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Will Grigg: The most liberating word

I expect a lot of people will have already seen this piece from the amazing Will Grigg today. But I just had to have it here for posterity.

“The most liberating word” is NO.

(And would that the Rs really were “the party of no,” as the Ds have taken to calling them. Then we might have a shot at political freedom. Instead, the responsibility of “no” falls to us.)


  1. Jackie Juntti
    Jackie Juntti February 16, 2010 1:25 pm

    The R’s are the party of *no*
    NO, we won’t do what we say
    NO, we will not govern according to the Constitution.
    NO, we aren’t really different than the D’s we just dress differently hoping to fool the voters.
    NO, we won’t repeal any of the legislation we helped the D’s pass.
    NO, we won’t give up all the perc’s we have voted for ourselves.

    How much more NO can the R’s get??

  2. Claire
    Claire February 16, 2010 4:09 pm

    Hey, Jackie. Nice to see you. 🙂 And I gotta admit, you got a point there. Damnit.

  3. George Potter
    George Potter February 17, 2010 12:09 pm

    Grigg is right. And the truth he speaks holds water even down to the most personal level. As I wrote on my blog today:

    Let me tell you something, it’s scary how fast such things can become normal. If my stomach (never in the best of shape) hadn’t rebelled and I hadn’t (in a strange 2am lucid moment in front of a bathroom mirror) realized that I’d lost a good 10-15 lbs from my already scrawny frame, I may well have drank myself into oblivion, laughing drunkenly.

    Instead, I marshalled what will and determination I had and said ‘No.’ To myself more than anyone else. And, yep, after a rough few days, I started to feel better.

  4. Gregabob
    Gregabob February 17, 2010 10:07 pm

    All I can say is –wow–Will Grigg’s article is…..empowering, as was the video clip. How appropriate for our times. Thanks for posting it.

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