- Return her stolen land to Susette Kelo.
- Is the UK the most dangerous nation on the planet? (I think it’s tongue-in-cheek, but you can never be quite sure in these strange days.)
- Newark police make it easy for everybody to spy on everybody else.
- Wendy McElroy: Cryptocurrencies will be regulated, so let’s regulate with common law, not civil law.
- Should universities teach “indigenous ways of knowing”?
- An interview with Doug Ritter, founder of Knife Rights.
- This week’s v*te in Ireland to allow abortion isn’t just about abortion, but about repudiating the abusive political power of the Catholic church. These are people who overthrew English rule after centuries of failure, only to find themselves under the boot of a different kind of tyrant.
- Aliens land in Oklahoma! Well, not quite. But the photos are surreal. (H/T BD)
- Oh yes, yes, yes; wait for the wonderful dogs to appear. (I’m pretty sure the makers of that video are fans of the great Hungarian film White God.)
The fundraiser has met — and surpassed! — goal, thanks to 53 fabulous donors. It has 5-1/2 more days to run, though. So you can still v*te your support for Living Freedom. As John says in comments (and in his own unique style), “You some few, out there, a little more of $5 and $10 is win. Because, well, isn’t it?” A little more of $5 and $10 is definitely a win and every dime will be put to good use. See the sidebar for ways you can join in the fun.
Read this to learn to recognize the true signs of a drowning person.
“Drowning Doesn’t Look Like Drowning”
Then, read this to learn what a non-trained rescuer can do to help a drowning person.
“More Myths About Drowning”
Re Ireland: Possibly one of the best political adds ever from Rise and Repeal
My understanding of Killo is that it derived from a precedent back in the early days of urban renewal. SCOTUS, with no access to a dictionary, decided that “public benefit” was the same as the “public use” mentioned in the Constitution.
Indigeneering? “All too often, Western science will make a so-called discovery after years of research really confirming what elders have been telling us for decades, for tens of thousands of years in some cases,” one of the conference hosts told the CBC. “
Okay. Name one.
Name one? The Pacific Yew tree is useful.
Doug Ritter is all about Doug Ritter. And thats being nice.
White God,I go with the dogs on this one,Mrs has revoked my remote control privileges. 🙁
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Da Bones approves of your video & movie links!
Wait…what? Some Irish are mad at the Catholic church so they’re going to kill their own children! Somebody should check the potable water systems for heavy metals.
A couple of years ago on a small lake in the Ocala National Forest, five people without life jackets went out in a canoe. There was a woman about 50 years old, her 31 year old son, a younger son and two children of the older son. The canoe capsized, predictably. The younger son took care of the children. The older son went after his mother, who dragged him down with her. Clearly he didn’t understand the simple expedient of holding on to the canoe and sticking a foot out for her to grab. Worse for the children, of course, is that they watched it happen. I remember some funny advice from a Red Cross lifesaving course taken several decades ago. One of the numerous approaches was the front surface technique. The instructor’s advice was never to use it but to circle around the person to get in from behind. If the person had the strength to turn and face the rescuer, wait until they couldn’t.
Dana, I doubt that the indigenes used the yew for cancer treatment.
Interesting timing about knife laws, since this Judge want to file down kitchen knives.
“Butchers and fishmongers do, but how often, if at all, does a domestic chef use the point of an eight-inch or ten-inch knife? Rarely, if at all.”
– said by the Judge
Guy obviously don’t know a thing about cooking. Ever tried slicing a London Broil with a 3 inch knife? There’s reasons kitchen knives are the way they are, dumb*ss.