The new Price of Liberty blog. (Added to the blogroll, also.)
From The Oatmeal: “My dog, the paradox.” (H/T CB)
Tree is down (safely, but not without a little “adventure”), deadlines ALLLLLLL met. I’m off to the beach for the day.
The new Price of Liberty blog. (Added to the blogroll, also.)
From The Oatmeal: “My dog, the paradox.” (H/T CB)
Tree is down (safely, but not without a little “adventure”), deadlines ALLLLLLL met. I’m off to the beach for the day.
Claire’s posts should have a “like” button.
Have a great day at the beach!!!!
Thanks, Claire. I’m wishing I’d converted to a blog a long time ago! We’re still working the bugs out of the comment thing. Had to install a spam filter and I’ve not gotten a comment since. If someone would like to help, leave a comment so I can see if the filter is working right. 🙂
I left you a test comment in Food Lines story at about 2:45 east coast.
Thanks, just waiting… the comment thing seems to be working fine… just not many readers right now. 🙂
Hmmm, I think I’ll try to come up with something even more controversial than yesterday. LOL