Still deadlining. Picked up a couple more small assignments over the weekend. Sanity retreats again — but I shall chase it down and catch up with it! Dogs (and not wolves) use humans as tools. Every dog person knows that; now scientists do, too. (Tip o’ hat to MLS.) Yes. Really. The border fence is to keep the Mexicans IN. Methodists (good for them) demonstrate against private prisons. Would you like your state to make a deal with CCA guaranteeing to keep all its prisons at 90% occupancy for 20 years? Microsoft cautiously and wimpily begins to back away from…
18 CommentsMonth: April 2012
Despite (or — sigh — perhaps in part because of) a little flag-waving, this is a damnfine piece of free-market agit-prop.
2 CommentsI went to a tea yesterday. Yes, an actual tea. For charity. With big flowery hats on the ladies. And cucumber sandwiches with the crusts cut off (which, for the record, turn out to be absolutely delicious). One woman wore a wildly purple Central American native dress and a red thrift-store hat with bangles all around that looked like a lampshade. A young acquaintance of hers died last week and she’s aware that our mutual friend J. has pancreatic cancer. To hell with it, says the lady in the bangled hat and floral-toned muumuu, who last I saw her was…
13 CommentsThis is about a court hearing held last week for one of the Michigan pig farmers resisting the slaughter of heritage breeds. Via Bakers Green Acres, which has become Information Central for this particular tyranny (capitalization and punctuation per the original): According to several counts, between the Attorney General, DNR and Department of Agriculture there were 17 State of Michigan Employees in the courtroom concerning this case. The lead characters were all dressed in black (Mark likened it to the Matrix). Security was intense. At this small, rural county courthouse everyone was supposed to go through metal detectors, past numerous…
9 CommentsEntering the home stretch on deadlines and having lunch at my place for friends today. Getting more sane by the minute … but will it last? Is there anybody left that Obama, the Pentagon, and the CIA don’t claim the right to kill at random? Oliver nails it: never trust the cloud. “How social media are both enabling and undermining trust is a really important thing for us to understand.” (H/T jed.) Concealed Carry Clothiers. For a non-tactical (e.g. non-obvious) look in vests and belts. (From NTIsurvivor in recent comments.) House passes CISPA. On to the Senate. Special jail wings…
9 CommentsCan you? The answer is online, but no fair looking it up. Have at it in the comment section.
18 CommentsStill deadlining, but feeling marginally more sane … Another attempt to destroy family farming. This time through bureaucratic good intentions child-safety stupidity. (Tip o’ hat to Dan over at Earthineer.) The NYTimes is stunned to discover clothing designed for concealed carry and other tool-bearing purposes. Rodney King, 20 years after. Oh. You mean that border fence was designed to keep Mexicans in??? The latest atrocity example of “just following procedures” at the TSA. Burger King — which has lately made a move toward upscaling the fast-food biz — is now going to cage-free eggs and pork. Good for BK. The…
14 CommentsOkay (she says rubbing hands and getting down to work). I may not be capable of brilliance at the moment. But hyperlinks? Those I can manage. xkcd on Skynet. Between the feds and utility companies who you gonna believe on the dangers of solar storms? Mac the Knife reminds me that my Neighbor from Hell could be a whole lot worse. Seriously? We need another spy agency??? Interesting: Ron Paul and the Lucifer Effect. (Tip o’ hat to PT.) So … how much ground do you intend to stand? And for the guys in the audience (with H/T to JS),…
30 Comments… ya don’t. I’ve been deadlining the past couple of weeks and have about a week and a half to go. The work is going well, but doing a number of small projects at once crowds my brain. I’m also going gangbusters on house projects in my spare time. (Ah, spring! It brings out the constructive insanity in a body.) All that’s to the good, and life is dandy fine. Don’t get me wrong. But the last few days have also brought a steady stream of itty-bitty time-wasters and irritations. Not one is of the slightest importance by itself, but…
18 CommentsThere’s a perfectly sensible manual designed to help you deal with dogs. If you give a damn, read & heed it. We non-cops might want to see that our local PDs get copies of the thing. It would be good for everybody to see more stories like this (H/T naturegirl) and a lot fewer of these.