- It’s truly a disgrace that cops did nothing about this. But then, what would the cops themselves would have done if somebody pointed a flame-thrower at them? Since they can’t even bear to have a cell phone or a gun-shaped finger pointed in their direction …
- Don’t ever take your long and healthy life for granted.
- $208 million in tax breaks to create 50 jobs. Geez, why don’t they just pay 50 lucky people $4 million each and forget about the alleged job creation?
- And now, oh my lord, those snowflake cops who think the world is out to get them are trying to claim it’s racism. Yes, we hate them because they’re blue.
- Kit Perez: “So exactly what should you be doing?”
- This is how Canada talks. It ain’t just about “aboot,” you know.
- A small smile out of the devastation of Hurricane Harvey: a dog comes home carrying his own bag of dog food.
- ISIS suicide bomber would prefer 72 experienced sluts instead of the standard virgins.
Happy to add bunnyhug to my vocabulary.
Kit’s essay (coupled with her previous one) is most profound, especially in light of several issues she has raised on activism at the Cabal.
And the most profound of all is the admonition in her previous entry of Aug 24:
“Prep for the situation that IS, not the one you desperately want it to be.”
The reason all of those 72 women are still virgins is that after the suicide bombers blow their belts, they immediately separate their heads and junk from the gory mess they are spreading around. And how will Hussein take anyone’s virginity with his junk disintegrated? Duh.
Sometimes I think about the fact that I’ve already lived longer than most people throughout history did, so I guess it’s all icing on the cake from here on out.
Cops weren’t born cops, with no way to change, so hating cops is no more racism than hating rapists is. If you are hated for the nasty choices you make, you earned it.
It’s good to see a dog who has taken the time to put together a Bug Out Bag. If only more humans would follow his example.
72? I’d be thrilled with one!
Most cops don’t even wear blue anymore. So the color blue has nothing to do with why I distrust and avoid them.
The shooter in Charlotte looks like he’s wearing load-bearing MOLLE gear, not a “bullet proof vest.” Media typically can’t or won’t note the difference.
And gunshots are not that unique, or even uniform. It would be easy to miss one in the middle of a noisy crowd, and even if a cop identified a shot it’s difficult to tell which direction one unexpected gunshot comes from.
Demonstrations like the one in Charlotte are extremely dangerous places to be, and law enforcement hasn’t figured out how to deal with them. It’s only time before one of them goes horribly wrong.
Which plays into Kit’s essay.
Note: These days “camo” isn’t camouflage.
What Kit said;
I wouldn’t mind a bunnyhug. How about Miss March 1982?
Language is a funny thing. Used to encounter it more often, but lately I know only one person who says, “drouth”, “trought”, and “strenth”. I wonder if people in WI are still using “bubbler” for a water fountain.
Is it racist to hate gang banging murders and thieves with badges,i think not.They EARNED their reputations,period.
Our LEO have reached banana republic level.
Remember,murdering with tazers is YOUR fault for being ‘out of shape’
Im totally fed up with them.
Cowards,killers,thieves….and above all laws.BS!!!
Call me contrarian, but I see nothing wrong with the government cutting taxes to encourage economic growth, however feeble. Cutting taxes as a strategy is tacit admission that taxes depress economic activity, and if you want to encourage investment you’ll want to eliminate taxes for more than just Apple.
So, far from complaining about the ‘tax breaks’ given to Apple, I complain that I am not getting ‘tax breaks’, too. I say, “tax breaks for everyone!”
Oh, I know, lots of people can’t imagine the government, any government, getting by with less money. But I always ask, what in heaven’s name do we get for our tax money? Roads, they say. Hrrrmph. A relatively minor expense. Police! Hrmmph. I could hire a private cop of my own for the taxes I pay, instead of the car-riding, donut-eating, MRAP driving show dogs we have around here. Schools! Hrmmph. I had to pay for my son’s schooling because the tax funded schools were failing him so badly (I want a refund). Let Apple keep their millions and produce 50 productive jobs. At least that is a positive result, meager though it is.