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  1. Woody
    Woody November 23, 2012 5:34 am

    Having shared the last moments of far too many beloved canine companions I grok what Fiona Apple is going through as I sit here with a tear in my eye. Fiona shows us that she gets it.

  2. Woody
    Woody November 23, 2012 5:44 am

    Regarding anti-gay Christian lawyers:

    “Lisa Biron, a Manchester, N.H., lawyer associated with the Christian litigation group, Alliance Defending Freedom, was arrested by FBI agents on Friday morning on charges of transportation with intent to engage in criminal sexual activity, possession of child pornography and five counts of sexual exploitation of children, according to the Concord Monitor. ”

    You fail to understand that none of the above matters. Lisa Biron has been born again and accepted Jesus as her personal Lord & Savior and therefore is going to heaven despite her despicable behavior. Amazing what some people can rationalize, isn’t it?

  3. Scott
    Scott November 23, 2012 10:07 am

    I thought Detroit had already ran out of money. I used to work with a guy from Detroit, and by the way he described it, the place looked like a ghost city or something from a post-nuclear war movie. Never been there myself. I;ve heard stories of scrappers disassembling parts of the city for scrap metal/materials, but I don’t know if that’s true or not.

  4. Roger
    Roger November 23, 2012 11:20 am

    “You fail to understand that none of the above matters. Lisa Biron has been born again and accepted Jesus as her personal Lord & Savior and therefore is going to heaven despite her despicable behavior. Amazing what some people can rationalize, isn’t it?”

    It think it is rather a demonstration of how perverts can hide anywhere.
    Here in the UK we have a report out this week showing how 25% of child sex abuse rings comprise of Muslim men despite the Muslim population only making up 4% of the whole of the UK pop, and half that 4% are women. As a number of these men were imams too we can therefore conclude that the majority of Muslim men especially imams are pedophiles? Off the cuff statistics and comments are tricky things.
    The truth is abusers such as these hide themselves well and among every profession and faith. Their faith and morals are those that suit themselves for their own agendas, not those of any organisation they belong too.

  5. Jim B.
    Jim B. November 24, 2012 12:55 am

    Fiona Apple has shown herself to be at least a thousand times a better person than that Congresscritter that hauled a poor dog in a kennel on top of an SUV, stopping once to hose off the dog and the vomit off his precious SUV.

  6. JWG
    JWG November 24, 2012 10:08 am

    There is probably more to the story of the lawyer with the child porn than what is reported. When a person who causes trouble for a political lobby gets arrested for something, you can’t be sure that the charges are legitimate. It might be a simple case of that person angering people in power, who then planted evidence. Its a great way to get rid of people, as even the accusation of being in possession of child porn will ruin a person’s reputation beyond repair. Even people who are skeptical of police will believe stories when child abuse is involved.

  7. Ellendra
    Ellendra November 24, 2012 12:13 pm

    @JWG Wasn’t there an article in BHM a few years ago about a guy whose computer had a virus or something that downloaded the kiddie porn without his knowledge? If memory serves, it took a pretty tech-savvy lawyer to prove he didn’t do it.

  8. Pat
    Pat November 25, 2012 4:21 am

    “TriHealth required all 10,800 employees to get flu shots. This is the third year it’s issued terminations for failure to get vaccinations.”

    TriHealth must get a nice discount from the drug company.

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