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  1. Woody
    Woody October 19, 2012 4:38 pm

    This Land of the free….where would that be? I’d like to go there someday.

  2. Claire
    Claire October 19, 2012 5:21 pm

    Sorry, Woody. They won’t let the likes of us fly there …

  3. Grog
    Grog October 19, 2012 6:08 pm

    Sounds like someone in the building with angled walls made a phone call. Maybe there’s a cruise line that goes there?

  4. Jim B.
    Jim B. October 19, 2012 7:33 pm

    How magnanimous of them to allow him to get off the list so he can fly home.

    However I think someone high up twigged on to the possibility that this could raise such an unwanted stink and such criticisms that something would have to be done about their lovely No-Fly lists, that “they” might not like.

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