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Sweetie (Georgia Brown) update

Sorry for the sorta funky picture, but it’s what I’ve got. Better yet, it was taken yesterday at a vet’s office, where Sweetie the deaf heeler — now Sweet Georgia Brown — was declared heartworm free! at her three-month post-treatment checkup.

Reports Linda, her foster-care coordinator:

Her 3-month test was negative! She weighs 44.4 lb. and was a good girl w/ the vet. She’s so pretty and sweet – Foster Dad Ted has a new forever dog, Doc – mixed breed about 5 years old and she and Doc have become fast friends – Ted says they play constantly. Yesterday in the vet’s office some folks came in w/ a Large Black Dog – indeterminate breed and mostly puppy – he and Sweetie were trying hard to play, I saw no indication of uncertainty or aggression on her side – just curious and interested in meeting/playing.

She’s doing well for the most part – still nippy with strangers, but that is something that can easily be dealt with with an educated owner who is willing to work with a trainer.

Yay! And thank you to all who helped bring Sweetie to the NorthWET and funded her heartworm treatment and her care.

I’m not sure what the plan is for finding a permanent home for Sweetie-Georgia. Everybody has been half hoping her foster dads would keep her. But it would also be a good thing if she went to an ACD-knowledgeable home with folks who’d work on that nipping problem. Linda also thinks she could be a happy little agility dog. Because of her deafness, she could never be a herder, but she still has the instincts.

ACD people in Oregon or Washington … anybody interested?


  1. Linda Watkins
    Linda Watkins September 21, 2012 2:12 pm

    I’ll be getting our little southern belle posted on PetFinder this weekend – then we’ll hope that someone sees what a stunning and sweet girl she is and decides they want her to join their family.

    As soon as I have her posted, I’ll share the link so folks can share her information – while we’re not averse to sending her outside of the region, we do feel that as much as she’s traveled and been moved around, someplace within a day’s drive of Portland, OR would really be better for her – but if the “right” home is farther away, we can live with that!

    Many, many thanks to all who helped get Sweet Georgia Brown to safety – hope you’re all having a great fall and looking forward to cozy winter.

  2. Karen
    Karen September 21, 2012 4:02 pm

    Thanks for the update! She certainly doesn’t look any the worse for her lengthy kenneling during the heartworm treatment. I sure hope things continue to look up for Sweet Georgia Brown.

  3. Mary Lou
    Mary Lou September 21, 2012 5:25 pm

    How wonderful to hear this great news on Sweetie! Thanks again to Claire, Linda, and all the Freedomistas who helped with Sweetie’s journey and treatment!

  4. Water Lily
    Water Lily September 21, 2012 5:54 pm

    Thanks for the update! Great news!

  5. MJR
    MJR September 22, 2012 4:17 am

    Thanks Claire, you have made my day.

  6. Leah Jones
    Leah Jones September 24, 2012 12:12 am

    Hello Claire,
    I’m Leah from Australia, and was one of those who fell in love with this beautiful girl, via Mary Lou Seymour. She always gives updates on Sweetie when she gets them, and I’m absolutely thrilled with this one, which came via her.
    I wish anyone who wants to get the nipping out of Sweetie the very best of luck. There are many of these dogs around where I live in Country Queensland, and I’ve known several of them very well. They all seem to do that little nipping thing – part of their genes, I think. Of course it’s there way of herding cattle, but with people it seems to be a term of affection. It’s only a swift and little thing, but I guess it’s not an “acceptable” thing for a domestic dog. I hope she can be cured of this – she’s a gorgeous girl, and deserves a good chance at life with people who love her. They’re the most faithful of creatures, very protective and loving, and quite capable of being “puppyish” at a relatively advanced age.
    Please give the gentleman who is fostering Sweetie my thanks, and please ask him to give her a big hug and pet from her Aunty Leah from Down Under.
    Thank you Claire. Hugs to you. Leah.

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