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Category: War

Good and Evil: An Observation without Answers

This is the first thought in six months that has driven me to blog. Yet I hesitated. Because I had (and have) no answers, no solutions, no actions to advocate. Still, the thought wouldn’t leave my mind.


Silver and I were talking a few evenings ago about good and evil — as who isn’t these days? He raised a few of the metaphors and stories that humans have used to try to explain great evil over the centuries.


Malice, madness, malignancy, morons … and us

I’m sorry to have taken so long between blogs. Many excuses come to mind and fingertips: travel; tiredness; too much STUFF to deal with; a young, high-energy dog who thinks she should be the center of a world filled with entertainment and activity and who barks like an island full of seals when she doesn’t get her way, etc. so-on and so-on. [rant] But the big reason I haven’t sat down to blog is … well, what does one say? Welcome to &^%$#@ing World War 3? How about I wish to heck they’d all just get it over with —…


A cheerful ramble through WW3

Hahahahaha. Joel is SO right. The superrich got their WW3 bunkers a long, long time ago — and those bunkers didn’t cost the price of a modest house in a downscale market. If you haven’t got your bunker yet, Mr. or Ms 10-Percenter, you be out of luck. Ain’t that the truth? They’re not even giving us an hour between world-ending crises these days. Anybody out there who doesn’t think that all the drumbeating for the U.S. and Western Europe to go to war with Russia is all part of the plan? Just the latest step in The Great Reset,…


A great big mea culpa to (almost) all conspiracy theorists everywhere

Older readers may remember the Illuminatus! trilogy by Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson. First published in 1975, but clearly a product of the wild 1960s, it’s a mad, non-linear romp through political conspiracy theories, drugs, sex, and pretty much anything else you want to read into it. It begins with the assumption that every single conspiracy theory about the assassination of President Kennedy is absolutely true, then goes on to encompass the birth of the Illuminati in 1776, ancient Egyptians, John Dillinger, the American Medical Association, and the thoughts of a squirrel in New York City. Among other weirdness.…


A ramble through the collapsing oligarchy

(H/T Brad; from the early days of the convoy, but forever heartening) The aristos are scared. Question is: Are they scared enough? That is, do they finally realize it’s time — and past time — to heed the pleas of the peasants? Answer (of course): No. Sure, some of the lower level, more directly accountable ones — provincial and state governors — are grudgingly getting the message. (Thank you, Canadian truckers.) At higher levels, they still seem to think, as aristos always think, that a vigorous ass-kicking or a handy war will put an end to the uppitiness and afterward…


Friday Freedom Question: The truckers

We haven’t done a Friday Freedom Question in a while, and this one’s definitely due. It’s a two-parter. What will happen TO the truckers and what will happen AFTER the truckers? Oh, and if you haven’t donated yet … please do. Even if you can give only a few bux, you can leave an encouraging comment for these freedom fighters. An Ontario court is trying to shut down the new GiveSendGo fundraising campaign, but it looks as if they’re not going to have as easy a time as the Ottawa cops had inspiring and colluding with GoFraudMe’s* attempt to steal…


Violence, fantasy and reality:
Where does it go from here?
Part I

The other day I witnessed a conversation I could never have imagined. Picture two successful professionals, thoroughly decent people, respected (perhaps even revered) in their fields. Intelligent, moderate individuals, but outside what was once the political mainstream. They relax over glasses of wine, discussing a certain prominent “public health expert.” They discuss whether prison is too good for said expert, or whether dragging him behind a mule cart, drawing, castrating, quartering, and placing his head on a pike in a public square is more appropriate. And no, they hadn’t had that much wine. Both were embarrassed by their own words.…


From alpha to omicron, there’s nothing new under the shining delusions of authoritarians

One October day in 1844, thousands of followers of William Miller awaited the return of Jesus in glory and their own glorious ascension to heaven. The non-event that followed became known as The Great Disappointment. It didn’t help that the whole non-believing world was laughing their asses off while the devastated Millerites grieved and tried to recoup. You’d think something called The Great Disappointment would have been the end of the Millerite cult. But only if you underestimate the self-justifying irrationality of human beings. Sure, some walked away. But many who walked simply became True Believers in a different sect…


Dealing with our new totalitarian reality, part II
(We have just two jobs to do)

There’s a strange paradox at the heart of our unique and growing totalitarianism. On one hand, our ruling classes are as putrescent as any powdered princeling from France’s ancien regime. They have been for a very long time. Marie Antoinette may never have said, “Let them eat cake” when informed the deplorable masses had no bread. But today public and “private” figures like “let them eat ice cream” Pelosi, “take your jabs and pay no attention to my depopulation dreams” Gates, and “fighting climate change by blasting hydrocarbons from my private jet” Kerry are an undeniable fact of our lives.…


Dealing with our new totalitarian reality, part I

There’s one thing you can say for totalitarianism: the coolest people will all be Outlaws. They’ll import and export goods without government controls. They’ll provide free-market services. They’ll operate free communication networks. They’ll make unregulated products and sell them in unregulated ways. They’ll barter, use cash, use gold or silver, develop and use new forms of cryptocurrencies. It’ll be just like Libertopia. Except, you know, with the ever-present threat of death or long, harsh imprisonment. But that’s what Outlaws are about. Since totalitarianism is the direction we’re going, hey we might as well enjoy a few silver linings. —– I…