… says Mike Vanderboegh. And, if his idea catches on, that means even within the IRS, thanks to the health-care bill, with its need for thousands of new agents to enforce our state-defined well-being.
Damn good post.
Also, with tip o’ the hat to Wendy McElroy …
Eerie. Apparently we were having the same thoughts.
Love the poster. And although there are matters of substance with which I disagree with Vanderboegh–stridently–I continue to be impressed at how he has been handling recent events. (Disclosure: I’ve been following MBV’s writing for a couple of years now.) It is somewhat tempting–and also sad, in another way–to call him just the right man for his times.
Yep. “Great minds” once again.
There are definitely things to disagree with re: Mike V. I’ve been aware of him since the mid-90s when there were accusations on FidoNet that he was a fed provocateur. I’m not making that accusation, only recalling it. From what I’ve seen of him lately, I doubt that it was ever true. IMHO, a lot of what he writes on his Sipsey Street blog is brilliant, and I think you’ve nailed it by calling him “the right man for his times.”
I sometimes wish I had his courage. Other times, I see his courage as folly. But he’s sure no coward.
BTW, the XKCD cartoon that appeared on your site today is one of the best I’ve seen. (Warning: Some language in that cartoon NSF work or small children.)
I thought the IRS thing was brilliant, if a tad bit dangerous…
One should wear a class III flak jacket if they are considering a gov’t job these days.