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Category: War on Some Drugs

Wednesday links

Been a while since we had a simple links post … Tomorrow is “Take Yourself to Work Day” in Michigan. 🙂 Eric Peters says reopen and reject. The great Paul Rosenberg: Nothing changes as long as we obey. Still waiting for that $125 Equifax was going to send you for sloppily letting your personal information be grabbed by identity thieves? You aren’t getting it, but banks are getting their share. Wearing a mask, are you? Not to worry; this company thinks it can help Big (and Little) Brother recognize and track you via your eyes and eyebrows alone. And this…


Saturday links

I’m working on that promised blogosaurus. I really am. It’s about halfway done, but it keeps wanting to pull in a different direction than I want it to go. With luck, I’ll wrestle it into submission by early next week. In the meantime, here are some links to keep you entertained, charmed, baffled, ticked off, informed, or whatever the case may be. —– In the Land of Opportunity, the wealth of the richest 1% is about to outstrip the worth of the country’s entire middle class. Cheers. Florida gets its first Second Amendment sanctuary county. Today is the anniversary of…


Saturday links

Maggie McNeill: The concept of consent should apply to government operatives, as well as freelance molesters, snoops, and sadists. James Howard Kunstler writes an “in memoriam” for reality. Following PayPal’s departure, Mastercard, eBay, and Stripe all depart F*c*b**k’s troubled Libra cryptocurrency project. “Guns and Cannabis: The Insidious Creep of Tyranny” by John Klar. Borepatch and his comment section nail the governmental stupidity of a system that can prevent wildfires only by depriving people of electricity. … Outages the majority of Californians are stubbornly unprepared for. And (also related), Victor Davis Hanson laments, Why have we become so small? (H/T PT)…


Wednesday links

In another instance of “it’s about damn time,” two Houston cops have been charged with murder and evidence tampering in the excruciatingly inexcusable raid that left a couple and their dog dead for no reason other than the state’s love of brute force and police corruption. (H/T DB) Couldn’t happen to a more deserving currency. The U.S. dollar’s days at the world’s reserve currency grow shorter and shorter. The next recession will destroy millennials. Congressthing Ilhan Omar, already suspected of being married to her brother, is now embroiled in her lover’s lurid, tabloid-worthy divorce scandal. Yeah, yeah, I’m just posting…


Tuesday links

I’m a few days late with the news, but Justin Raimondo has died — and that’s one heck of an obituary for one heck of an activist life. Today’s most unsurprising news: NYPD joins the ranks of police outfits planting evidence to meet arrest quotas. Humboldt County, California, issues peremptory fines to people who might be growing pot — even if they’re actually growing peaches or tomatoes. “The Boomers Ruined Everything.” The title is inflammatory. The article has a point — and a damned good one — but most of the problems it cites preceded us boomers. Our generation only…


We now pause for a brief commercial announcement

No, not a commercial announcement on my behalf; I have NFI in any of the following. I just think they’re all worthy causes and items you might be interested in. 1. Liberty Under Attack Publications, aka the very young men who are reviving Rayo’s old freedom strategy of VONU, now have more books online. In addition to books on the vonulife, they’ve got volumes on bitcoin investing, subversion, strategy, and sedition. Who could ask for more? 2. A brief reminder that friend-of-liberty Elias Alias has expanded his Silver Seeds of Liberty line. When he’s not agitating for freedom, Elias is…


Just another little check-in (aka medical matters)

I’m beginning this on Thursday, within two hours of leaving to have a tooth yanked. I’ll finish this blog on the weekend, fates willing. The appointment is late in the day, which I wouldn’t have chosen. Cause I’m a wuss and a worrywort and just want it over with. I’ve been busy blogging and doing other things all morning, but suddenly I’m out of distractions. I’m not as nervous as I expected to be. Yet. I did wake at 3:00, counting, “Twelve+ hours to go.” Hated that and knew I’d be keeping count all day. But I stayed in my…


Thursday links

Some progress for gun owners who also use medical cannabis. But it’s still Reefer Madness at NASA, which will investigate SpaceX because Elon Musk smoked a joint. Inspiring words from the city government of Republic, Washington, after passage of the freedom-stealing Initiative 1639. Global warming was not a significant factor in recent California fires. Cuba has withdrawn its employees from Brazil’s More Doctors program, because Brazil’s new president insists they be paid properly and be allowed to have their families with them instead of held hostage back on the island. Ah, the wonders of socialism! Even better — communism (even…


Thursday links

What Joel (and Leslie Fish) wrote was sadly moving, and we can know that willfully naive souls will repeat the same fatal mistakes, world without end, amen. But thank G-d, some in the American Jewish community are awakening and taking up arms in defense of themselves and their faith. Sigh. Dutch police decrypt hundreds of thousands of messages from IronChat, a supposedly rock-solid, end-to-end encrypted messaging app praised by Edward Snowden. Six questions about the sloppy and insecure CIA communications that got 70 U.S. spies killed. Meanwhile, as Sharyl Attkisson notes, the Central Lack-of-Intelligence Agency deepens its spying on everybody…