Month: January 2018
… but to me, it’s a project nearing completion. Besides, it’s actually two closets. And it’s what you get when you have a long hallway left over after your plans have been repeatedly unplanned by reality. Here I’m standing at the back of the second (utility) closet, looking into the nicer clothes-closet-to-be. The clothes closet portion has a tongue-and-groove wood ceiling, which I installed yesterday (a pleasant job, for a change). And it will have proper baseboard and crown moldings. Here I’m standing in the clothes area looking back into the utility closet. Befitting a utility closet, it’s much more…
7 Comments… plus an extraordinary amount of luck. Source (and H/T to Shel)
11 CommentsFunny thing, human psychology. I wrote Monday night that my bedroom renovation project had begun to feel like purgatory. So I gave myself permission to take a break from the project yesterday … which naturally made me feel good about working on it again. Got a fair bit done. By next week I’ll have reached the point where I’ll need The Wandering Monk’s assistance again (to replace sections of bad flooring, mostly). But I’m afraid the Monk may have finally wandered. Oh, not wandered from the area; he bought a house a year ago, so he won’t be leaving for…
11 CommentsOver at Claire’s Cabal we went to a (mostly) free-membership model in mid-2017. Now, all initial memberships are six-months. If the new Cabalistas are active posters and assets to the community, I convert them to full members. If they just lurk or post a few times then leave, their membership lapses. The first of those six-month provisional memberships end later this month. As of today, when I finally got around to setting up that system, lurkers who’d like to continue lurking can extend their memberships for a small fee. Still, if you’re a Cabal lurker, I hope you’ll get in…
3 CommentsWell, my mini-vacation is over. And not a moment too soon. I spent much of it (including Christmas and New Years Day) hanging drywall, taping, mudding, caulking, and painting. By the time yesterday rolled around I was feeling as if I’d been sent to purgatory to spend 1000 years finishing the inside of a closet. Maybe not 1000 years, but close. I’m still only about half-way done. You wouldn’t think completing a simple, smallish bedroom would take so long. It’s just a 10-ish x 11-ish box, after all. But it’s that closet that’s the killer. That and all the “interesting”…