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What’s your goal in the 2016 presidential election?

Maybe you have some candidate you’re passionate to support. Or maybe your sole goal this election season is merely to (somehow, against all odds) remain sane until November. Or you simply want to minimize your exposure to the endless media noise. I don’t know.

But even if you try to tune out electoral politics, I suspect there’s still something you want out of this election above all else. For me (I just realized), my main interest in watching this circus is to see Hillary Clinton take a well-deserved fall from the high-wire of “inevitability.”

When she tumbled in 2008, the media attributed it less to her own innate, immeasureable horribleness than to Barack Obama’s sizzling charisma and organizational savvy. They eventually boosted her back up on the high-wire. Now, with her only opponent being an elderly socialist with a laughable loser’s history, her fall (should the media allow it) will be entirely on her.

Being that she’s the scummiest, phoniest, and least charismatic politician since Richard Nixon (and that’s saying something), I cannot wait to witness her collapse, whether it comes at the hands of Sanders fans or, better yet, the FBI. Given the bunch of jokers and clowns running in 2016, that’s the best outcome I think this election could bring. I just don’t know if I want it to happen quickly, say by Super Tuesday, or slowwwwwly, suspensefully, and agonizingly, taking down the entire Clinton dynasty with it. I want this so much I wouldn’t even care if it meant she got beaten in the general election by that foul authoritarian troll, The Donald. (Shudder. But there it is.)


  1. jed
    jed February 10, 2016 3:54 pm

    Much as I would like to say that I don’t give a rat’s ass about the presidential election, I do. I share your opinion on Hillary, and would like see the downfall happen as quickly as possible, so that the Clinton name vanishes from the public discourse. But even if she’s indicted, the media will continue to cover her. Ugh!

    But the thing I can’t get away from considering is that there is some possible big potential here, for things which will affect me later on. Supreme Court appointments, anyone?

    And I can hope that just maybe, with a Republican in the Oval Office, the ACA could be repealed, or at least mitigated.

  2. David "Shill for the IRS" Gross
    David "Shill for the IRS" Gross February 10, 2016 4:08 pm

    Although it would be a delight to see Hillary relegated to running a 3rd party campaign under the Connecticut for Lieberman ticket, my actual goal in this election is to convince more of my friends and loved ones not to vote in it:
    (Please Don’t Vote. It’s Worse than Worthless. There Are Alternatives.)

  3. Bob
    Bob February 10, 2016 4:12 pm

    In order of preference:
    1. I hope to see Hillary go down in flames, by being beat by The Bern.
    2. I hope to see her indicted, but only after losing to The Bern.
    3. I hope to see her in a jumpsuit.
    4. I hope to see Bill handcuffed to Cosby and their charges combined and tried together.
    5. I don’t see that it makes much difference who gets the top job. America is headed for some trying times, and they are not far off.
    Other than that, I might vote for Kasich.

  4. Bear
    Bear February 10, 2016 4:27 pm

    My goal is to keep my weight down despite all the popcorn.

  5. UnReconstructed
    UnReconstructed February 10, 2016 5:43 pm

    yeah, I do not think I could agree more. That vile harridan needs to go down, and with her the house of Klinton, with that smug detestable creep Billy boy. The hypocrisy of that teflon bastard calling Bernie Sanders a misogynist is beyond any telling. (mind you, I’m no fan of the septuagenarian socialist, but still).

    The Klinton ‘library’ needs to be burned down, the foundations bulldozed into the Mississippi, and salt sowed on the ground.

    Hopefully they will become another story that is used to frighten children into being good libertarians.

  6. Adam
    Adam February 10, 2016 6:06 pm

    If Trump and Sanders continue to show strong support from voters, the “establishment” Democrats and Republicans will find a way to twist party rules to favor their “chosen” candidates—primary voters be damned.

    In the 2012 primary season, Ron Paul won a clear majority of votes in my state, but the state Republican party changed the rules after the vote to rob Paul of the number of delegates he should have received.

    Watch for something similar from states or national party leaders.

  7. Ron Johnson
    Ron Johnson February 10, 2016 6:12 pm

    I want Hillary to get the Dem nomination, and then I want her to be indicted. Oh, the delicious chaos!

    Seriously, given the choice between Trump, Bernie, Hillary, Cruz, et al, I think I choose a cigarette and a firing squad.

  8. Fred
    Fred February 10, 2016 6:16 pm

    No more Bush’s and no more Clinton’s, finally! ah, Bush will probably get a cabinet post and my dream will be dashed. When will those people go away?

  9. Shel
    Shel February 10, 2016 6:37 pm

    Cruz has seemed to me to be someone the Republican establishment truly hates, which is a good thing. He also seems to be trying to stick up for the American people, as best as I can tell. Since the establishment hates him so much, even if he gets the nomination, they won’t support him enough to give him any chance of success. That happened with Republican candidates for governor and adjutant general in Virginia. The current administration, in one fell swoop, rescinded CCW reciprocity to 25 states.

    I’m sure there’s plenty of things wrong with Cruz; I’m just as sure I’ll be told about them here. I might as well know, ” whatever anguish of spirit it may cost.”

  10. Mr.shawn
    Mr.shawn February 10, 2016 8:31 pm

    I’m already getting what I want, watching both parties lose their minds over these outsiders who shouldn’t be here. the establishment candidates are generating zero excitement despite all the money behind their campaigns.

    I can envision in my mind a dejected Jeb going home to mom with tears in his eyes wondering why no one likes him.

  11. Kurt
    Kurt February 10, 2016 9:29 pm

    Aside from keeping my spit in my mouth should *any* of the Republicrat/Democan candidates come within a half mile?

    Seeing Hillary get cuffed at a campaign rally, Bernie winning overwhelmingly (humiliating the Republican candidate) so he’ll take the fall when the recession begins this year, and then next term a Libertarian taking office.


  12. Jim B.
    Jim B. February 10, 2016 11:09 pm

    Re: Clinton.

    I’d like to see her juuuust about within reach of the Presidental Ring only to finally crash and burn at the last moment, right into the orange jumpsuit.

    If by some fricking miracle she does make it to the Oval Office, then I’ll know for certain the game is SO rigged, it’s ridiculous.

  13. Bill St. Clair
    Bill St. Clair February 11, 2016 3:53 am

    Unless it contains the words”died suddenly”, I don’t want to read anything about Hillary Clinton.

  14. MamaLiberty
    MamaLiberty February 11, 2016 4:09 am

    As much as possible, I plan to ignore whomever is “elected,” just as I have for the last thirty years or so. Other than that, I just don’t care. And I share your sentiments, Bill. That would be a lovely headline at RRND. But really, she has so much company in crime and sheer perfidy. She should have lots of company on that day.

    Politician + lamp post/tree + rope = some assembly required. The impartial and effective solution nobody’s tried yet. sigh

  15. idahobob
    idahobob February 11, 2016 5:10 am

    I’m hoping for, but holding my breath, That her thighness gets indited, tried and put into prison.

    I expect that when she does fall, Biden will become the democrat nominee. Bernie is just waaaay to far out there for the main stream dems to stomach.

    The winners will probably be Trump with Cruz as VP.

    Will we see much change… The district of criminals is run by lifelong staffers, and they will not allow too many radical changes.



  16. Pat
    Pat February 11, 2016 6:47 am

    My goal is to get through the election without puking. My fantasy is to 1) see Hillary sent to prison, and 2) see politicians stop making promises they have no intention of keeping.

  17. MamaLiberty
    MamaLiberty February 11, 2016 7:30 am

    Hmmm, Pat… I’d much rather politicians couldn’t make promises. Too many of them do keep them these days. Bloomberg would promise to end individual gun ownership, for instance. 🙂 One of the current clowns has promised (the equivalent of) absolute civil war on a number of fronts. Don’t want to see those kept either, but I fear it will happen anyway.

    Remember that “civil war” means one set of thieves, liars and murderers fights to take over the government and reap the benefits themselves. None of them have any interest in freedom for the tax cattle.

    As for Hillary and puking… easy solution. Quit watching. 🙂

  18. Laird
    Laird February 11, 2016 8:06 am

    I rather like Bob’s order of preference (near the top of this thread). But not Kasich, though. I’ve watched him for a long time and never trusted him (not that you can trust any politician, of course, but I find him less believable than most). He’s neither reliably conservative on fiscal issues nor reliably liberal on social ones. i can see nothing there for a libertarian to support.

    Our primaries in SC are in a few weeks, and they’re open primaries which means I can vote in either one. I’m seriously considering voting for Bernie simply to stick my finger in Hillary’s eye (in furtherance of preference #1). I don’t fancy any of the Republicans (I would probably have voted for Rand Paul if he were still running, but he didn’t really excite me anyway). In the general election I shall undoubtedly vote for the Libertarian Party candidate (likely to be Gary Johnson again). Pointless in the immediate term, I know, but if he can garner enough votes the LP candidate will have to be included in future presidential debates, which is a win as far as I’m concerned.

  19. Pat
    Pat February 11, 2016 8:27 am

    ML- I don’t “watch” anything (except my computer); I don’t have a TV. But I do keep up with what’s going on in the world; as long as I live in it, I need to know what’s coming at me. As far as political promises are concerned – I did say it was a Fantasy, after all.

    In any case, it’s the election process that makes me want to puke – a process which gets longer, and more crudely childish, every election (beginning this year with the ego-Trumpeting of Trump as he threw his hat in the ring to start it all).

  20. TJ Madison
    TJ Madison February 11, 2016 8:59 am

    What do I want from this election? For it to be over. 😉
    So far this has been the most entertaining reindeer game in memory but, enough is enough.
    Perhaps, what I want most is what I have always wanted …. to be left alone; you know…. life, liberty etc. etc..
    Who do I support? LOL. No one and I do not foresee that changing. The best any one of these poseurs can hope to accomplish is earn my vote. So far, no one has risen anywhere near that threshold.
    When all is said and done I rather doubt I’ll be participating in the charade. It just encourages the oligarchy.
    Someone once wrote “Government is a concept, concepts change.” 🙂
    I’ve always been quite fond of that quote.

  21. Tom
    Tom February 11, 2016 9:55 am

    My goal this election is to help elect a candidate that advances the Freedom agenda.

    I was hoping Rand would have a real shot, but that’s already over. After getting significantly fewer votes in IA than his father did, I completely agree he needed to drop out.

    The TEA party people seem to have gotten behind Cruz, and I agree with them on a enough issues that I might join the Cruz bandwagon. However I’m not sure I agree with Cruz on enough issues. We’ll see.

    While I agree Hillary deserves serious jail time, there’s nothing I can do to see that happen. Plus even if there were, I don’t think I’d spend my time working to destroy someone (no matter how much they deserve it).

    On a more local level, I’m in Dave Brat’s district. The Cantor faction is working overtime to defeat him in the primary. Brat isn’t perfect, but he represents a major shift in the Republican party and making sure he gets re-elected will help advance much of the Freedom Agenda.

    I know I’m in a minority here, but getting involved and voting does work. Since Ron Paul’s campaign, we’re seeing major progress within the Republican Party. We still have a long way to go and a lot of work to do, but the alternative is pretty scary.

  22. LarryA
    LarryA February 11, 2016 9:57 am

    1. Clinton won’t be indicted; too big to jail.
    2. Saunders may win the popular vote, but Clinton will get the delegates she needs. (See jed’s post above.)
    3. The Republican circular firing squad will snatch defeat from the hands of victory, probably by nominating Cruz, who the MSM will push into running on right to life.

    My aims: Local elections. There are some differences I can make at city and county level, and a main concern at the state level should be keeping enough gun rights Representatives and Senators in Congress to block Clinton’s impending full-court gun control agenda.

    Claire, you may have the wrong bad example. Well, except for charismatic. But on the scummy/phony scale Lyndon Baines Johnson made Richard Nixon look like a choirboy.

  23. A.G.
    A.G. February 11, 2016 3:17 pm

    Once again I’m torn between the choice of the idealistic Goldwater/Reagan ticket or the more pragmatic Franco/Pinochet one. Things are so dire, methinks only Franco can get us out of this.

  24. Bear
    Bear February 11, 2016 4:36 pm

    Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead.

  25. A.G.
    A.G. February 11, 2016 5:13 pm


  26. Claire
    Claire February 11, 2016 5:16 pm

    “Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead.”

    All the more reason he deserves our vote. He’s setting a fine example for other politicians to follow.

  27. emdfl
    emdfl February 12, 2016 8:11 am

    The reason you think Nixon was the scummiest, etc. is because for 40+ years democraps and their fluffers have been writing the history. You could easily go back to Kennedy or more especially lbj to find someone who makes Nixon look like a piker in the scum game.
    And I’ll predict right now that the hilldabeast will not have any legal problems in spite of her treasonous activities.
    Anyone wandering why the State department went after the Clinton foundation records; if State has them, nobody else can get to them. Plenty of time for bad things to happen to computers and drives(can you say irs?) while they are in State’s custody.
    As a former State employee I can tell you that if I had committed any single act similar to her multiple felonious actions, I’d still be talking to my lawyer through the bars of my cell.

  28. Claire
    Claire February 12, 2016 8:51 am

    “The reason you think Nixon was the scummiest, etc. is because for 40+ years democraps and their fluffers have been writing the history. You could easily go back to Kennedy or more especially lbj to find someone who makes Nixon look like a piker in the scum game.”

    Oh, I have no doubt there have been politicians every bit as scummy as Nixon. In fact, I’m sure scumminess is the norm. I wasn’t referring to his scumminess factor alone, but that along with his utterly unlikeable personality, his commitment to secrecy, his whininess, his claim that he was just some innocent guy being persecuted for political reasons, and his cluelessness about the world outside his monied, establishment political bubble, etc. Nixon and Hillary have a great deal in common.

    As to why I consider Nixon to have been scum, you couldn’t be more wrong. I despise Nixon because I grew up watching him and lived politically in the shadow of his entire foul career. Not because the media targeted him while refusing to target their favorite Dems. Do you really think I’m that malleable, that stupid?

  29. Laird
    Laird February 12, 2016 10:18 am

    I have a very low regard for Nixon, too, but not for the reasons most people do. He was certainly no “scummier” than many others, and in fact probably less so (LBJ has already been mentioned, but Wilson was a pretty despicable character, too). True, he had an unappealing personality, but that’s unimportant. Nixon actually did some good things (opened up relations with China, got us out of Vietnam [which was Kennedy’s war which LBJ expanded and screwed up], etc.). Watergate was an irrelevancy; had Nixon not tried to cover it up it would have disappeared on its own. But he instituted wage and price controls, got the US off the last vestiges of a gold standard, and vastly expanded the welfare state, for all of which he can never be forgiven.

  30. tonk
    tonk February 12, 2016 2:44 pm

    I’ve been hoping for sometime now that some political jerkweed would say something so despicable that an islamic fool would nuke Washington DC while congress was in session and the president and all those running for the office were addressing them.

    I know it’s not really a goal but “I have a dream.”

  31. LarryA
    LarryA February 12, 2016 5:47 pm

    True, he had an unappealing personality, but that’s unimportant.

    One of Nixon’s problems was that he was the first president really covered by live television, and neither politicians nor the media had figured out how to manage the TV image yet.

    So personality is more important than it used to be, and can only be adjusted so far.

  32. pigpen51
    pigpen51 February 12, 2016 7:03 pm

    wasn’t the war on drugs Nixon’s baby as well?

  33. Claire
    Claire February 12, 2016 7:29 pm

    pigpen51. Good remembering. It was, indeed. Of course the ghastly war had been going on since Anslinger’s putrid campaign against pot, but Nixon really did make the mess his own — and bring the concept of wars by the state on the American public into our vocabulary and our experience.

  34. emdfl
    emdfl February 13, 2016 7:38 am

    I stand corrected on Nixon…
    And malleable/stupid are NOT words I would use in the same sentence as Claire Wolfe, having owned and read pretty much all her books since time of “One-Hundred and One Things…”

  35. Claire
    Claire February 13, 2016 10:13 am

    Thank you, emdfl. Very gracious of you. I know plenty of people who actually do like Nixon, or at least feel (with some justification) that he was singled out by the media while his equals in crime with Ds after their names got a pass. I also have to agree that LBJ was Nixon’s equal in creepiness.

    (LBJ didn’t whine, though; I guess that’s something. I do find it weird when people like Nixon and HRC reach the position of running for or occupying the “highest office in the land” and still whimper and sulk about how unfair the world has been to them.)

  36. Eric Oppen
    Eric Oppen February 13, 2016 9:41 pm

    My own dream scenario is for Shrillary to be making her acceptance speech at the Democratic convention, having got in on the superdelegates’ votes while the majority of real votes went to Bernie, when the FBI shows up to serve an arrest warrant on her. Right in front of the TV cameras. I’d have a joygasm just watching that. Can you imagine her reaction? “How DARE you common people arrest me? Don’t you know who I AM?” as she’s being dragged out of the convention in chains.

    And then, in revenge, the Clintons unleash all the dirt they’ve got on Democratic politicians, and even our servile press is having such a feeding frenzy on them that they’re willing to run it all, and the Democratic party implodes.

    I could see Obummer letting her have rope in order to hang her more completely; he and Michelle have never liked the Clintons, and the feeling is quite mutual. Now that Obummer is about to retire (speed the day, O Lord!) he might be willing to let the Democrat party blow itself up to get the Clintons back, once and for all.

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