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  1. water lily
    water lily August 25, 2011 1:05 pm

    I just read two of your books and enjoyed both of them. (Freedom Outlaw and Rebel Fire.) Good stuff.

    So glad that Kindle version of FO was available. Keep the Kindle versions coming!

  2. Claire
    Claire August 25, 2011 1:10 pm

    Thank you, water lily! I blush.

    I’d love to keep Kindle versions coming. That’s up to my publishers, though. Paladin Press is working on it. BHM and JPFO not so much.

    If I ever self-publish, I’ll be sure to put the book into every possible format right away.

  3. DSC
    DSC August 25, 2011 1:30 pm

    Loved it the first time I read it. So, I’m reading it again!

  4. Claire
    Claire August 25, 2011 1:43 pm

    ๐Ÿ™‚ Thank you, DSC. That’s the sort of thing writers just love to hear.

  5. Richard
    Richard August 26, 2011 7:15 pm

    I love this serial. It was the first story to give me an idea on how to exit the nightmare of current society while maintaining a visa that would allow me to visit on occasion. Although ones mind can be free, or relatively free, external forces can still rain down a world of hurt on you. Therefore I find the techniques and situations outlined in this book and the Freedom Outlaws Handbook very useful. Let’s face it they’re just darn good reads. If only I could get signed copies of Freedom Outlaw I’d be set ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Anyhow Hardyville Tales is a great stocking stuffer and a great way to introduce younger folk to Living In Freedom without reading a gazillion page book like Atlas Shrugged. Thanks for all your hard work. Cheers

  6. Jim B.
    Jim B. August 27, 2011 8:14 am

    I’ve found out that Paladin Press is having an Out of Print Sale this week-end. Many Loompanics’ article books are being offered. Some of which holds Claire’s articles.

    It ends Monday.

  7. A. G.
    A. G. August 28, 2011 4:14 pm

    Ack!! Jim B, which Loompanic collections have Claire’s works in them? The list of books to aquire grows…..

    My bride and I each have our own copies of Hardyville. The only fiction we have read in ten years, and it was nice to discuss some of the freedom themes explored in the work.
    I hope that eventually the rest of the Hardyville stuff is released in a collection of some sort, even if the stories and articles are not really tied together in a linear narrative.

  8. Tracker
    Tracker September 2, 2011 10:30 am

    OK, just got started on my own signed edition of this from Clair. First, question…

    I want a detailed plan of how the residents ran the political critters out of town and shrank the mayor down to a figure head! I have some local councilman and a mayor that need to be run out of town on a rail and need a road map!

    I am even willing to let them build a wax museum to come up with the pretense to hang them, it is probably cheaper than that dang “historical village” they have been pouring money into for the last 10 years!

  9. Jim B.
    Jim B. September 3, 2011 1:32 am

    Have you seen the historical account of the “Battle of Athens, Tenn.”?

    As far as I know that’s the last time someone overthrew a local government. Of course I don’t believe that could be “executed” today, as the Feds won’t “allow” the great unwashed to have that kind of a say in the affairs of government of any level.

    On another note, sorry I didn’t get back with the answer on the Loompanics books. Claire’s works would likely be in just the later books(you’ll need to ask Claire which). Unfortunately the Out of Print sale is over now, and there are only a few books in the Slightly Scruffy Sales.

  10. Claire
    Claire September 3, 2011 7:58 am

    To kick out politicians, it helps to have a whole town full of people with Hardyville attitudes and Hardyville traditions.

    As to the Loompanics anthologies … thanks for finding the sale, Jim B. Even I don’t know which of those books contains my articles, though. Been a long time and I never did pay much attention.

  11. MamaLiberty
    MamaLiberty September 15, 2011 4:38 pm

    I got my box of books! YAY! Thanks, Claire. I’m going to use them for awards for new FSW members… just have not figured out all the details yet (actually, how to avoid being mobbed…). I posted ordering information at the FSW forum some time ago, but need to do it again.

    My sons read their copies – received last time. They both said, “Where is this place and how do we get there?” It was a very useful conversation, and at least the younger one will probably join me here with his two young sons by spring.

    One by one, step by step…

  12. Claire
    Claire September 15, 2011 6:14 pm

    Oh, MamaLiberty, you are so nice to say all that. And what a fantastic purpose to put the books to! Thank you.

  13. Underground Carpenter
    Underground Carpenter September 27, 2011 2:28 am

    Hi Claire,

    For the last month I’ve been checking your blog, seeing no new posts, and wondering where you went. OK, so it finally dawned on me what “stickied” means, and yes, I’m not too bright.


  14. Claire
    Claire September 27, 2011 6:20 am

    Underground Carpenter (like that name), apparently I’m the one who’s not too bright! Or I’d have realized I needed to make myself more clear. I’m sorry — and glad you found the rest of the blog again.

  15. Jason
    Jason October 15, 2011 9:08 am

    Hi, Claire … Jason from Paladin. Was talking to a gentleman last night and he alerted me to the medical marijuana and second amendment restrictions to those carrying MMJ ID cards. I found an article from late September, so you might have covered it already.

    I was shocked. But then, … not really. Mostly saddened to see what certain veterans are dealing with.

  16. Claire
    Claire October 17, 2011 7:20 am

    Jason — Yeah saddened more than anything. No cruelty from the ATF can really shock anybody who’s been watching. Thank you for the link. I didn’t blog the news when it first came out because the gun blogs were already all over it. And because … well, it’s exactly what one would expect from any federal law-enforcement agency, especially that one.

    Still, it’s good to have your link with such a personal story here. I expect this is going to have huge percussions over time, as more and more disabled people end up getting long prison sentences for “illegal” guns.

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