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Book update: Guns were jumped

Well, well, well.

Don’t ask me how it happened; I wasn’t there. But sometime today Amazon began taking pre-orders for Basics of Resistance and announced to the world that the book’s release date is April 1.

It’s not. It’s April 19. But as of the moment I’m posting, Amazon still hasn’t updated and is still accepting pre-orders for the Kindle version.

Dunno what you’ll find when you get there. But here’s an Amazon link you can use anywhere and share with your friends. And and here’s one of my Amazon links for use only at the blog.

We thought the date was fixed. It should be. In the meantime, you might still get in on early pre-ordering.


Since we’re talking about guns being jumped, you can also have a first look at the book’s website, We’ve already posted an excerpt.

This first is a rather prosaic selection — an introduction explaining who the book is for. But we’ll be posting other tidbits once a week for the next several weeks and those should be a little more info-rich.


  1. brew
    brew March 28, 2018 3:53 pm

    re: the Date — I blame the Russkies!!!!!!!!!!!! Damn commies…

  2. Bill T.
    Bill T. March 28, 2018 4:00 pm

    Pre-order just worked for me. Now just waiting impatiently for the dead tree version. I still like to see them on my shelf.

  3. Joel
    Joel March 28, 2018 4:01 pm

    It’s Trump, I tell you! Nothing works since he came along!

    Damned Trump.

  4. Pat
    Pat March 28, 2018 4:26 pm

    That’s a nice-looking website – very clean and well-organnized. Kudos to whomever.

  5. Claire
    Claire March 28, 2018 4:34 pm

    The kudos go to Kit. The site is entirely her work.

    (Apparently neither Trump nor the Russians got to her.)

    Thanks for the pre-orders. 🙂 We’ll be working on the print-on-demand paperback in the next few days, hoping to release it around April 19, too.

  6. Fred M.
    Fred M. March 28, 2018 5:13 pm

    Just placed an order and Amazon noted the Book “will be auto-delivered to your Kindle on April 19, 2018.”

  7. Claire
    Claire March 28, 2018 5:26 pm

    Oh good. I’m glad they corrected the delivery date, but also glad they’re still accepting pre-orders. Thank you for letting me know.

  8. wetcoyote
    wetcoyote March 28, 2018 6:55 pm

    Just pre ordered like Fred M and it shows the 19th as well so it shows right for that, but wasn’t the pre orders not supposed to be ready to grab before the 1st?

  9. larryarnold
    larryarnold March 28, 2018 7:18 pm

    Love the Kit/Wolf logo.

  10. Joel
    Joel March 29, 2018 6:15 am

    Basics of Resistance is the first volume of The Practical Freedomista series, and is designed for anyone who loves individual freedom enough to take individual action to save or restore it.


  11. Claire
    Claire March 29, 2018 6:26 am

    “wasn’t the pre orders not supposed to be ready to grab before the 1st?”

    That’s right. Pre-orders were supposed to begin on the first. For reasons unknown, Amazon made it “pre-orders now; delivery on the first.” Kit was able to fix the delivery date (though we will be penalized for our “late launch” if we publish a second book within the year), but the pre-order date was already out of the bag. The ways of Amazon are mysterious.

  12. Claire
    Claire March 29, 2018 6:29 am


    We are thinking about it and we went back and forth about whether to say “book 1” on the cover. I feared that would overpromise and jinx us. But there were other reasons for going ahead and calling it that. So yeah. Series. We have a couple ideas in mind. But this has been real WERK and don’t think we’ll get to a second book any time soon.

    Besides, I now have to get going a third edition of The Freedom Outlaws Handbook.

  13. Claire
    Claire March 29, 2018 6:37 am

    “Love the Kit/Wolf logo”

    🙂 Even I think that was a small stroke of genius. Thank you.

  14. Claire
    Claire March 29, 2018 2:28 pm

    I should add that the line about it being a series isn’t in the book. That’s something Kit added to the excerpt. I didn’t know it was there until after you pointed it out, Joel, and I went back and compared the online version to what’s in the book.

    In the book, that excerpt starts out: “This book is for anyone who loves individual freedom enough to take individual action to save or restore it.”

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