- So the nominee is Kavanaugh and he’s a good Second Amendment guy (though not so good on other issues).
- But the Supremes have helped destroy the concept of “consent of the governed.”
- Urban desperation: Paying $650 a night to go “glamping” (glamor camping).
- Via Wendy McElroy, the first Seasteading project moves ahead.
- F*c*b**k and Reason to the contrary, sometimes savagery should be called savagery.
- His wife died in a mass shooting. Now he’s working with the murderer’s lawyer to fight prosecutorial misconduct.
- Tom Mullen at FEE asks, “Does the federal government have authority to regulate immigration?
- The dead of Stonehenge tell their life stories.
- You white-collar guys might want to share this news with your bosses. Your tight necktie might be choking your brain. (Well, it’s worth a try, anyhow; ties are so uselessly dumb.)
- Should you let your dog lick your face?
- People share words that changed their lives.
I think the article about “consent of the governed” is way off base. The author is talking about Supreme Court decisions made in the 20th century, but the concept of consent of the governed was done away with by the War Between the States. If the governed can’t withdraw their consent, then there’s no real consent involved.
“it is NOT racist, and it is NOT hate speech, to state what is true.”
Glamping. Hmm. If I were forced to live in NYC, I’d happily spend $200 a night to sleep under canvas in an uncrowded campground.
Kind of like being on Safari with a camp staff to tend to your every need. But much cheaper. Plus: no hippos, hyenas, mambas, or crocodiles who don’t like American accents.
Glamping: ” The Willmotts go camping often, but driving outside the city and packing up all that gear adds a level of difficulty and stress.”
Words fail me. Really.