- New York state finally makes it illegal for cops to rape people in their custody. Too late for “Anna Chambers,” though — the 18-year-old who dared defy their morally and legally corrupt system.
- The devoutly anti-gun Business Insider suddenly likes concealed carry reciprocity when it’s viewed as a way for interstate truckers to protect themselves. (But why didn’t the R’s push this legislation through in 2017-18 when they controlled both houses and had a real chance?)
- And here you thought opening a lemonade stand was a crime! Try shoveling your Grandma’s driveway without a permit. (H/T MtK)
- But speaking of real crimes, three clients/accomplices of evil serial SWATter Tyler Barriss have been charged in federal court. May they be separated from decent human beings for a long, long time. (And yes, cops who turn up ready to murder people, driven by no real evidence, should go away, too.)
- Is there any group of racists The New York Times doesn’t love? Oh yeah, there’s that one …
- Thomas Merton: Taking a vow of silence in a noisy and chaotic world.
- Six manly crockpot recipes, beginner level and a notch or three above.
- I can’t speak to the quality of the reportage or the justice involved, but the headline may be the second-best ever: “Radical hippie dwarf sentenced to 27 years …”*
- Jules Feiffer, the wondrously neurotic cartoon chronicler of the 1960s, turns 90 and draws the story of how he created his famously intellectual dancer. (I think you hadda be there to really get it.)
- Iowahawk and SixStringTweets collaborate on a good old 1930s-style union worker protest song. It’s in (dubious) support of the tragically laid off opinion workers of HuffPo and BuzzFeed. (H/T PowerLine Blog.
- A cool glimpse of the history of the Principality of Sealand.
* The best-ever also involved a dwarf. Which I assume is entirely coincidental. And it was a fictional headline on fictional tabloid and the author had a whole book to work up to it.
I remember reading Thomas Merton poems in college…and totally missing the point. Now, after reading a few wonderful passages, I feel compelled to read the story of his conversion, if only for the lush language. I’ll add it to the pile on my nightstand.
The article on Jules Feiffer was good. The article immediately following Feiffer was even better. It dissected the “Cool Guy” phenomenon of self-flagellating feminist men. It didn’t mention Gillette, but it could have. I recognized many of my son’s art school friends in the description. (Article by Kat Rosenfield).
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Nice Merton find. If you’d like the book it is excerpted from, lemme know.
And I still have no idea why cookies follow me all over the web but not at one of the two sites I frequent enough for them to be helpful. :/