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Want a job at the DEA? Oh, the perks!

The Drug Policy Alliance has decided to “help” the DEA find a new leader. 🙂

Current drug-war boss Michele Leonhart is leaving because of the little matter of her agents hanging out* at sex parties funded by drug cartels. This could be an opportunity for you! (No, not the sex parties, though perhaps those, too. The boss job, silly.)


* No pun intended.


  1. Kent McManigal
    Kent McManigal May 15, 2015 5:27 pm

    Can I attend the sex parties without becoming a parasite?

  2. Claire
    Claire May 15, 2015 6:18 pm

    You can attend all the sex parties you get invited to or host yourself, Kent. Getting Columbian drug cartels to supply the hookers for you might be a little more difficult.

  3. MamaLiberty
    MamaLiberty May 16, 2015 5:10 am

    For some strange reason, I’m getting the impression that these “jobs” are harder to fill than they used to be. No big names, usually; most of those put into these positions are unknowns, and most don’t stay long.

    One day we may learn that the “prez” can’t find anyone who will take these jobs, at least not without something heavy with which to blackmail them. And the surveillance stuff is proving to be a two edged sword. Their misdeeds are so much easier to record and publicize now. This is a good thing, of course.

  4. Joel
    Joel May 16, 2015 6:43 am

    The spot was filled for eight solid years, according to the article, by a woman prepared to publicly insist she believes that smoking weed is no less dangerous than cooking meth. Clearly only the best of the best will do as head of the DEA.

  5. MamaLiberty
    MamaLiberty May 16, 2015 7:18 am

    Indeed, Joel. Only in government does what one person “believes” make policy and law for 315 million people. Of course, they must “believe” the right things to get the job. Facts are completely irrelevant.

  6. LarryA
    LarryA May 16, 2015 10:49 am

    Getting Columbian drug cartels to supply the hookers for you might be a little more difficult.

    Well, no. Getting the cartel to suppy Kent with hookers would be easy. It’s the payback after thats the problem. Which the agents should have figured out.

    But corruption is always a feature of the black market.

  7. Laird
    Laird May 18, 2015 9:29 am

    A brilliant ad.

    Saul Alinsky taught us that “ridicule is man’s most potent weapon”, and he was right. We don’t use it enough. This ad is also consistent with another of his rules, to “pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, polarize it”, although in this case it actually focuses on a position, not an individual. It gets to much the same place, though. Well done!

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