Greg Ellifritz over at Active Response Training has some advice for dealing with attacks by multiple perps: Avoid them. In case you can’t, he offers ways to emerge triumphant — or at least not beaten to a pulp. In a sure blow for equal rights, it turns out the Capital One hacker is a woman. She also demonstrated she could be equal in folly to many male hackers, boasting about her exploits online. CapitalOne seems to be handling their massive breach more responsibly than many others. (Equifax, I’m talkin’ to you.) In his inimitable style, James Delingpole cheers the rise…
8 CommentsCategory: Offshore
I seem to keep collecting them without even trying …
- How much is a dollar worth? Depends on where you live. Even then a 100 miles could make a difference. (Tip o’ hat to MtK)
- ‘Nother good backgrounder from “Island Gun Control.” (About Australia and New Zealand.)
- Never fire a warning shot — or an aim-to-wound shot — at an angry mama bear. (Short video H/T Shel) 5 Comments
VONU: A Strategy for Self-Liberation By Shane Radliff July 2018 Liberty Under Attack Publications 126 pages This part is actually something like a book review. Mostly. So there I was, idly seeking any good reference to long-ago disappeared Rayo and his writings on the VONU life. And while most of the ‘Net seemed to have forgotten that pioneer of modern liberty, one site — one shiny site called The Vonu Podcast — was entirely dedicated to reviving Rayo’s ideas and advancing and popularizing them for the 21st century. Better yet,
9 CommentsLast week I had a couple email exchanges with Alex of, a fellow freedomista who pointed me toward his company’s Resistance Library. First, he sent me a link for “Venezuela and the Paradox of Plenty: A Cautionary Tale About Oil, Envy, and Demagogues.” This is a comprehensive article written by a alumnus. Then he directed me toward “Weapons of War On Our Streets: A Guide to the Militarization of Police.” I confess my initial reaction to the second piece was, “Readers of my blog don’t need that one. They already know all there is to know on the…
4 CommentsHi, guys. I hope you all had (and are having) a wonderful holiday weekend with great food, good company, and minimal stress. Mine’s been nice. Quiet with a combo of idle days, a few industrious hours of DIY on the house, and world-class Thanksgiving leftovers. I expect by tomorrow I’ll be back up to full blogging speed. But for now, I’m still idling about. So to ease gradually back into action, here’s a two-parter I posted four years ago. I recalled this when a member of Claire’s Cabal introduced a topic on memorable travel experiences. This piece involves an encounter…
7 CommentsStories and photos from a remote, off-grid community in Scotland. There is yet another e-coli outbreak linked to romaine lettuce. The FDA recommends tossing any romaine you might have. (I got this word from MJ yesterday evening … five minutes after finishing a big salad made with guess what? I seem to have survived the experience so far.) How a six-year-old survived being lost in the woods while walking 18 miles toward safety. He’s 39 now and revisits his trek with a writer from Outside. FBI data shows that armed citizens are 94% successful in stopping would-be mass shooters. (Via…