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Whotta maroon …

Harold Camping speaks.

One could be charitable and say the man’s getting senile. But does senility bring such arrogance, narcissism, and complete disregard for what he wrought on those who were foolish enough to believe him?

And yes, of course. He wasn’t wrong. Didn’t even make a “math error” this time. (In fact, he now says he never made a math error in the first place, not in his 1994 Doomsday prediction, nor anywhere else.) Judgment Day came exactly as he predicted. We simply didn’t notice. Three times now, apparently.

Presumably we will notice — albeit briefly — when the world is destroyed by fire on October 21. That would be just a tad harder to miss.


Carl-Bear Bussjaeger has a pretty hot opinion on all this, including an offer Mr. Camping shouldn’t refuse and questions about those earthquakes — you know, the ones that were absolutely going to happen and be so powerful they’d shove the dead out of their graves?

Sigh … it was funny for a few weeks. But are we really gonna have to go through five more months of this?


  1. Carl-Bear
    Carl-Bear May 23, 2011 11:57 pm

    Hey, you think we’ve got it bad, waiting for October? Picture poor Jesus: He had to come down and work on a weekend getting everybody judged, and now he has to sitting around twiddling his thumbs for five months before they announce the results.

    (Yeah, if the Christians are right, I guess I’ve got a reserved ticket on the first handbasket to Hell. Or NYC. Something like that.)

  2. Jim B.
    Jim B. May 24, 2011 12:20 am


    Are you still on this Camping whatever guy? Please. The best thing to do with guys like him is to ignore him and not drink the Kool-Aid. We do not want to give him or others like him any publicity to attract more people to him. End of the World guys are a dime a dozen. They’re like those guys with small packages that flashes you.

    Besides everyone knows the world really ends on 12/21/12. ; )

  3. Joel
    Joel May 24, 2011 7:01 am

    … are we really gonna have to go through five more months of this?

    No, we’re gonna have a laugh and then send Camping back to well-deserved obscurity. Look on the bright side – he could be a politician with lots of seniority, and we’d have to fend off his real-world efforts to screw with our lives.

    It’s probably time to let him get on with that obscurity thing now, Claire.

  4. Claire
    Claire May 24, 2011 7:22 am

    Yeah, you guys are probably right about letting Mr. Camping get on with his well-deserved obscurity.

    I was just so disgusted last night with the man’s utter lack of empathy or responsibility. I expected he’d make excuses for himself when he finally spoke up. “Judgment Day happened on schedule & everybody just failed to notice” is pretty standard. But I didn’t expect the blatantly reeking display of sociopathic self-centeredness (“the weekend was really tough for me but I’m not responsible and I don’t give a shit about anybody who suffered because they believed me and there’s no way I’m giving anybody’s money back”). That was over the top even for the standard phony profit prophet of God.

    Okay. One last hope & then I’m done. God … please keep Mr. Camping alive and well until at least October 22.

  5. Scott
    Scott May 24, 2011 9:05 am

    He used up his 15 minutes.

  6. Desertrat
    Desertrat May 24, 2011 4:27 pm

    There was a big hoo-hah about the end of the world to come on New Year’s Day of 1960 or 1961. I was at the Univ. of Florida at the time. Quite a few students returned early from Christmas vacation to partake of End Of The World parties. From what I later heard, great parties.

    Unfortunately, hangovers and pregnancies didn’t end the world…

  7. tjbbpgobIII
    tjbbpgobIII May 24, 2011 9:05 pm

    ” (In fact, he now says he never made a math error in the first place, not in his 1994 Doomsday prediction, nor anywhere else.) Judgment Day came exactly as he predicted. We simply didn’t notice. Three times now, apparently.”

    Well, we took a headcount in 2000, did anybody notice anything? I have missed all three of the boats maybe I can get it right in the next 5 months.

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