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Month: August 2010

From the “It’s a small world” department

Big thanks to everybody who posted their experiences and observations on pellet stoves. Good links, too. That was helpful & informative — and very nice to see so many new people commenting. Also thanks to everybody who congratulated me on the new house and wished me (and it) well. I almost had to post to say the well wishes were premature. Just when it looked as if things were going really great, I got the first roofing bid. … After the dogs administered some quick CPR, I took a deep breath and hoped the bid for my roof work had…


Tell me about pellet stoves

Erm .. I’m thinking we may have more than usual of very practical type posts in the next few weeks as I get ready to move to my new home. And yes, it’s looking more and more as if it will be my home. WhooHoo! The inspector came today, and what a pro. He poked and prodded the place for 3-1/2 hours, and while I probably won’t have his report until tomorrow, my friend Leslie (she who found the place) stayed with him the entire time and gave me updates by phone. I think I’m starting to owe Leslie more…


Dieter Dengler, champion survivalist

You’ve probably heard of Dieter Dengler, the subject of two Werner Herzog films, the documentary Little Dieter Needs to Fly and the Christian Bale-starring drama, Rescue Dawn. Investors Business Daily (of all places) has a brief bio that reveals how Dengler’s incredible feats (he escaped from a POW camp in Laos and survived 23 days in a hostile jungle while suffering a host of debilitating diseases) can be traced to skills and personality traits he developed early in childhood. Talk about the things you learn at your mother’s knee …


Battle of Athens, Tennessee

This is the 64th anniversary of the Battle of Athens, Tennessee — when a group of returned WWII servicemen took their county back from a corrupt government by means of force. Links: Battle of Athens at Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership At (almost identical to the above) On Wikipedia


Staggering into Monday

Sunday night as I write this. I’m sitting amid the rubble of a whole weekend spent doing illustration. Pencils. Colored pencils. Scissors. Kneaded erasers. Tortillons. Paints. Odorless paint thinner. Markers. Tissue paper. Illustration board. Reference photos. As I say, rubble. And all this is strewn across the standard rubble that quickly takes over life when you live in a fifth-wheel and have to work, eat, and Web surf at the same tiny table. It’s so bad at the moment that when my fellow hermit Joel came over for dinner earlier he not only had to cook it himself — outside…