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Ready to go

Well, tomorrow’s the day I hit the road. Friday the 13th. That should be auspicious.

Boy, from all the comments on yesterday’s “Stuff!” post, this topic of moving possessions really resonates. And some of you put my little trailer-stuff problem in perspective. Man … all that talk of 55-foot semis and reducing a life-long heritage to a few square feet of keepers. That’s depressing. Makes me glad I don’t have much more than one small trailer’s worth.

As you can see, we loaded that puppy and then some. Neighbor Joel was invaluable, both in helping me shift stuff and in keeping me well grounded. I am really, really going to miss having him as my fellow hermit.

Oh yeah, most of the packing was much neater than what you see in the rear of the trailer. Wedging in those last items wasn’t pretty. That thing that looks like an explosion in a bicycle factory is one of my three items of furniture — a two-seater lawn glider than had to be taken all the way down to its seat slats and tubing to fit in (also Joel’s work).

Quite a lot of stuff didn’t make the cut, including all of my bulk storage foods. What you see in the photo are (among other things) the three buckets we’d hopefully loaded on the trailer then had to pull off. The rest never even left the barn. Ah well, all that wheat isn’t on my primal diet, anyhow, right? The wheat, beans, sugar, salt, and TVP will serve the Last-Chance Gulch community well in an emergency. And Joel will make fine use out of all the regular canned foods I left behind. In a couple of months, I’ll hit the fall canned-goods sales and begin stocking up again.

Joel threatened to put that rocking chair in the background on top of my vehicle just like Ma Clampett, but I declined. I figured dog crates were rednecky enough without having to hum the Beverly Hillbillies theme song all the way across country.

Now … on the road tomorrow!


  1. John
    John August 12, 2010 9:27 pm

    Howdy Claire,

    Sure hope you have a great trip back to the wet lands.

    Take your time and enjoy the ride.

  2. Dick Pilz
    Dick Pilz August 12, 2010 9:51 pm

    Grocery Outlet
    16261 U.S. 101
    Brookings, OR 97415-9499
    (541) 412-7264

    I think that is the closest one to where you are going. If not, Google.

    THE place for canned goods. We have several in PDX. They were originally Cannery Outlet.

    Cheaper than big chain or warehouse stores. Just don’t plan on finding the same items every week or month

  3. pat rizzi
    pat rizzi August 13, 2010 5:52 am

    Have a safe trip.

  4. Debbie in Alabama
    Debbie in Alabama August 13, 2010 6:32 am

    Good luck & safe travels!!!!

  5. Joel
    Joel August 13, 2010 8:15 am

    To Claire’s blog readers:

    I’m Joel. I’m naturally a bit anxious about Claire’s well-being till I know she’s safely at her new home, but for various reasons I can only travel in a real emergency – besides which since I’m at one extreme end of her journey it’d probably be a long time before I could reach her in any case.

    I don’t know if she’s planning to blog along her way, or whether she’ll find the hotspots she’d need to do that. Certainly if she runs into trouble on the road we can’t depend on her blog to tell us so we can bring her help. So I’m going to be monitoring her journey on my blog, In case of trouble along her way I may be screaming for help. There’s no reason to expect trouble, but you never know and I really hate it that she’s alone out there.


  6. Jake MacGregor
    Jake MacGregor August 13, 2010 9:57 am

    joyous travels Claire

    you are fortunate, indeed, to have friends like Joel who have your back (and now your storage foods :>) )

    when we moved a year ago we felt ‘lost’ for the first 3 months even though we really wanted to be here in the Pac N’West

    the most difficult part was learning who was who, and more importantly who to trust and who not to

    your good nature and big heart are your biggest asset, and potentially your liability … let others show who they are through their good deeds at your new locale

    and enjoy every moment of turning your old house into your new home

    the most frustrating moments will be your most beloved stories

    God Speed Claire and safe travels


  7. Matt
    Matt August 13, 2010 1:03 pm

    Vaya con Dios.

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