“The bug-out bag resource list — covering the best sources online.”
Excellent collection of links on multiple aspects of bug-out bags — everything from “What is a bug-out bag?” to special-needs bags. Great site in general. Links, links, links on many aspects of preparedness. (A couple of the links are to this blog, I’m happy to say. But there’s so much more.)
Speaking of preparedness, here’s a real-world idea from a real do-er. One of the readers of this blog, who doesn’t want to be named, is helping his friends develop their preparedness mindset and skills in a way that is both painless and clever. Maybe even fun.
He purchased copies of the booklet Surviving a Disaster by Tony Nester and distributed them to relatives and acquaintances in his area who were receptive to the idea of preparedness but maybe needed a nudge.
Then he set up an invitation-only email list using one of the common online resources (e.g. Yahoo!, Google, or MSN groups ) and asked those same people to join him for regular, structured discussion. And I know this guy; he is all thumbs when it comes to technology. He says if he can set up a discussion list, anybody can.
I didn’t ask, but I suspect he chose Nester’s book partly because it’s small and not daunting and partly because the book has a specific focus: evacuation strategies and kits. He lives in an area subject to several “predictably unpredictable” types of disasters, and Nester’s advice is appropriate for common non-TEOTWAWKI emergencies group members might find themselves in.
He didn’t just say, “Come join me to talk about it.” He’s assigned reading (“Pages 1-5 by this Thursday”) and is keeping discussions targeted and action-oriented.
What a great way to build a small preparedness community while also looking out for the people you most care about.
Surely this is something any of us could implement without breaking a sweat.
Okay, maybe in our case participants would have to buy their own books. OTOH, instead of books, you could easily base the discussion around online articles; your assigned reading would be in the form of links — of which there just happen to be tons.
Survival Tips and Tricks (linked above) and MD Creekmore’s Survivalist Blog are good places to start. But yeah … when it comes to this topic, you’ve already got your own favorite sources, right?
That is a great approach towards introducing people to learning about preparedness. It’s actually a great approach to encourage people to learn about anything.
I like Survivalist Blog, have only been reading it a month now. I linked to it from your blog roll.
Matt, another — glad to hear that somebody is using the blogroll. I always wonder about that. And I agree, Survivalist Blog beats some better-known alternatives.
Nice one Claire
Nice resources, thank you.
Very nice, thanks. And yes, I use blogrolls pretty regularly here and elsewhere to find other quality, related (but not always) blogs.
I’ve told a few friends about this:
and one of them even tried it on a short hiking trip and said he was pretty impressed. I’ve yet to make one myself, but I think it is about time.
I use blogrolls too…..and I found my 5 favorites by reading Survivalblog regularly…..
Still haven’t quite conquered answering in the comments sections of the newer ones, yet….so I hope people know by stats that their blogs are read by us in the shadows……
I can’t say it often enough, if your BOB isn’t lightweight and manageable it will become your worst enemy, seriously…..until you actually live with it on/carried/whatever for days on end, just like it would be in “the other world,” you won’t understand just how important this is……keep it simple, keep the contents multi-use…….
And only $6.99 on Kindle! Darn, I’m buying books faster than I read them.
Claire, you are very kind to mention my blog. I appreciate it very much. I just put up another resource guide on survival guns in case any of your readers are interested.
Take care.