Basics of Resistance, which we hope (cross fingers) will be the first in a series called The Practical Freedomista, is DONE!!!!
Kit Perez and I have been busting our buns to meet an Amazon deadline dictated by our planned pre-release and launch schedules. I’ve been editing; Kit’s been laying the book out for Kindle and inputting my changes. And she just uploaded it:
This is Kit’s first book ever. It’s my first in … oh, how many years? Loooooong time. I’d forgotten what a hectic time those last few weeks could be. This is also my first self-published book, and I don’t think I’d have enjoyed navigating layout.
Kit not only plunged into the layout work, but about two minutes after uploading the Kindle version, she’s already working on the paperback. And on marketing.
Me, I’m enjoying a huge, unhealthy breakfast. I’ll post some links in a bit, but then I’m taking the rest of the day off. Maybe catch up on some emails to a friend who’s approaching a very deep moment of his life this week.
Our book is aimed at a youngish libertarian/anarchist/general freedomista audience, and especially those who are serious enough to think about resisting and organizing resistance to tyranny in the long term. (But we won’t complain if a lot of others want to read it.) We focus on non-violent (but not passive!) forms of resistance.
Pre-orders for the Kindle version open April 1 at the one-time-only price of $0.99. Full launch is April 19, at which time the price goes to $3.49.
Details on the print-on-demand paperback are still to come.
CONGRATS you two !!! Well done and I can’t wait to read it!!
Good on ya, kiddo!
There’s no such thing as an unhealthy breakfast. 🙂
Please don’t forget to give us a heads-up on Saturday for the Sunday rollout.
Thank you, guys! And stencil, I’m sure we’ll give that heads-up. Kit’ll probably make me do it if I forget. She has a very detailed and heavy marketing plan. But don’t worry; that $0.99 price will be good until the 19th. We know with the 1st being Easter not many will place orders immediately.
Then on or around the 19th, we’re planning some sort of launch event. Well, Kit’s planning it; I’m just saying don’t make me appear in public. Anything but that. 🙂
Congratulations! Can’t wait to see it.
Congratulations. And am interested to see what other parts of the series are about.
Maybe Kit could make Launch Day on the 15th – BAG Day, or the 17th – Tax Day this year.
Put me down for a half dozen dead tree ones when they come available.
Half a dozen, Comrade X? I hope more buyers are like you. 🙂 (This is a book I hope many older, experienced freedomistas will give to their younger cohorts.)
And Pat, Kit did have it set for April 15. I suggested the change to April 19 because I wanted the connection to rebels and freedom fighters more than compliant victims.
That makes better sense, Claire.
I’ll want the dead tree version too! Congrats!!
Oh,will you be able to autograph our books,or will that be logistically impossible?
Yep, congratulations! Across the past year, all that house progress, oh, and a book, too pretty impressive.
More thank yous. 🙂
fred — The logistics don’t look good for autographed copies. We are going to give a few of them as prizes in a meme-generating contest going on over at the Cabal. But we’ll have to do that by buying individual copies then sending them back and forth between Kit and me. Complicated.
Still … once everything is set up on Amazon and the book is launched, we may also look at ways we can offer books more directly.
I know your view of Amazon, but I have to tell you that they’re really THE company that makes most self-publishing feasible (for instance, Kit and I would have faced $250 in upfront costs just to buy ISBNs; publish on Amazon and ISBNs are free). So we begin with them and later see if we can offer an alternative for those who won’t use Amazon.
“The logistics don’t look good for autographed copies. We are going to give a few of them as prizes in a meme-generating contest going on over at the Cabal. But we’ll have to do that by buying individual copies then sending them back and forth between Kit and me. Complicated.”
What, you two ain’t doing a book store tour?
“What, you two ain’t doing a book store tour?”
Excuse me while I faint dead away at the very thought.
Please make it avaliable other than through Amazon. Can you bulk sell to gunshow book dealers, at a price they can show a profit ?
R.L. — We definitely hope to make it available beyond Amazon. But that will depend on what kind of prices/deals we can get for printing on demand.
We don’t have the money to print and warehouse hundreds or thousands of books. Nor, really, does the publishing world work that way these days (except for some of the big houses).
If we can get good deals for ordering multiple copies, print-on-demand, we will. And we’ll try to sell both autographed copies and discounted copies to people who want to resell. But at this moment I have no idea how or whether that works. Once we launch on Amazon, we’ll have more time to look into it.
I know your view of Amazon, but I have to tell you that they’re really THE company that makes most self-publishing feasible (for instance, Kit and I would have faced $250 in upfront costs just to buy ISBNs; publish on Amazon and ISBNs are free). So we begin with them and later see if we can offer an alternative for those who won’t use Amazon.
When its us USING Amazon and not the other way around I have no issues.I think its the greatest thing in the world youre getting your book out there,and I will have ZERO issue buying it there either.Hey,even if I did have an issue I would still buy your book there.Because you are good.
I cant do the kindle,hurts my eyes to read novels on a screen,only reason I havent ordered already 🙂
Thought signing might be an issue,thats OK.Just getting signed books are fun is all.
Again,congrats.Very awesome.Some day I want to buy a painting but disposable income is 5 years off yet.