I’m not moving into the new bedroom yet. But I’m moving a few things that direction and trying to be ruthless about what stays and what gets donated or tossed.
I found this in the Dreaded Category of “stuff I’ll never use but can’t let go of”:
A prize of … well, absolutely nothing except gigantic bragging rights goes to the first person who can answer the two-part question: Who is Uncle Sam and what did he do to get his mug on this tee-shirt?
Sam Ervin. Started impeachment talks on Nixon.
Hmm..is it Sam Walton? I don’t know why anyone would put him on a t shirt unless they were original investors in Walmart and made $$$$.
Boy, that was quick. Michael Harrow got it in seconds flat.
Senator Sam Ervin. A key (and very colorful) figure in the investigation of Richard Nixon and the Watergate burglary and coverup.
How did you know, MH?
Unfortunately it’s not Sam Walton. If I’d made a bazillion as an early investor in Walmart, I’d gladly put him on a tee-shirt. Or for that matter a flag flying over my house. No such luck, though.
Well, I would have recognized Tricky Dick…
Claire, I’m just too old and have a good memory.
Ervin didn’t lack for smugness during those hearings. But a DSC, Silver Star, and two Purple Hearts in WWI do impress me. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sam_Ervin
All I had was ‘some old-time politician’. I remembered his face – huge under-chin wattle mostly. I guess I was too busy drinking ‘low beer’ at The Cove and dancing the Funky Broadway with Tiny Reid.
OT: Less than once in a blue moon. https://qz.com/1189777/a-supermoon-and-total-lunar-eclipse-will-coincide-for-the-first-time-in-152-years/
I remember watching Sam Ervin’s eyebrows during the hearings.
Reminds me, Claire; The Post was in your Netflix queue, and you were going to comment?
Didn’t watch the hearings. Nixon was still my Commander in Chief, and Uncle Sam’s Army was keeping me busy.
“Reminds me, Claire; The Post was in your Netflix queue, and you were going to comment?”
Someday. The Post is in my Netflix DVD “saved” queue. Likely to be months …