Month: January 2018
Danm, that felt great. I’ve just sat down to rest after 24 hours of mad housework. I cleared about half the construction disarray, then scrubbed, swept and dusted. (Okay, I got a few hours sleep in there, too; but it was still a marathon.) You have no idea how feeeelthy a house can get after six weeks of drywalling (even with all the work being done in a back room) and an even longer time of cutting up 2x4s, shims, and trim with a chop saw that has no good place to operate. The saw’s been in the living room…
9 CommentsI’m not moving into the new bedroom yet. But I’m moving a few things that direction and trying to be ruthless about what stays and what gets donated or tossed. I found this in the Dreaded Category of “stuff I’ll never use but can’t let go of”: A prize of … well, absolutely nothing except gigantic bragging rights goes to the first person who can answer the two-part question: Who is Uncle Sam and what did he do to get his mug on this tee-shirt?
12 CommentsOkay, I presume you don’t have x-ray vision and you can’t deflect machine-gun rounds with your cool and stylish bracelets. If you turn into a giant green thug when something triggers you, I don’t want to know. But what trait do you have that you secretly think sets you above your peers? Leaving aside highly developed skills or book-learned knowledge for the moment, is there something about your character, behavior, or innate talents that you’re very proud of or that might cause others to turn to you, confident that you can handle yourself? For instance, you might be an exceptional…
17 CommentsThe past week I’ve been staggering between working on the new bedroom and editing the book Kit Perez and I are writing. The manuscript went to Kit yesterday for her comments and revisions. It will probably go back and forth a few more times, but for now it’s out of my hands. Yay! The bedroom project has turned from grueling into fun. I’ve reached the finishing stages, where work can be done a relaxing hour at a time, and where each hour produces more aesthetic improvement than entire weeks did not long ago. Even though it’s not done, time to…
11 Commentsli>Five months of texts missing? That’s nothing. “Losing” or destroying inconvenient evidence is the FBI’s stock in trade says Jim Bovard.