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Category: Cultural insanity

Good and Evil: An Observation without Answers

This is the first thought in six months that has driven me to blog. Yet I hesitated. Because I had (and have) no answers, no solutions, no actions to advocate. Still, the thought wouldn’t leave my mind.


Silver and I were talking a few evenings ago about good and evil — as who isn’t these days? He raised a few of the metaphors and stories that humans have used to try to explain great evil over the centuries.


Yes. I am.

That’s the answer. The question (asked on X by a podcaster and conveyed to me by Bill St. Clair) was, “Is Claire Wolfe still alive?” Bill told the inquirer that I was not only alive but still operating and posting on The Living Freedom Forums. Then he politely suggested to me that I should inform the wider world. So here’s “proof of life,” as Bill put it, and I hope to remain among the living for a long time to come. Since I’m here to announce the (hopefully) welcome news, I’ll take the opportunity to ramble a bit. —– The…


Life is too short for this

Last night I awoke at midnight and spent the next three hours skimming along the edge of sleep. Instead of discoursing with the demons that like to alight in those hours, I drifted in love and beauty. From a cocoon of comfort, my minds eye watched colors and shapes. Golden columns rose and dissolved. Waves of aqua and emerald and pink flowed and ebbed. Figures twisted into view before fading into mist. I understood that I was experiencing a history of art. Not viewing art from afar. Not learning about it academically, but being in art as its been created…


Getting out of the Crazy

“Men are freest when they are most unconscious of freedom.The shout is a rattling of chains and always was.” — D. H. Lawrence —– It’s true. We’re most free when we can just take our freedom for granted. But you see the problem there, of course. Our not thinking about freedom leaves control freaks free to pursue our enslavement. Then by the time we’re aware of what they’re doing, it may be too late. In theory, it’s possible to set up bulwarks that operate more-or-less automatically against government-gone-mad (constitutions, decentralized political structures), but in practice few of them work very…


It’s a mad, mad, mad, mad world

Well, another week gone by and we’re still here. At least I am and I hope you are. Whatever else is going on in your world (or the world), we can be fairly confident none of us have died due to nuclear blasts or the fallout (physical or political) thereof. Yet. Given the general condition of things, we can surely count that as a plus. (H/T Bayou Renaissance Man) —– In my neck of the woods, however, three neighbors have died in the last eight months (none of Covid), one neighbor’s mother died (expected, but still …), one of my…


Malice, madness, malignancy, morons … and us

I’m sorry to have taken so long between blogs. Many excuses come to mind and fingertips: travel; tiredness; too much STUFF to deal with; a young, high-energy dog who thinks she should be the center of a world filled with entertainment and activity and who barks like an island full of seals when she doesn’t get her way, etc. so-on and so-on. [rant] But the big reason I haven’t sat down to blog is … well, what does one say? Welcome to &^%$#@ing World War 3? How about I wish to heck they’d all just get it over with —…


#DuckDuckGone and other reasons we need our own parallel societies

So it seems that these days — at least in the minds of people who live in tech rather than in human reality — the proper way to announce your absolute lack of bias is to tweet, as DuckDuckGo’s CEO did: Now I don’t care who you think is right or wrong in the crisis du jour (both sides are nests of vipers, with Russia merely being the larger and more venomous, and the U.S. Deep State getting its fangs in, too). The truth — can we use that word any more? — is that both sides and their supporting…


How “Just Waiting,” “Comrade X,” and Small-Town Power Saved the Day, Part II

See Part I here. The Action, continued Comrade X began emailing Just Waiting’s publicly available, but largely hidden, information to contacts around the county. Immediately, he got pushback from the local Republican Party, which told him they thought the homeless housing could benefit the community. “Then I realized where the problem was,” CX admits wryly. He decided that if established powers weren’t going to act, he’d have to do it on his own. Or rather, not on his own but with the help of other grassroots actors. JW was integral, keeping CX up-to-date on the calls coming in and the…


How “Just Waiting,” “Comrade X,” and Small-Town Power Saved the Day, Part I

I don’t usually write about within-the-system political actions. Most are a waste of time. This was such a successful exception, performed at the local level, and with such Freedom Outlaw panache, that I thought the action and its perpetrators deserve a tip o’ the hat. —– Longtime blog Commentariat members and freedomistas Just Waiting (JW) and Comrade X (CX) both moved to a small town in a quiet, obscure county in the State of Jefferson. They arrived separately, from different sinkholes of statism. Both were seeking freedom. Each had his own intensely political past — one as a tough, scruffy…


A great big mea culpa to (almost) all conspiracy theorists everywhere

Older readers may remember the Illuminatus! trilogy by Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson. First published in 1975, but clearly a product of the wild 1960s, it’s a mad, non-linear romp through political conspiracy theories, drugs, sex, and pretty much anything else you want to read into it. It begins with the assumption that every single conspiracy theory about the assassination of President Kennedy is absolutely true, then goes on to encompass the birth of the Illuminati in 1776, ancient Egyptians, John Dillinger, the American Medical Association, and the thoughts of a squirrel in New York City. Among other weirdness.…