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Wednesday links

Happened to be at the library and happened to have collected a bunch of interestingly open tabs. So here you go …

  • Five tips for making your social justice pecksniff hoax a success. 🙂
  • Barefoot Bandit boy, I’ve always felt kind of fond of you. As criminals go, you’ve got style and brains. You reimbursed your victims and you gave $100 to my favorite vet to help animals. But this is just dumbass stupid. Your mother smoked and drank herself to death on government money. Who, other than you, would want to bring her back to life? (H/T CB)
  • What to do if you have nothing to hide. The great up-and-coming freedomista Kit Perez (formerly Lange) nails it. (Via Matt at Sipsey Street)
  • Also from Matt. This one’s a hoot: “Tacticool Tuesday: How I learned to stop worrying and love my inner Geardo.”
  • In Russia, everything old is new again, says Nicki who’s in a position to know.
  • And it’s the same-old-same-old in the world of U.S. cops, too. So it’s okay to train a dog to potentially “rip the face off” any innocent person — infant, sleeping woman, hapless bystander — as long as it’s for “officer safety”?
  • Getting away from all that evil … Years ago, webmaster Oliver sent me a the catalog of the Museum of Bad Art. Smiling my way through it the other day, I wondered if the place still existed. Yes! And it’s growing. Here’s a portion of its fabulous collection, each piece worth as much as $6.50. And for those who simply must have these works prominently displayed on their coffee tables, the original catalog has now been supplemented by a collection of their masterworks.


  1. MamaLIberty
    MamaLIberty April 20, 2016 1:52 pm

    I don’t own a coffee table, but I do have a coffee table book… actually. Beautifully bound and rich with pop out and other features.

    Dragonology – The Complete Book of Dragons

    Wonderful to share with children and those who don’t ever intend to grow up.

  2. jed
    jed April 20, 2016 4:03 pm

    I’m not as tacticool as that geardo. Obviously, I need to catch up.

    Meanwhile, in Spain, more images from Fallas.

  3. DTSwede
    DTSwede April 21, 2016 10:52 am

    I find the “social justice pecksniff hoax” article and the article on police dogs being trained to bite the first person they see…..just to keep officers safe….an interesting commentary on today’s social climate. Everyone is trying to say that THEY and ONLY THEY can claim the moral high ground, and that therefor ANYTHING they do is justified in protecting “their side.”

    Anytime someone starts trying to justify horrendous acts on the basis of them being the good guys, it’s time to sit them down and have a serious talk.

    BTW, in the world of fun things that happen….it was delightful to me to find my “favorite author I know personally” (Ms Hemingway) quoted in the blog of my “favorite proponent of Freedom.”

  4. LarryA
    LarryA April 21, 2016 11:10 am

    The average person who has “no fear of persecution by cultural power structures”…is that you?

    Also, you might want to remember that “cultural power structures” change much faster than what you publish on the internet fades. Innocent today can be blasphemy tomorrow.

    Requiring police to keep their dogs leashed in the future would, he said, endanger officers who could have been confronting an armed burglar.

    The San Diego police are concerned with armed burglars, despite all that California gun control?

    Russia sounds like 1979 all over again. Unfortunately there isn’t anybody in the shallow pool of 2016 presidential candidates with a clue about how to counter someone like Putin.

  5. Pat
    Pat April 21, 2016 12:33 pm

    “Russia sounds like 1979 all over again. Unfortunately there isn’t anybody in the shallow pool of 2016 presidential candidates with a clue about how to counter someone like Putin.”

    And Putin knows it. He’s pushing hard now, just waiting for a twitchy trigger finger or fear-response. He’s goading the war-monger conservatives, and challenging Obama. And he’ll bring some of the Middle East with him when the fight begins.

  6. mark
    mark April 21, 2016 12:35 pm

    Lesson learned working in communications technology, Electronic communication is never private. Dance naked if you wish but never believe you won’t be seen. Encryption slows the busybodies down and is worth it just to make it harder for them to feed their perversions.

  7. Fred
    Fred April 21, 2016 1:22 pm

    I don’t know that all the art is bad. The picture of JEREZ THE CLOWN is creepy ugly. It’s bad unless that was the intent, in which case it’s pretty good. Portrait number 11.

    From the placard;
    “A perfect depiction of pure evil in the guise of childhood’s friend. This blending of big top themes with a piercing study of the dark side of human nature, elevates the well worn clown genre to a new and exhilarating level.”

  8. Claire
    Claire April 22, 2016 11:18 am

    BTW, in the world of fun things that happen….it was delightful to me to find my “favorite author I know personally” (Ms Hemingway) quoted in the blog of my “favorite proponent of Freedom.”

    DTSwede — How cool that you know Mollie Hemingway. She’s written some terrific stuff! How did you meet her?

    And yes, claiming the alleged moral high ground in order to perpetrate hoaxes, commit abuse, and even perpetrate atrocities is a sorry old human trait …

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