If you donated $25 or more to the recent roof-raiser, don’t forget to claim your free autographed book(s).
I must have your mailing/autograph details by this Thursday, October 30. Just follow the instructions in the post linked above.
One batch of books went out last Friday. Another goes tomorrow. The final batch will go to the post office on Halloween.
I still haven’t received details from these people who said they wanted books: Shel, knitebane, MCR, and Richard S. So email me, please, guys. If you didn’t receive my email or you did and you think your reply may have gotten lost in the ether (been happening a bit lately), drop another comment on this post.
Thanks so much for the books, Claire! I know that they will eventually find their way into the hands of discerning young people searching for truth. I guarantee it. 🙂 And I think I’ll read my own special copy again tonight… love that story. 🙂