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Wednesday links

  • How did this (ahem) “anti-gun” spokesguy keep such a straight face? (H/T jb)
  • Anybody seen The Lego Movie? Critics and audiences are loving it. Foxians have ranted that it’s anti-business. This review say’s its a hilarious and inspiring romp that savages crony capitalism and promotes all that we hold dear.
  • Sure. You’re an anti-gunner and you just “forgot” you carried your gun into an elementary school.
  • Yet another state proposes a law to make it lights out for the NSA.
  • LOL! Best comment yet on the latest unilateral delay by the Obamaites of their “signature” sort-of-a-law-until-we-say-it-isn’t.
  • “They” really do hate us for our freedom. It’s just that the “they” in question aren’t international terrorists.
  • The Netly equivalent of old-time art patrons, one dollar at a time. Great idea. (Via Ellendra in comments.)
  • Dog sculptures. Made of salvaged bike parts.


  1. jed
    jed February 12, 2014 3:56 pm

    AmericanMerc liked the Lego movie too. They celebrated day 10 with dinner and a movie.

  2. naturegirl
    naturegirl February 12, 2014 6:36 pm

    Thanks Claire and Ellendra. That site looks interesting…..I find the whole crowdsourcing surge intriguing. And sometimes it works for the least expected things, too.

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