Whew. All that philosophizing I’ve done in the last week has worn me out. I need a vacation!
Oh … wait. I’m already taking one. In fact, I’m leaving this afternoon for the Big City, then heading to Parts Unknown — Furrin’ Parts, even! — early tomorrow. Won’t be back for nearly a month.
But I’ll be in touch. Sometimes, I’ll be in the wilds — those deep, dark places where they don’t even have modems, let alone wifi. But thanks to the magic of delayed post-scheduling, when I do land in (relative) civilization, I should be able to throw several posts into the pot and keep ’em coming.
Don’t look for something every day. But don’t wander too far off, either. I like having you around and I’ll do my darnedest to earn my keep. 🙂
No post tomorrow, for instance. But one is already waiting to leap out from behind the curtain on Friday.
While I’m gone, webmaster Oliver will approve the comments and keep the comment spammers (that scurvy lot) away.
Have I covered everything? Did I bring my passport? Did I remember to pack my underwear? Will the dogs pine away while I’m gone? Will the TSA think my water purifier is a weapon of mass destruction? Will the water purifier and all those darned shots actually work???
These questions, and more, shall be answered in due time. (Though I’ll probably keep the answer to the underwear question to myself.)
Bon Voyage!
Have a great time, Claire. Here’s to recharging the mind and spirit.
*hugs* Be careful, dammit. I’ll worry till you say you’re back safe, but I’ll try to not worry too hard. 😛
Have fun, sis. 🙂
Hey Claire,
Would those *parts unknown* become *known* with the new scanners??? Line the undies with aluminum foil to *foil* them TSA snoops. I’d use lead and tell them I known nothing but folks have told me I have had lead in my azz.
Have a great one – wherever it takes you. If you get down this away – you have my email let me know and you can bunk here if you want
Have fun and don’t pose for the scanners (unless you want to). I hope they let you back into the country when you wanna come back.
Have a nice trip, Claire!
Have a great time, make sure to keep you eye’s and your mind wide open
Vaya Con Dios.
Have a great trip! I’m glad you’ll have a way to keep us curmudgeons happy with our regular trips to your blog! Be careful and I look forward to traveling vicariously through you.
If you fly over the Great Basin, give a wave. Enjoy your journey