they seem.

    Peace all. Love of one another is the ultimate power.


  3. Simon Templar
    Simon Templar July 13, 2021 5:28 am

    “It’s clear that rising up at the “wrong” moment and without adequate planning and solid public support leads to disaster, ill-repute for the early risers, and crackdowns against the innocent.”

    I think that there is an ever-increasing list of “early risers,” who are now (mostly) viewed as villains, that will, at some point down the road, be viewed as heroes. They may be viewed as somewhat misguided, and they will certainly be viewed as too far ahead of their time for their own good, but they will be viewed as heroes nonetheless.

  4. Granny
    Granny July 13, 2021 5:40 am

    I swear we are soul sisters Claire. Thank you for this well thought out article. You bring thoughts to life.

    I’ve pondered for many years now, what would be my line in the sand? What would be my last red line that, if crossed, would give my conscience peace about “shooting the bastards in the face”? And this week, it became crystal clear. I wonder if I’m the only one.

    Two things happened:
    1. The Biden regime announced they will send out teams to go door-to-door to find out who’s been vaxxed and who has not. The script for the state of Illinois’ (I think) campaign hit the Internet. The “volunteers”, probably innocent, stupid, college students radicalized in the Social Justice Warrior ideology, were told to ignore “No solicitation” signs. They were told, in written instructions, how to gain entrance, and how to “clear the building”, making notes for each door they knocked on. They were told that what they were doing was “not illegal”, etc.
    2. The Biden regime announced that they were working with Telco providers to gain access to people’s personal emails and text messages (which means, in truth, the NSA already has that access – we know that from Snowden). Their goal is to “scan” messages, personal, private messages, for “disinformation” and block them.

    I heard that “No Trespassing” signs are selling out everywhere. I researched my state’s trespass laws and in my state, it’s a simple matter of putting some paint on the posts, or trees, at my property’s boundaries that signify it’s a private property boundary. Although, a gate and a sign wouldn’t hurt. My property is fenced and cross-fenced, so that’s a pretty obvious indicator. Every state’s laws are different, my particular state has very strong no trespass, and 2A, laws.

    All that to say, if anyone trespasses on my private property without a specific invitation from ME, the owner, after I’ve done all I can to make sure it’s understood by anyone passing by, then yes, I will consider it a threat to my person, and I am prepared to “shoot them in the face” *after* their one last chance of my verbal request to leave.

    There’s nothing I can do about the Internet spying – it’s been going on for a long time. I know, from previous professional experience, that the NSA can find a way around encryption and VPNs, etc., so I don’t bother. I keep it pretty clean. Although, I will share someone’s idea and that is to “flood the zone” with all kinds of chatter and memes, specifically designed to break their spy systems. I had a good laugh at that. It’s no wonder the NSA pursued “quantum computing”, for this very eventuality. I fully expect the Internet lights to go out for a certain rebellious uprising of about 100 Million patriots. But, I digress.

    I think people need to give serious consideration to securing the home front, then carefully consider securing the community with like-minded individuals – only with people you’ve known for a very long time and trust with your first born child. I’ve seen many say that we need to “organize, militarize” etc. I’m against that. We have learned that the FBI has pretty much infiltrated every “organized militia” they consider a threat. I vote for non-organized, very well trained, farmers, ranchers, and everyday folk, who are adamant about protecting their liberties, stay unorganized and under the radar.

    This is too long of a comment! Just wanted to put it out there, that my red line has been crossed and I’m crystal clear now as to my patriotic duty. I pray it doesn’t come to this.

    “And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
    ~Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

  5. Claire
    Claire July 13, 2021 6:04 am

    ” And this week, it became crystal clear. I wonder if I’m the only one.”

    No, Sister Granny. You are not the only one. Far from the only one, I expect.

    It was that very plan on the part of the Mad Bidenistas that inspired this blog (not just the door-to-door business, but the follow-up statement by Xavier Beccera implying that everyone in the country should be compelled to submit to an experimental vaccine.)

  6. Toirdhealbheach Beucail
    Toirdhealbheach Beucail July 13, 2021 6:34 am

    In a way, Claire (and I agree with all you have aid), I wonder if in fact the current series of overreaches will backfire in a way not anticipated?

    Door to door salespeople of any variety – be the utility, pest, religious, or governmental – are almost universally despised in this age of “I can look up you on the Interweb”. There is no way to guarantee I will never use your product, service or belief than by knocking on my door. At best I think this effort ends up in the government looking foolish, at worst the people become annoyed.

    By taking these overreaching steps, the government has made it abundantly clear that it views almost any disagreement that falls outside its very narrow confines of “allowable discourse” is subject to governmental wrath. What will happen – what will logically happen – is that such discussions, movements, conversations and thoughts will go on in ways and places that the government cannot monitor. We may yet see the re-rise of the samizdat.

    I would argue that there are some indicators of this: an increased despair (in certain circles) that friendships are no longer forming the way they used to (difficult, when friends become potential points of risk); people moving about their social media commitments or even removing them altogether; and what seems (to me anyway) to be an increasing cry in certain quarters for “unity” when in fact disunity has become the order of the day.

    By pushing down, Our Political Betters are simply pushing this beyond their ability to see and monitor it. People will blandly do the minimum. This all works, of course, until there is some kind of crisis and all of suddenly those millions of bland supporters turn and walk away where their support would have been critical.

    No-one saw the Soviet Union or Warsaw Pact collapsing either – until, all of a sudden, it simply happened.

  7. Granny
    Granny July 13, 2021 7:33 am

    I agree with you that simply walking away, withdrawing support, is a valid action. I have done so. In the past years, many folks have refused to buy anything made in China, and if you haven’t tried that, you don’t know how difficult that is. Case in point, I need to furnish an entire house (new to me). If I want to buy something simple as pots and pans, it’s 3x the price to avoid Chinese slave labor goods! I’m still on the hunt for good quality American made goods at prices I can afford. It goes to show you how much The Swamp owns the supply chains. Generally, many people don’t understand that we are being squeezed or boiled (the frog) to the point of no return. I will have to make some concessions or do without. This may sound silly to some people, but “it’s the principle of the matter” I struggle with. I went to the local farmers market last week. Fabulous selection, locally grown, and not everything was “over priced”. Yes, I do, very much know, how much work, and cost, goes into growing your own food organically. So, for now, since I’m in betwixt the old house and the new, I buy from other farmers until I can get back to growing my own. I’ve sought out local ranchers in my new place, knowing I will pay more for meat than say, Walmart or Costco, but that means cutting back in other areas of my life. Boycotts do work. Bartering within the local community requires we go offline and give up the convenience of “free” home delivery from the major companies – something I’ve relied on for a long time. I love having things show up at my door!! But, no longer. If I can’t even inconvenience myself in order to “do the right thing” of “starving the beast”, then how in the world do I think I can “defend the homeland” from a communist takeover? It’s one thing to write and talk about it. It’s wholly another thing to actually do it. (This is a chastisement to Self).

  8. Val E. Forge
    Val E. Forge July 13, 2021 8:14 am

    What are “betters” seem to want now is so-called diversity – everyone looks different but thinks the same.

  9. Shoal Creek
    Shoal Creek July 13, 2021 8:48 am


    You say that buying meat from a local rancher costs more than buying from Costco or Walmart. While that may be true in the up-front price, the price per pound averages out much lower than any retail outlet. For example, my family charges $3.50/lb based on the dry hanging weight of the carcass. This usually works out to an average of $6.00/lb after paying the butcher and loss of weight from mostly large bones that the butcher removes. This is about what most stores currently charge for extra-lean ground beef and Choice grade roasts. Our meat typically grades Prime, extra-lean. They also come out very tender and flavorful. To buy similar meat in the grocery store (even Costco) typically starts at about $15/lb and goes up from there. Additionally, many other ranchers we know across the country charge similar prices. It’s more than they get for their cattle in the general market and still low enough that they can attract customers that know how to plan ahead.

    Additionally, we don’t use antibiotics, growth hormones, or any other artificial methods to make our animals produce more meat. Our slaughter animals spend most of their lives eating grass on open range. They spend their last 2-3 months eating high quality alfalfa hay or alfalfa/oat hay supplemented with a small amount of non-GMO rolled corn. Once you consider the methods your local rancher uses and the quality of meat you get, you’ll find that your annual costs for meat are about 1/3-1/4 of what you would pay to a grocery store (Costco and Walmart included) to buy similar quality and similar quantity over a year.

  10. D. C.
    D. C. July 13, 2021 9:22 am

    There is cause to entertain the notion when the time comes to rise up it begins when there are no peaceful alternative recourse to redress wrongs against us remaining, when we are backed up against the wall, leaving only fight without fear of death or die trying, that the form this takes, this specific armed resistance can only manifest itself in lone wolf and small groups of leaderless resistance.
    This is a probable future we head towards which is not happenstance but the deliberate consequence of planned malice, and an understanding of our nature as good folks armed to the teeth, recognized because those who will resist have always understood it has always been a dangerous world. To say the virtue of prudence plays a central role in this scenario of who and what form indomitable effective resistance takes place is quite an understatement.
    In a certain sense this is as it should be. In a way things have to get down to the crux of the unalienable nature of our sovereign existence as Freemen.
    This is not some conflict that repeats itself thru the circular orbit of time and history, this is the biblical prophecy Armageddon long warned we will face, as does that of Ragnorak. The final battle between good and evil.
    We good folks with our codes and our Rifles are all thats left which stands in the ancient evil’s way. We are the last bastion, it seems it is only fitting we must be left with nothing but our basest elements of liberty and our courage to fight with. For there are no others who have ever and who will effect positive change in this world. It is left to us dirt people, that too is as it should be.

    Lord Macauley’s great Lay’s of Ancient Rome, his ‘Horatius At The Bridge’ tells us what is required and how we save ourselves and what needs saving along with the intolerable tyranny and crimes facing us. Right down to False Sextus and his deed of shame, and the cabal of hellmouth he is part of, which in it’s insatiable desire for lucre and power good folks with their backs to the river turn and fight and prevail against this seeming limitless hubris.

    Whats happening is long laid plans of payback, for robbing the ancient evil of its divine rights to the singular rapine and pillage of the incomparable wealth and resources of the new world, its in the making since American’s fought and won the only successful slave revolt in history. That is us, we who will fight, good folks who as Patrick Henry demanded for himself, liberty or death. This is the manifest thing, this is why we will wait to fight and win with out backs up, and only then can we prevail. It is the nature of us. It is not a fault or a weakness or lost opportunity or laziness. It is how we roll. It is why we are good folks to begin with. So never forget you are in the great company of a legion, though we may be spread far and wide, we are a unique plurality, our numbers vast, yet nebulous, though we share a solidarity we ourselves loose sight of the forest for the trees, but that is perfect, it makes us next to impossible to pin down, and defeat in detail, while our natural self reliance and determination in us make for the finest grass roots insurgency army imaginable. Leaderless resistance and ourselves and our rifles and our cause will come of age and the fruit is nemesis which at last destroys the ancient evil for good. Who else but us good folks. This too is as it should be. Nobody becomes manifest in sovereign existence like we do. The ugly part is just how mean good folks as ourselves get when this ruthless cabal and its minions violate our codes as they make it plain they intend. That is the turning point, the brink, the straw breaks the camel’s back, the intolerable thing. It is how it plays out.
    It is how we win.

  11. D.C.
    D.C. July 13, 2021 9:25 am

    There is cause to entertain the notion when the time comes to rise up it begins when there are no peaceful alternative recourse to redress wrongs against us remaining, when we are backed up against the wall, leaving only fight without fear of death or die trying, that the form this takes, this specific armed resistance can only manifest itself in lone wolf and small groups of leaderless resistance.

    This is a probable future we head towards which is not happenstance but the deliberate consequence of planned malice, and an understanding of our nature as good folks armed to the teeth, recognized because those who will resist have always understood it has always been a dangerous world. To say the virtue of prudence plays a central role in this scenario of who and what form indomitable effective resistance takes place is quite an understatement.
    In a certain sense this is as it should be. In a way things have to get down to the crux of the unalienable nature of our sovereign existence as Freemen.
    This is not some conflict that repeats itself thru the circular orbit of time and history, this is the biblical prophecy Armageddon long warned we will face, as does that of Ragnorak. The final battle between good and evil.

    We good folks with our codes and our Rifles are all thats left which stands in the ancient evil’s way. We are the last bastion, it seems it is only fitting we must be left with nothing but our basest elements of liberty and our courage to fight with. For there are no others who have ever and who will effect positive change in this world. It is left to us dirt people, that too is as it should be.

    Lord Macauley’s great Lay’s of Ancient Rome, his ‘Horatius At The Bridge’ tells us what is required and how we save ourselves and what needs saving along with the intolerable tyranny and crimes facing us. Right down to False Sextus and his deed of shame, and the cabal of hellmouth he is part of, which in it’s insatiable desire for lucre and power good folks with their backs to the river turn and fight and prevail against this seeming limitless hubris.

    Whats happening is long laid plans of payback, for robbing the ancient evil of its divine rights to the singular rapine and pillage of the incomparable wealth and resources of the new world, its in the making since American’s fought and won the only successful slave revolt in history. That is us, we who will fight, good folks who as Patrick Henry demanded for himself, liberty or death. This is the manifest thing, this is why we will wait to fight and win with out backs up, and only then can we prevail. It is the nature of us. It is not a fault or a weakness or lost opportunity or laziness. It is how we roll. It is why we are good folks to begin with. So never forget you are in the great company of a legion, though we may be spread far and wide, we are a unique plurality, our numbers vast, yet nebulous, though we share a solidarity we ourselves loose sight of the forest for the trees, but that is perfect, it makes us next to impossible to pin down, and defeat in detail, while our natural self reliance and determination in us make for the finest grass roots insurgency army imaginable. Leaderless resistance and ourselves and our rifles and our cause will come of age and the fruit is nemesis which at last destroys the ancient evil for good. Who else but us good folks. This too is as it should be. Nobody becomes manifest in sovereign existence like we do. The ugly part is just how mean good folks as ourselves get when this ruthless cabal and its minions violate our codes as they make it plain they intend. That is the turning point, the brink, the straw breaks the camel’s back, the intolerable thing. It is how it plays out.
    It is how we win.

  12. GR21
    GR21 July 13, 2021 10:07 am

    Sis Vis Pacem Para Bellum

  13. Comrade X
    Comrade X July 13, 2021 10:17 am

    I am proud that I provided a spark to your fire!

    Couple of thoughts;

    Today both sides are misreading the other as then, it is easy to see how TPTB misreads us; what they see as clueless rubes of which we are not but on the other side the misread IMHO is that a vast majority of us are misreading the darkness in the hearts of those who want to rule us. That can be fatal because until you recognize that darkness you can not steel your heart against it and then take the steps needed to ultimately defeat that darkness.

    What everyone needs to wake up to, again IMHO, is that this is not a fight between conservative and liberal nor political parties but a very old fight between good and evil and on the good side there is a very diverse group of allies that can be found (if we seek it), one not allied together since maybe 4/19/1775 in this country methinks, driven by one main desire; FREEDOM!

    Please keep lightning the darkness for us all, Claire!!! We need to find our way down this long dark path full of pitfalls and wrong detours. I believe you have a big part to play, bigger even than you yet see.

    I pray that we find FREEDOM on this path. Maybe even a freedom that this world has yet to witness……

  14. Centurion_Cornelius
    Centurion_Cornelius July 13, 2021 11:42 am

    Great article, Claire! Plus, these comments are EXCELLENT. Just remember:


    …Thy will be done..

    Evil whispers in our ears: “You cannot endure the storm!”



  15. jed
    jed July 13, 2021 12:14 pm

    I can’t imagine a better succinct summation of the status quo. In re. the unpredictable lynchpin which brings it all down, perhaps it’s already happened, but in Talebian fashion, we don’t know it yet. Or it’s still to come. Who among us, two years ago, would’ve predicted the current situation? (Other than in vague terms) Maybe, some people in very powerful positions, with inside knowledge – not necessarily gov types, but them as well – could see this coming. But down here in the dirt…

    I have this wonderment whether the Vaccine Gestapo force could be sacrificial pawns, flushing out the “hot spots”, not of CoViD, but that even worse disease – for the PTB, resistance. As Magneto said, in chess, the pawns go first.

    CX, I don’t agree that the other side is misreading. Too many people are being plenty vocal about their intentions. Despite the online cancellation of dissident voices, the signal is still getting out. And the infiltration efforts, if nothing else, ought to be providing plenty of intel. But to say that we’re caught in a situation of asymmetric information is an understatement.

  16. Steve Culbertson
    Steve Culbertson July 13, 2021 12:27 pm

    There’s a reason Patrick Henry said “give me Liberty or give me death “ and didn’t reference freedom. Freedom is internal and under your control, whereas liberty is external in nature controlled by others. Best definition I’ve heard of liberty is not having to ask permission.

  17. bill chipman
    bill chipman July 13, 2021 2:19 pm

    Local , local , local . Shadows . Darkness. Small local groups . Never forget you are being monitored . Remember Assange ? Snowden ? Lavoy ?

  18. Steady Steve
    Steady Steve July 13, 2021 4:59 pm

    The moment is getting very close. We are on the verge of a financial collapse and hyperinflation. Once the dollar is near worthless so will fedgov control of the diversity be gone. The Army War College gamed a general breakdown of society/civwar. In every scenario fedgov collapses within months. Then we fill the vacuum. You do have your local accountability lists, don’t you?

    DWEEZIL THE WEASEL July 13, 2021 5:36 pm

    Yes, the times are different. During the Revolution, only 1/3 of the population supported it. And, there was no mass surveillance and indoctrination of children like today. Do not compare apples with oranges. We all witnessed what Christopher Dorner did. Multiply that by one thousand.
    If the question becomes one of what to do, the answer lies within you. How much are you willing to sacrifice? And, I do not mean going full Henry Bowman. Mark Levin, who I am not a fan of by any means, said it in his latest book. File FOIA requests at the local level. Find out who these Marxist “educators” and collectivist political hacks are. They have names and addresses. The local county clerk will sell you a CD with the names and addresses of every registered voter in your county for under $10.00. Gaslighting, monkeywrenching and pranking are not out of style. You are only limited by your inventiveness, initiative, and level of intestinal fortitude. Bleib ubrig.

  20. Max Wiley
    Max Wiley July 13, 2021 6:55 pm

    It’s always the wrong time to rise up… until it’s not.
    Those of us who know what’s coming can only wait for the event that galvanizes enough people to action. Nobody will know in advance what the modern version of the Intolerable Acts will be. But I suspect we won’t see 2025 without finding out.

  21. John Wilder
    John Wilder July 13, 2021 9:32 pm

    I see an iceberg. And a ship. Neither are turning.

    Hmmm. What could happen?

  22. Pay heed or die
    Pay heed or die July 13, 2021 10:13 pm

    […] Some serious sagacity from one of contemporary America’s most perspicacious, sober, and capable writers: Claire Wolf. […]

  23. Jeff Allen
    Jeff Allen July 14, 2021 10:15 am

    Claire, I’m reading Breen too, and have got into the part about the Intolerable Acts. Two things: first, what seems to have tipped the scales was North’s decision to punish the New Englanders broadly, since he couldn’t punish the Tea Partiers (!!!) narrowly; second, Breen mentions these “Sons of Liberty” in passing (3 refs in index). I sense instigation at work?

  24. Comrade X
    Comrade X July 14, 2021 10:25 am

    Jeff, I have a feeling the Boston Tea Party may have a relationship to 1/6/2021 if for nothing else in the over reaction it induced out of TPTB in comparison to what really happened, we surely have not seen all of that over reaction yet today……

    ……..and there could of been some of the same costumes worn too.

  25. R R Schoettker
    R R Schoettker July 14, 2021 11:56 am

    “Ours is very unlike the situation of our colonial forebears…… They eschewed debt. They would have found government handouts repellent, if they thought of them at all.”

    “We have no such advantages. We have the disadvantages of being under an extreme authoritarian — now wannabe totalitarian — government that is not only thick in our midst, but which oppresses with overwhelming numbers, with bevvies of armed agents from random agencies, and with unthinkable surveillance and control capabilities. And this coercive monstrosity is abetted by a populace that it has largely custom-schooled, propagandized, and above all bought off with virtually limitless supplies of funny money. This is a populace highly disinclined to bite the hand that feeds.”

    A rather unpleasant prospect to face indeed, but no less spot-on accurate and true for that fact. The only reason I don’t find it totally disheartening and enervating is that I never believed that violent social revolution was ever going to be the path to freedom. Like you, I believe this forceful action is only relevant and necessary for personal self-defense. It might be completely justifiable and the only just response in that instance however self-abolishing the consequences in light of the above reality; but it isn’t a viable way to seriously alter the present situation. For that task I again agree with you.

    “My hope is, as always, that a bloated, overreaching government will ultimately undermine itself and fall non-violently, as the Soviet Union did. It already seems well on its way.”

    From all these indignities, such as the very beasts of the field would not endure, you can deliver yourselves if you try, not by taking action, but merely by willing to be free. Resolve to serve no more, and you are at once freed. I do not ask that you place hands upon the tyrant to topple him over, but simply that you support him no longer; then you will behold him, like a great Colossus whose pedestal has been pulled away, fall of his own weight and break into pieces?
    —-Etienne de la Boétie, The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude

  26. larryarnold
    larryarnold July 14, 2021 12:31 pm

    While on a tour of London my wife and I had a bit of free time, and visited one of the British regimental museums. We found, in one case, a British Redcoat and a poster about “The Troubles in the Colonies.”

    It noted that one problem England had during the American Revolution is that they were fighting several actions in several different parts of the world, and therefore couldn’t bring the force to bear that was necessary to crush the 13 colonies.

    Today a lot of us on the outside side are veterans or former law enforcement. Like Benjamin Martin, Gibson’s character in “The Patriot,” we’ve seen insurrection and civil war, and we really don’t want it among our communities. IMHO the PTB doesn’t understand that when they’re searching for “white rage,” and it’s a big reason they aren’t finding it.

    On the other side, however, the progressives have lost control of their own radicals. BLM, Antifa, the Moors, etc. don’t share our experience. They aren’t sufficiently afraid of the powder keg all of us are sitting on.

    And TPTB are so focused on the Right they can’t see what’s coming from the Left. We may well find ourselves on the sidelines when the cities blow up. Which is no less dangerous, the sidelines won’t last long.

    Then there are also international forces, East and West, who may play a part in what happens, as the French did during the Revolution. The present administration has no more clue about what’s really happening in Russia, China, Iraq, North Korea, etc. and how to handle them. Like they are on city streets, they’re sending social workers to deal with criminals.

    Interesting times.

  27. JdL
    JdL July 14, 2021 2:20 pm

    There is a middle way. Not to “rise up”, as in to go out looking for government thugs to shoot, but simply to practice self-defense where it is warranted. If cops burst into the house of a murderer, they are acting in support of justice. When cops burst into the house of a pot smoker, or someone who gambles for money, or someone who trades money for sexual favors, that is illegitimate and the cops are acting as criminals. In such instances, self-defense in whatever form proves necessary is both morally justified and stands a much better chance of garnering public support than running around shooting random people ever would.

    Since we the good guys heavily outnumber government thugs, any sort of “one for one” practice works in our favor.

  28. JaimeInTexas
    JaimeInTexas July 15, 2021 8:39 am

    When is the right time? Another lesson to consider.

    Exodus 5
    1 Afterward Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh and said, This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: ‘Let my people go, so that they may hold a festival to me in the wilderness.’
    20 When they left Pharaoh, they found Moses and Aaron waiting to meet them, 21 and they said, May the Lord look on you and judge you! You have made us obnoxious to Pharaoh and his officials and have put a sword in their hand to kill us.

    The rest is history, as it is said.

  29. Val E. Forge
    Val E. Forge July 16, 2021 11:11 am

    JaimieInTexas – Good Old Testament quote. Many people forget that in both the past and present (and probably in the future) Power’s first response to truth is anger (often with violence)

    Matthew 10:36 – “And a man’s foes shall be they of his own household.”

  30. Noah Body
    Noah Body July 16, 2021 12:27 pm

    This is my take on what is going on. Frankly, I hope I am wrong. But the whole COVID situation hasn’t passed the “smell test” to me, from the beginning.

    We are now in World War III, except most people don’t know it yet, and by the time they realize it, it will be too late for many. The combatants are the 1%, the ultra-wealthy global elite, versus the 99%, the rest of us who will soon become “useless eaters” due to automation and AI. Someone decided it would be cheaper to kill people than pay them Universal Basic Income. It’s like the 1930s in Germany and we are the Jews.

    Their weapon, their “final solution,” is the coronavirus and, especially, the COVID vaccines. The whole reason for the extreme, draconian government reaction to the virus, and the relentless fear hype from the mainstream media, over a virus with an overall survival rate of about 99.7%, was to prime the public for the vaccine.

    All of the vaccines are based on the COVID spike protein. But, it is the spike protein that makes COVID dangerous. It is a cardiovascular toxin, attacking blood vessels and blood cells. So the vaccines are injecting the very toxin that kills.

    Over 9000 deaths have been reported in VAERS, attributed to the COVID vaccines, with a total over 400K adverse reactions. This is undoubtedly a fraction of the real numbers, which are probably a factor of 10 or more greater.

    These are just short-term effects. No one knows what the long-term effects are. Autoimmune disorders are likely, especially with the mRNA shots. Some have predicted that all who take the COVID vaccines will be dead in 2 to 3 years.

    Why haven’t these vaccines been halted? The 1976 Swine Flu vaccine was stopped after less than 100 deaths. Apparently this time they want us dead.

    My suggestions for surviving WWIII:

    First, do NOT take the COVID vaccines. If you are worried about catching coronavirus, there are cheap, safe and effective treatments for COVID: Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), Ivermectin, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, and Zinc.

    Second, become as self-sufficient as possible, especially with regard to food production. I see this coming: No jab, no job, no food. Kathleen Sebelius has recently said as much.

    Third, hold onto your guns. Even guns may not be enough. It is troubling, to put it mildly, that twice now the Dems (Swalwell and Biden) have hinted at using nuclear weapons against Americans who support the Second Amendment. They mean war.

    God help us.

  31. Mike Harden
    Mike Harden July 16, 2021 2:53 pm

    I say “Amen” to every thing you say, Claire. Those who have commented thus far are equally astute on our country’s current situation, especially the aptly named Centurion_Cornelius!

  32. Old Crusty Fart
    Old Crusty Fart July 18, 2021 12:19 pm

    The feds have been increasingly aggressive lately, and I think that will be their undoing. Feeling their own invincibility and righteousness, I expect they’ll try to pull another Waco-like operation against a perceived group of “supremacists” only this time it won’t go as planned. Neighbors get involved. The state and local governments may strongly object, even to the point of armed response due to sovereignty issues. The feds’ clumsy response will light the fuse.

  33. Kristophr
    Kristophr July 19, 2021 10:52 pm

    If the Fed and the Treasury keep printing trillions of fiat dollars, the US will collapse like the Soviet Union. Do not be living in a blue state when that happens.

  34. .45ACP+P
    .45ACP+P July 20, 2021 8:29 am

    I tie much to the Stamp Act. While no taxes were actually collected it had the unifying effect on the whole of Colonial society. Important papers would require the stamp, but so would dice and playing cards! From rich land owners and lawyers to the men working the dock they pissed everyone off. It became in everyone’s self interest to defeat it.

  35. Grandpa
    Grandpa July 20, 2021 10:39 pm

    “… the fedgov gained all that and more from a simple physical incursion into their inner sanctum,”

    that edifice “the People’s house” – is simply WHERE THEY WORK. It is not theirs, any more than yours or mine. And it is way past time when they were reminded quite sternly WHO THEY WORK FOR.

  36. buddhaha
    buddhaha July 22, 2021 10:37 pm

    I encrypt about half of my communications. Just to make ’em work.

    Signal is a great app for text messages. It will send your texts in the clear if the other end is just an ordinary text app. If the recipient is also using Signal as their text app, is end-to-end encrypted.

    So, when Uncle Joe wants to read my mail, “for my protection”, I’m sure, they’ll have to dedicate a lot of computer power to that end, and the rest of you can plot in peace. 🙂

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