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  1. mark leigh
    mark leigh July 1, 2018 2:30 pm

    I started working full time at 17 while a highschool junior. Necessity not choice. Never any choice since work or starve.;

  2. Scott
    Scott July 1, 2018 3:39 pm

    A mother cat had her kittens under the air plenum of my old Nissan…I didn’t go anywhere for four days by car, until I could get them out safely. Had I not seen the cat hop up under the car, I wouldn’t have known. I found them homes, including the mother. Fast forward a few years, to my new(er) Nissan. On my way to work, I heard a loud thumping from under the car..thinking it was a constant velocity joint, I pulled over-but the noise continued. I opened the hood and a cat popped out and ran off. Must be something about Nissans. Oumuamua …sounds like a song you’d hear on the old Dr. Demento Show.

  3. Larry Arnold
    Larry Arnold July 1, 2018 7:23 pm

    So there’s this “armed robber” in a French prison, and (3+1+2) six armed confederates show up to break him out. European gun control is working so well.

    Maybe we shouldn’t start working full time until we’re 40.
    Dunno. There are several habits necessary for successful full-time jobs, and 40 seems a bit late to start building them. Plus, there are many jobs that do “involve intense physical labor.” And I think it would be a great benefit to introduce young people to FICA and its relations.

    I’d rather propose several years of employment between high school and college.

  4. Ron Johnson
    Ron Johnson July 2, 2018 3:07 am

    I’m more inclined to have people start working younger than older. And teach them to stay out of debt. There’s a lot of freedom from not owing anybody, so you can decide to stop working to raise kids, travel, or whatever. It’s debt obligations that tie us down.

    Besides all that, the article doesn’t do much to explain how a 35 yr old mother of three is going to live if SOMEBODY in the family is not working full time. The new paradigm is that the 80 yr olds will pay for it? I wonder how old she is?

  5. Jim Brook
    Jim Brook July 2, 2018 6:00 am

    “Armed gunmen” created a diversion for The Phantom’s escape. Is there such a thing as an unarmed gunman? Don’t worry, though, Clouseau always gets his man, even if he has to track him all the way to Lausanne.

  6. Comrade X
    Comrade X July 2, 2018 8:07 am

    Teaching your children to break the law is just telling your children that when tyranny becomes law rebellion is your duty!

  7. Mark Call
    Mark Call July 2, 2018 9:36 am

    “A Stanford researcher says we shouldn’t start working full time until age 40…”

    Says WHO? Some of us began working about the same time we learned to shoot. Maybe there’s a correlation, there.

    In any case, in a free society (what a concept) we’d start working when our parents helped us to be ready, and “retire” when we decided, and were good and ready. (Some of us, of course, never “retired” but simply changed or expanded our calling.)

    And since when does partial return of the purloined sweat of our own brow dominate the equation?

  8. Larry Arnold
    Larry Arnold July 2, 2018 10:50 am

    Is there such a thing as an unarmed gunman?

    Several times in the military I stood guard mount or marched in parades with unloaded rifles.

    And there were photos circulated showing Marines marching in President Obama’s inauguration with the bolts removed from their rifles.

    And, of course, if a Darwinized BG tries to rob people with a fake gun, he’s a “gunman” for the purposes of self-defense.

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