By now you’ve heard. Maybe you tracked yesterday’s events live on Telegram or X. However and wherever you heard, what happened yesterday afternoon and evening was monumental. IS monumental — even if, as we cynics must always note — it contains as much performance and politicking as true defiance. Although I still, and always, hope there’s no shooting war between freedomistas and domestic tyrants, safe to say the long, unendurable, seemingly endless Awkward Stage is over. —– Yesterday … First came Texas governor Gregg Abbott, not only keeping his word — a rare enough thing for a politician — but…
30 CommentsMonth: January 2024
That’s the answer. The question (asked on X by a podcaster and conveyed to me by Bill St. Clair) was, “Is Claire Wolfe still alive?” Bill told the inquirer that I was not only alive but still operating and posting on The Living Freedom Forums. Then he politely suggested to me that I should inform the wider world. So here’s “proof of life,” as Bill put it, and I hope to remain among the living for a long time to come. Since I’m here to announce the (hopefully) welcome news, I’ll take the opportunity to ramble a bit. —– The…